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by Subhi_cotocreator on Jun 27, 2023

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226 posts

Expect this ground to be your comfort zone helping you build a strong emotional and mental background. We pay the utmost priority to mental health here and intend to spread the word. Feel free to talk about just anything here no one would judge you rather appreciate you for being you!

🧠 Mental Health
Grief Counselling

I am going through a lot, unemployed, emotionally broken, insecure about my body and what not. I just don't have the urge to do more. I am broken

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Rituals & Practicescommented 64 days ago

Hello Thank you for sharing this. Sharing is the first step towards healing. I can understand this must be really hard for you. You have to remind yourself that it's just a phase and I can get over it. Also, it's okay to ask for help so please talk to someone you really feel comfortable with or take help of a professional. We are here for you.

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Disorderscommented 89 days ago

Believe and pray. these 2 are your medicine right now. do not forget that God does take tests on everyone and this is yours. keep calm and chin up. keep yourself busy in other things and you shall shine!

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