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by Chitra Kannal on Feb 27, 2023

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My name is Chittrah Kanal , one husband 😅, 2 kids & 15 years of expertise in Zumba, yoga, and functional training ( mostly body weight work) . Bharat Natyam Dancer turned wedding choreographer turned fitness trainer & now a holistic fitness Content creator . Through engaging and dynamic content, I aim to inspire healthier lifestyles , wellness practices & movement mentality. Whether it's through energetic Zumba routines, serene yoga sessions, or effective functional training home workouts or fitness tips , I love to help & reach out to men , women & kids across age groups achieve their fitness goals. And remember fitness is mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual and hence physical and then social 😊!!!

⏲️ Fitness
Weight Loss

Sweet craving option and alternative for summers and super energising and fibrous !!!! You agree ?

Sweet craving option and alternative for summers and super energising and fibrous !!!! You agree ?
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Leadership and Performancecommented 78 days ago

True that Huda, I love it too !!!

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Bakingcommented 86 days ago

I love watermelon 🍉 it's my go to fruit in Ramadan ✨✨

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i was diagnosed with lymph stage 2 what’s the most suitable nutrition routine for me?
Best product are forever Aloe Vera product. DM me for more updates
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Think better > feel better > live better
شهادة وثقة أعتز بيهم جداً ❤️❤️❤️
ربنا يكرمك ده من ذوقك 🥰
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Many of my clients train and train so well and regularly but then go back to eating to non supportive and non nourishing the body ways of eating , I urge you all to exercise and eat to energise your bodies , sleep well rest and recovery is super important to let your muscles recover and get stronger, try to aware of stress and learn means and ways to manage it!!!! Its not a lot it all can be prioritised hence planned and worked out !!!! Here’s a recipe to help you stay on track 😊!!! #fitnessmotivation #healthyeatingideas
Such an important point! The healthy body we want is actually made at home, through our diet, number of hours we sleep and how we manage stress. Thanks for sharing this!
Wow..thats so nutritional, easy and luks yummy. Im definitely gonna try
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Make the right choice and....REPLACE #replace #avoid morningtea
receipe of all these tea plz
Hi there, I hope you are well. -As a nutritionist, I personally feel that there isn't a need to replace morning tea/coffee. -A person can consume his/her tea/coffee in moderation with less sugar :) - We need to wake up healthy and happy, and if that cup of tea makes one happy, I'd always let it remain :)
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Hello,This is Dr.Jasmin from Andheri West Mumbai, practicing Advanced Acupuncture since 12 years and successful in treating vast cases when people loose hope trying other treatments.Alsi specialist in pulse diagnosis and cosmetic acupuncture.Please feel free to connect for details
I'm a housewife and after completing all the daily chores, my lower back hurts a lot. What can I do to relieve the pain?
I really face pain of cervical. I have to sit on a chair for atleast 8 hours a day. Any tips?
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Nourish your mind with some fun nutrition facts! #NutritionFacts #FoodFacts #HealthyLiving
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Adding a splash of vibrant colors to your plate not only brightens your meals but also boosts your health! 🌈 Let's celebrate Holi by adding more colors to our diets for a nutritious and flavorful journey! #HealthyHoli
happy Holi
Happy Holi to all the ladies 🥰🥰
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Healthy eating is boring or are we lazy to be creative 😂😂😂!!! Trust me its not so hard if you make up your mind to be fit healthy energetic strong pretty gorgeous younger it’s all in your control, take charge , be the leader of your life and exercise every day , move every day , eat to nourish your body , rest well, love your self , have gratitude for your body and let go your mental blocks of what your body can do , your body is magic , it only keeps getting better every day !!! #eathealthy #stayfit #fitnessmotivation #fitwithchitraa
I know what a lovely way to have sandwichi feeling and add no bread and still nourish the body na ….
I do this so often Chitraa and I absolutely love it ✨✨
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1. Drink natural Bone Broth 2. Cut down on sugar consumption 3. Avoid Alcohol 4. Consume Vitamin C rich foods ; bell pepper, kiwi, broccoli, strawberry, guava, oranges,.. 5. Skin protection against UV 6. Check with your skincare health provider if you are in need for Vitamin C and/or collagen supplementation 7.Boost your HGH by deep sleep from 10pm-2am when the body has produced the max melatonin which also repairs collagen.
Thank you 💕

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