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Siblings Love/Hate ❤️🤞

by AshMegha on Apr 27, 2023

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254 posts

Alright, buckle up folks, and welcome to the Sibling Love-Hate Community - the chillest spot for all you cool cats navigating the wild world of sibling dynamics. We're here to spill the tea on the drama, laugh at the ridiculousness, and share those iconic moments that only a sibling can truly understand. From savage sibling roasts to bonding over shared childhood embarrassments, this place is all about keeping it real and relatable. So grab your snacks and get ready for a whole lot of love, a splash of hate, and a whole bunch of hilarious sibling sagas. Let's dive in, fam! 😎👊

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I want to try using dating apps but seeing all the scandaleous documentaries on Netflix and Prime, I am kind off scared to try them out. Are they safe enough?? Can privacy be maintained in it??

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Trendinganswered 38 days ago

They can be safe if used cautiously, before meeting give yourself time and try enquiring and look at the person through social media/linkedin etc

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New Mothersanswered 37 days ago

To ensure safety on dating apps, start by thoroughly vetting potential matches before meeting in person. Use reputable platforms with safety features and privacy settings. Avoid sharing personal information such as your full name, address, or workplace until you're comfortable. Trust your instincts and report any suspicious behavior to the app's support team. Arrange first meetings in public places and inform a friend or family member of your plans. Consider video calls before meeting in person to verify identities. Always prioritize your safety and well-being.

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New Mothersanswered 37 days ago

Yes. you can use dating apps. I wouldn't say that they are completely safe. But you have to use it cautiously. Don't just swipe away any random guy, also don't share your personal details anyone on the app.

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answered 26 days ago

Hey, hope you are doing well. I understand, dating apps can bring a lot of doubt and insecurity. It’s important to make sure that whoever you match with is genuine and real. Nowadays, dating apps have ways to figure out who is a real Person and what is a fake profile. Secondly, if you plan to meet the person, make sure you are being safe. Prepare yourself for the worst. And thirdly, lay ground rules and communicate your expectations properly. That way, there will be less misunderstandings. All the best 🌼

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اهلا بيكي 😊 طبعا الموضوع يعتمد علي حاجات كتير بس هسالك شويه اسئله توصلك ١-ايه اللي مخليني متعلقه بيه ؟ ٢-ايه المرهق فشخصيته ومتقبلاه لحد فين؟ ٣- لو الشخص دا اختفي هتبقي حاسة بايه ومفتقده ايه؟ ٤- شخصيته ومبادئه شبهك قد ايه؟ تقدري تتابعيني فاللايف يوميا وتقدري تدخلي معايا call or private session اهلا بيكي وباسئلتك اي وقت ♥️🥰
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How do couples manage to stay together for decades? I've never managed to make a relationship work for more than 2-3 years at a time. Am I doing something wrong? Is it just luck?
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For the past three months, my relationship with my best friend has been changing inexplicably. He's been avoiding me, and on May 11th, I caught him with another girl. Shockingly, I learned they've been together for over eight months. This revelation shattered my heart, and yesterday, he officially ended things between us. Is it advisable to move on swiftly from such a painful situation, or is it better to wait before attempting to move forward?
Its advisable that you first accept how hurt and betrayed you are right now, first you lost a meaningful bond, then you faced betrayed and trust issue and also such seperation of him without knowing and understanding how you feel can be a difficult situation to be in, I suggest first you understand you are hurt and you also need social support, try connecting with more people, slowly try to move on, be honest with how you feel and don’t rush,i hope you get some good friends ships in near future
don't warri sister I suggest you
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Hey girls. I need to know if I'm just being an idiot rushing into this living together thing. How long do most couples even last before either getting married or breaking up? I don't want to be naive and assume we'll be that perfect exception. Can anyone share the experience?????
Living in is an important step before you decide to marry. Its the litmus test , irrespective of your relationship failing or passing this test one thing is for sure you ll definitely find out if its worth it or not and you can make informed decisions for your future .. so go for it id say!
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hello so I am thinking of moving in with my 2 year boyfriend. another friend with live in experience said 1st year is the hardest... any opinions on that?
Yes, the first year of living together can be challenging as you both adjust to each other's habits and routines. Open communication and patience are key to navigating this period successfully. If you both are committed and understanding, it can strengthen your relationship.
Everything is difficult,dating, building relationships,marriage,breakup etc, if you are mentally prepared for live in then be ready to embrace both pros and cons, with difficult days also comes fun and love so try to see the good side of how even the fights will bring you closer, but before making any decision consider both pros and cons
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Hey girls. !! I'm not the dating type. like I don't understand the concept of dating but not for marriage. so. yeah I'm in a relationship after a while and now I don't wanna scare this man off. We both like each other but. I don't how to convey my feelings to him. Do you guys know what is the time or what's some indication that a couple should say I love you!!!
It's important to let your feelings develop naturally. Look for signs like mutual trust, consistent communication, and shared values. When you both feel comfortable and have had meaningful experiences together, it might be the right time. Trust your instincts and be honest about your feelings.
I feel minimum wait for 2 months before you confess in words but do reflect your love through actions and care, also when you start to see that you guys are independently growing in your careers and also spending a good time together and mutually compatible and the trust is their then i feel confess and embrace your love

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