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by AstrologerVaishali on Nov 29, 2022

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🌆🌟 Welcome to the vibrant world of suburban Mumbai, where tradition blends seamlessly with modernity which is known for its unique energy and ever-evolving spirit. The Dreams from the City Of Dreams, the Maya of the Maya Nagri are precisely what make up the essence and never-say-die spirit of Mumbai and Mumbaikars. Mumbai originally is made up of the 7 Islands but all the land in- between and all that Mumbai has extended into makes Mumbai beguiling. 🌊 🏖 ⛰️ 🛒 🛍 ✨️ Mumbai, with its dynamic, cosmopolitan, and resilient spirit, offers a fast-paced, vibrant, and glamorous lifestyle. It is a multifaceted city that thrives amidst chaos, exudes majesty, and promotes inclusivity. Come, let's forge meaningful connections, build lifelong friendships, and create cherished memories with individuals who share your love for Mumbai. 👥💫 Join the Mumbai Tribe Community and embark on an incredible journey filled with enriching experiences, connections, and a true sense of belonging in the diverse and vibrant suburbs of Mumbai!🌉🌃 RJ Astro Vaisy and Priyanka Patira, coto city ambassadors for Mumbai welcome you to Mumbai Tribe. 🌊

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Today being Maun 🤫 Amavaas, people say to donate something, let me know what did you donate or any ritual to follow in the comment section @BeYou @SHEeMPLIFY @MUMBAI TRIBE

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Theatreanswered 130 days ago

I lit the diya 🪔 outside my door i. The evening time

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Do sisters fast on Raksha Bandhan? Do any of you fast on Raksha Bandhan? I heard some people do, but I’m not sure why or if it’s a common practice.
hello ji this side certified professional tarot card reader kumkum singh yes on Raksha Bandhan observes sisters keeping fasts for their brothers to bless them with happy, long, healthy, and prosperous lives. Fasting is a ritual followed by sisters on this festival to shower God's blessings on their brothers. it depends upon you if you're comfortable so just do fast or not so it's alright it's not compulsory.
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I heard that Rakhi is sometimes tied to gods, and it got me wondering. Why is Rakhi tied to God? Is there a special significance or story behind this practice? I’m curious about how this tradition started and what it symbolizes in our culture and rituals.
hello 🙋‍♂️ Anonymous this side tarot kumkum raksha bandhan is celebrated for the relationship between brothers and sisters and we tie first rakhi to God because for us God se first who protect us from danger just like our brother. and raksha bandhan / rakhi we celebrate because Once Lord Krishna cut his finger, Draupadi tied a piece of cloth from her saree, which stopped the bleeding. After this incident, the piece of cloth becomes a sacred thread And symbolizes the true significance of Raksha Bandhan hope you understand😉
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I’ve always called it Rakhi, but someone asked me if it stands for something. Does Rakhi have a full form or a deeper meaning behind the name? What’s the story or significance behind the term Rakhi? I’m curious if it has an acronym or if it represents a specific concept or tradition in Indian culture.
there are so many stories about rakhi Krishna draupadi, and yamuna and yum are famous stories
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There are lots of new rakhis available in the market of different shapes and colors. But do colors matter when it coles to rakhi?? Does any specific color help in bringing luck and protection??
राखी एक ऐसा त्यौहार है जो आपस के प्रेम और रिश्तो को और मजबूत करता है यहां सिर्फ बहन द्वारा भाई को ही नहीं बल्कि बल्कि बहन बहन को सहेली को माता-पिता गुरु जो भी उसकी रक्षा करता है और सही दिशा दिखता है बांध सकते हैं उसका कोई कलर और आकर नहीं वह एक मजबूत रिश्ते की मजबूत डोर किसी एक विशेष दिन पर बांधने से उसका महत्व बढ़ जाता है हैप्पी रक्षाबंधन😊
कई बार कुछ रीति रिवाजों में यह भी चलन है कि लाल पीला गुलाबी मारूंन नारंगी रानी(fuschia) रंगों को शुभ माना जाता है, इन्द्रधनुष spectrum उच्च तापमान के कारण जो warmth protection का प्रतीक है! यदि आप प्यार से भाई को राखी भेजे तो कोई रंग मायने नहीं रखता!
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دكتور هو يعني اي اكتىاب موسمي
أهلاً وسهلا بحضرتك يعني إن أعراض الإكتئاب تظهر بالتزامن مع مظاهر موسم معين والتغيرات في مواعيد النوم او الروتين نتيجة الانتقال من موسم لموسم،فمثلاً الإكتئاب الصيفي تظهر أعراضه عند بعض الناس نتيجة طول فترة النهار،إرتفاع درجة الحرارة وضوء الشمس العالي وهكذا.
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ازاي اقنع جوزي ان اروح لوالدتي كام ساعة ف نص الاسبوع اروق لها البيت واشوف طلباتها مع العلم اني ليا يوم ف الاسبوع بروح فيه م الصبح لبليل بس ببقي نفسي اروح اطمن عليها ف نص الاسبوع واشوف لو محتاجة حاجة وكدا بس هو مبيوافقش وبيبقي رده انتي ليكي يوم ف الاسبوع بس
اهلاً بيكي يا جميله 🌸 معاكي علياء احمد أخصائي نفسي حابه أقولك في البدايه انك لما تتناقشي يكون الوقت مناسب وكمان يكون في الموضوع نفسوا متحاوليش تدخلي مواضيع في بعض تتناقشي في أمكانيه انك حابه تتطمني عليها وافهمي وجهة نظروا ولو في حلول بديله علشان تبقي مطمنه هيكون دا حوار بناء تقدري تتابعيني هنا في ال community بتاعي وكمان تقدري تدخلي معايا اللايف تعملي معايا session هكون معاكي يوميا الساعه ٨، ١٠، ١١ اتمنالك يوم لطيف ☺️
اهلا وسهلا بيكي ♥️ معاكي سيلڤيا معالج مغسي وعضو اتحاد المعالجين النفسيين العرب تقدري تشرفيني فال community the healing journey ١- اول حاجة جربي تعملي طلباتها فاليوم دا وممكن تكلميها كل يوم فيديو كول تطمني عليها وتشوفيها ٢- ممكن كمان تطلبي دليفري ليها لو ناقصها حاجة ٣- لو بتشتغلي ممكن تستاذني جوزك بعد الشغل هجيب لماما طلب لو هي مزنوقة فيه ومفيش غيرك يعمله ٤- اختاري الوقت المناسب اللي تتناقشي معاه لو كل اللي فات عملتيه وبرضه محتاجة تتناقشي معاه فحاجة تاني واهلا باسئلتك ♥️
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In the Hindu mythology, who tied rakhi to krishna first??
its was daropati
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Red is everywhere during Rakhi - the sarees, the decorations, and of course, the Rakhi itself. But why is red such a prominent color? Is it associated with good luck, strength, or something else entirely? Understanding the symbolism can make the celebration even more meaningful.
Yes red and yellow colours are very important. red represents strength joy ,celebrateion .,good. luck and yellow. also important color in hindu mythology its represents joy. ,happiness, good luck
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Which day is the best to remove rakhi after celebrating it??
according too hindu mythology its removed on janmashtmi
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Why is rakhi tied on a specific day?? Is there a reason behind it in the hindu context??
Raksha Bandhan is observed on the last day of the Hindu lunar calendar month of Shravana, which typically falls in August. The expression "Raksha Bandhan" (Sanskrit, literally "the bond of protection, obligation, or care") is now principally applied to this ritual.

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