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Coping with PCOS

by marwa on Jun 21, 2023

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Its all about PCOS in here. From imbalanced menstrual cycles, to foods to consume and exercises to do. So let’s explore PCOS together and navigate it like a fighter.

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I have not got my Periods I'm worried! I have pcos since 5 yrs it's normal ! but Still this feeling moods doesn't go what should I do

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Surrogacyanswered 117 days ago

If it's been more than two months since your last period do consider checking with a gynecologist

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answered 62 days ago

It's important to address concerns about irregular periods and PCOS with us .While some fluctuations in mood can be normal, persistent changes might warrant further evaluation. I recommend consulting with a us to discuss your symptoms more in detail and explore potential treatment options.

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What supplements are recommended for menopause?
You would generally need calcium and vitamin d supplements once you hit your 40s. As you grow older your calcium absorption decreases and it is very important to maintain certain calcium levels for your bone and muscle strength. Vitamin d is needed for better absorption of calcium as well as for good mood regulation. Apart from that most other supplements get prescribed based on deficiency.
Menopause means stopping of female hormones, especially Estrogen. Because it is necessary for your vagina as well as your overall health, you can take so many natural Medicines instead of taking just supplements. You may face vaginal dryness, mood swings/ emotional ups and downs and osteoporosis. Also hot flushes irritates most. Just supplements are not sufficient if these symptoms are irritating you. Then Take proper consultation with your doctor. Natural medicines are more useful in my opinion.
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Needed help. I have been bleeding for straight 17 days. Started off with period, but then it hasn't stopped. I am worried as it's heavy bleeding and also see jelly like blood clots. Am confused what has to be done. Can someone help out.
Hi there, I hope you are well. It's best to consult a gynecologist at this stage because you may need to go through some blood tests and only then the cause can be ascertained. Hence, please visit a doctor at the earliest:) Take care.
consult gynec as early as possible, instead of taking home remedies/social media suggestions. It will be best for your health.
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Hey girls, I have a problem I want to discuss. Tomorrow is RakshaBandhan and I'm really excited as my brother is coming to meet me. We also have our cousins coming over, full on party plan it is. But there is one problem and that is I got my period today. I am really confused if I should tie rakhi or not ? What if something bad happens? Pls advice me
As an astrologer, also, I can clearly tell you. The periods are a very natural. so if any auspicious event comes in during that period, you can go ahead with it
There is nothing wrong happen okay.. there is no relation between periods or showing love through tieing of course you can tie rakhi 🥰
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my periods are not regular after my delivery
Hi there, I hope you are well. -Not getting your period after delivery until a year is considered to be normal. - You can expect it to begin soon. - Hence, you needn't worry ,and take good care of yourself during this phase. - Avoid getting stressed, rather take time to do meditation and yoga as and when possible. - Eat a well balanced diet including fibre, good fats, as well as protein. - Drink enough water. - And add some movement to your daily routine. You can simply opt for a walk . Take care ✨
hii dear I think it's a normal thing after a few months of delivery. every female experience irregular periods
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Are there any dietary supplements you recommend to support my menstrual health based on my individual needs?
Hey there! 🌸 Looking to boost your menstrual health? Consider adding these essentials to your routine: Iron for replenishing lost blood, Vitamin B6 to ease those pesky PMS symptoms, Magnesium for calming those cramps, Omega-3 fatty acids to soothe inflammation, and don't forget Calcium for bone health and mood stability. Your body will thank you for the extra support!
There is no restriction for your diet during your menstrual cycle. Nor are there any foods that you necessarily should eat, except for foods high in iron. Because of the blood loss, there is also some iron loss w/menstruation. Therefore, foods high in iron content can help replace the iron stores that women need. These foods can include dark chocolate in small amounts, molasses, and then green leafy veggies such as spinach, beef, turkey, etc. You can google for a more comprehensive list. Otherwise, no special diet is required.
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How can nutrition play a role in addressing common women’s health concerns such as menstrual irregularities, PMS symptoms, or menopausal transitions?
Regulating menstrual cycles with iron-rich foods. Easing PMS symptoms through magnesium and vitamin B6.Managing menopausal symptoms with phytoestrogen-rich foods like soy.
For menstrual irregularities and PMS symptoms, maintaining stable blood sugar levels by eating balanced meals with complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and lean proteins can help alleviate symptoms. Incorporating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and vitamin B6 may also be beneficial. During menopause, consuming foods rich in calcium and vitamin D helps maintain bone health. Phytoestrogen-rich foods like soy products can help alleviate hot flashes and other symptoms. Adequate intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provides essential nutrients and supports overall health during this transitional phase. Additionally, staying hydrated and reducing caffeine and alcohol intake can help manage symptoms.
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My periods are delayed by 8days and i checked i am pregnant but i dont want this baby so can anyone help me with MTP abortion details how much days it take to abort the baby?
Go to Govt authorised abortion centre and consult gynec. They will guide you about the process. Defending on age of fetus doctor can give tablets after confirmation of pregnancy using ultrasound scan. Once it is confirmed that your pregnancy is uterine pregnancy, doctor can take decision easily. If anyone have ectopic pregnancy that is Pregnancy in tubes, doctor need to do laproscopy to abort this pregnancy. So ultrasound scan is a must now a days. Kindly do consult a gynec for further management.
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I am getting rashes from pads. What can I do to stop them?
If you have noticed rashes with one pad brand, it maybe helpful to try another. Another reason could also be using the pad for extended periods of time, which makes you more prone to rashes. Alternatives can include period panties or cloth pads which can help prevent rashes and are also eco-friendly as they are reusable. During your periods opt for loose cotton underwear and change it twice a day to limit sweat and rashes. If this doesn't subside with these simple changes, check in with a doctor to understand a possible underlying cause.
Keep the affected area clean and dry, you can also apply a soothing cream or ointment that you can purchase over the counter. Ensure you're changing pads frequently to help prevent sanitary pad rash.
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#PeriodTalk How do you track your period? Are you able to figure out when you are expecting your period every month without tracking? Share signs you notice that your period is around the corner in the comments below.
I track using the Flo app. My favourite part is adding the symptoms I experience on different days to be able to closer analyse how my cycles run each month.
I usually track my period using a calendar
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India mein period pads ke liye konse ache brands hai?
Whisper Ultra Clean, Stayfree Secure XL Ultra Thin, Sofy Side Walls, Bella Perfecta Ultra, and Nua are some of the best sanitary pad brands in India that you can consider. Remember to choose a pad that suits your needs and preferences, and always prioritize your health and well-being.
They are numerous pad brands . You must choose organic ones like saathi and pee safe

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🗓 Menstrual Health
