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by Michelle Frank on Sep 15, 2022

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🗓 Menstrual Health
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Hi, I'm Anjali. Can stress exacerbate hormonal imbalances and menstrual irregularities? @Drkarishma

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Trendinganswered 56 days ago

Yes, Stress leads to many difficulties in our body Shagun K Singh Spiritual Life Coach Manifesting Miracles

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New Mothersanswered 54 days ago

It definitely can! Which is why managing your stress is as important as a healthy diet and regular exercise. Stress leads to a constant state of inflammation. This dysregulates hormones release, reduces quality of hormones, affects the environment around your eggs, and even ultimately affects ovulation and menstrual cycles. For cycles you've had more stress, you are more likely to experience delays in your cycles.

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New Mothersanswered 27 days ago

Hi there, I hope you are well. -Yes, stress can exacerbate hormonal imbalances and menstrual irregularities as stress can be a major cause of inflammation in the body which will eventually affect your gut health and the functioning of various other hormones in the body. - There's release of a stress hormone named as cortisol which can suppress other hormones, and even hormones involved in the functioning of your menstrual cycle. - Hence, you need to combat stress with the help of yoga, meditation, exercise, and good sleep :) I hope this helps. Take care ✨

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Do you have irregular period, hirsutism - male pattern hairs on face like upper lip etc.? You might have insuline resistance which could be due to PCOS also. But to confirm it, you have to consult a gynecologist and also do certain investigations. It's a lifestyle disorder and you have to work on your lifestyle. Increase workout/any form of exercise at least for 45 minutes daily, if you have sedentary lifestyles. Also dietary changes. You can consult a dietician for that. Make it fast, because it's gonna affect your periods and hence your fertility in future. Take it seriously and start working on it. It's a alarming sign.
contact me for weight loss 9140283109
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abuse is when they want you to be okay with something they won't be, if they were the receiver. abuse is when the damage they cause is more than the love they give what you have mentioned is definitely emotional and mental abuse. not being able to see this clearly or giving them benefit of doubt is because of the trauma bonding.
So abuse is not just physical it can also be emotional or psychological. Whatever you have stated above is abuse and you should definitely not stay with him anymore. You should have left him by now. He has no right to abuse you. If you want then you can file a case on him.

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