Simmi's Yoga Room

by Simmi on Oct 15, 2022

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Join me in practicing new and advanced yoga, mudra and pranayam techniques. The age old knowledge of this practice enhances our lives and the quality of our being. come on this journey, as we will learn to grow and be healthier together.

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New Mothersanswered 22 days ago

Gaining weight typically involves consuming more calories than you burn. Focus on eating nutrient-rich, calorie-dense foods like nuts, seeds, avocados, and lean proteins. Also, consider strength training exercises to build muscle mass, which can contribute to weight gain in a healthy way. Consulting a nutritionist or dietitian can provide personalized guidance.

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Hi I want to lose my weight and please help me to motivate myself consistent. Guide me to lose weight bcoz am a mother of 14months old
Hi there, I hope you are well. - Motivation will usually last for a few days or weeks, however, discipline can last forever. - To lose weight, you will have to bring in discipline in your daily routine. - You need to prepare yourself mentally as well as physically. - Stay determined that you won't give up and start by making small changes in your routine. - Start by incorporating more fibre in the diet. Eat two servings of fruits, a bowl of salad for lunch as well as dinner daily. - Avoid packaged, ultra-processed and refined foods. - Eat in portions. - Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. - Add protein to each of your meals, even snacks. - Have mid-meals or healthy snacks. - Start your morning with handful nuts, or seeds. - Keep a tab on your salt, sugar, and oil intake. - Have home-made meals that are easier to digest. - Get at least 7-8hrs of sleep on a regular basis. - Go for a walk at least 4 times a week. - Manage stress levels my meditation and yoga. I hope this helps ✨
you u really want something then your inner self is enough to motivate you. And weight loss is a journey so don't be harsh yourself. follow diet and exercise it will helps you
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hi my self sabeera 10 month's baby boy I would become my weight loss process please suggest me
Hi Sabeera, I hope you are well. Here are few tips that can help you in losing weight, however, weight loss should be done with the help of personalized diet and hence, you are feel free to book a one on one consultation with me. Start by making small changes to your daily routine. 1) Ensure to include enough fibre, protein, and good fats to the diet. Beans, lentils, sprouts, oats, wheat, barley, daliya, dairy and dairy products, fatty fish, lean meat, flaxseeds, walnuts are good sources. 2) Eat small meals, you can have 5-5 meals a day and have healthy snacks in between. 3) Maintain portion control, and eat in moderation. 4) Go for a walk, or you can even opt for home -workouts. 5) Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily, it helps with weight loss. 6) Avoid consuming refined, ultra processed and packaged foods. 7) Eat simple, home-cooked meals. 8) Keep a tab on your salt, sugar, and oil intake. 9) Get 7-8hrs of sleep, daily. 10) Have two fruits regularly, and salads as well. Take care ✨
Hello sabeera👋 Congratulations on your baby boy! Losing weight after pregnancy can be challenging, but it's definitely achievable with a balanced approach. So Always consult your healthcare provider before starting a new plan. 1.Diet:Eat balanced meals, control portions, stay hydrated. 2.Exercise:Start with walking/yoga, add strength training. 3.Sleep: Get enough rest, manage stress. 4.Support: Consult healthcare providers, lean on family.👍
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دكتور ممكن اكلات تساعد على رفع ضغط الدم انا دايما عندي هبوط
مساء الخير مع حضرتك د مي وفا أخصائي التغذية العلاجية و السمنة السوائل أهم حاجة في ضغط الواطي زي المياه و السوائل الشفافة المن غير سكر و كمان ممكن مياه الفوترة أو مياه و فيها نص معلقة ملح هيمالايا و تفضلي تشربي منها طول اليوم كمان الزيتون الاسود ممكن ٧ حبات منه يوميا و لو الموضوع بيتكرر محتاجة تتوجهي لدكتور باطني يحدد السبب لأن وارد يكون انيميا أو مشكلة في الغدة أو لغبطة معادن الدم و حولي تبعدي عن الحاجات البتوطي الضغط زي الكركاديه الساقع و الدوم
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Hey there iam 37, mother of a toddler, on career break for now . iam working out so far for four months now and lost almost 8-9kg so far but now my body is not loosing weight as it used to , iam on low calorie diet and doing high intensity workout 5-6days a week three weeks now . iam stuck at 66.5 since two weeks. please suggest something.i want to go below 60, and it's my only chance , I have two months to loose this weight. please suggest something to increase my meta#healthcoachingwithranaolism. #healthytipsforhealth #healthcoachingwi#fitnesswithsuchihr#fitspona #healthcoach # #
Hi there, I hope you are doing well. What I can see from your question is that you are on a low calorie diet, and you've been working out frequently, and you've given yourself a total of 6 months to lose weight. Few things that I'd like to point out- - We need to look at weight loss as opting to live a healthier lifestyle, it needs to become a part of our lifestyle. Healthy eating and exercise cannot be a short-term goals, because the moment you go back to your normal lifestyle, chances of gaining that weight back is high. - A low-calorie diet can be detrimental in the long run, and your body is likely to resist further weight loss. Calorie deficit is needed when we need to lose weight but extremely low calorie diets can lead to nutritional deficiencies, and hinder weight loss. Hence, I'd suggest you to eat a balanced diet with enough fibre, protein, and good fats. - Also, don't just focus on the scale, if you feel energetic and are able to fit in to your old clothes, it's positive.
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Looking to shed some pounds? Share your best weight management tips!
Hi there, I hope you are well. Since, you are looking to shed some pounds, here's what you can do. 1) Calorie deficit- Calorie Deficit means eating fewer calories than what you burn on a daily basis. A calorie deficit of 500 is considered to be ideal, so if you are eating a 2000kcal diet, you need to burn 2500kcals on a daily basis to achieve the same. 2) Incorporating enough fibre and protein in the diet shall help as fibre helps in keeping you full for longer, so foods like wholegrains, fruits, vegetables, pulses, nuts, seeds can come handy. Protein on the other hand is required for balancing blood sugar levels, it can reduce cravings, provide a feeling of fullness, and nourish your body, overall. Beans, lean meat, dairy and dairy products, nuts, seeds, sprouts, lentils, are good options. - Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. - Have omega 3 fatty acids in the diet, avocado, nuts, seeds, fatty fish for satiety. - Avoid packaged, ultra-processed, and refined foods. Take care✨
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how can loose weight
Weight loss is a combination of 6 pillars ( holistic approach) Fitness - strength , mobility, cardio combined Food - eat to energise your body & eat when hungry, eat intuitively , slow down eat consciously, enjoy every mouthful, stop eating when you think you are full Sleep- crucial step and underrated Self love - exercise and eat healthy cz you love your body and not cz you want to punish it Gratitude for your body and functions and systems Let go of negative self talk and limiting beliefs
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Struggling with weight? Looking for effective strategies to manage it? Share your experiences and tips!
hii dear to mange your weight you should focus on your diet, right proportion of carbs protein or others things play very important role in managing weight.
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Heya everyone This is my first time using the app.Kindly ignore any mistakes. I am kind of chubby or you can say overweight 24 years old girl.Initially I didn't have any insecurities.But since a year or two when I moved to Delhi.I constantly try to fit in among people.But it feels like I'm losing a part of me.🥲
hey Anonymous. one needs to be physically fit, not to please anyone but for urself. Being overweight should not be the reason for your insecurities . You need to accept yourself first only then others will accept you if you feel you are loosing urself trying to fit in... ask yourself what is it that you are doing that's creating discomfort within you ... identify and work on it.. good luck 👍
Hello Thank you for sharing and you don't have to be sorry for anything. This is a safe and non- judgemtal space for you. I can understand moving to a new city comes with lot of adjustment issues and it's hard. I wil suggest talk to our mental health professionals on their live sessions so that you can talk about it more and will get the help you require
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دكتور اعرف منين ان عندي انيميا
مساء الخير طبعا في تحاليل تبين ولكن بردو في أعراض ظاهرية زي الإجهاد الشديد دائما و الضغط الواطي و الدوخة و صعوبة في النفس و الوش يبهت و تغيرات في اللسان زي اللسان الزجاجي و فقاعات في جانب الفم و سرعة ضربات القلب و تكسير الاظافر و ظهور حفر فيها زي المعلقة كدة وسقوط الشعر
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I want to loose weight quickly
Hi, I understand we expect a certain body type but taking care of our health is more important than losing weight quickly. Don't push yourself a lot in the process of losing weight.
Hello, unless there is some family function, it is mostly advisable to lose weight slowly in a more sustained manner. Something which you can maintain for a long time, and it doesn't come back easily.

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