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by Urvashi Dholakia on Nov 20, 2022

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I am Enough

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Max always put himself down, thinking he wasn't smart or talented enough. But then he realized that he was being too hard on himself. He started giving himself credit for the things he did well, whether it was acing a test or making someone smile. Instead of focusing on his flaws, he started focusing on his strengths. With time, Max learned to love himself for who he was, flaws and all. Do you think self confidence is the strongest strength you have?

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New Mothersanswered 102 days ago

yes, it can fix lot of things

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Tipsanswered 101 days ago

Yes, go Max!

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answered 96 days ago

agar na bhi ho paye to khush rahena..... bura tab lagta hai pyar k sucess hone k baad rishta pehle jaisa ni rehta

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Yes , it’s is normal . Many of us do that at some point of time in our lives .
yes it's always normal... and a valid question!
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Hello , This inner conflict can be extremely distressing. Best solution to this could be think of some middle ground where your ethics wont be compromised 🌸
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Hello , Life is full of ups and downs so this is normal Sometimes many of us get into this thinking of world being meaningless because of our negative experiences. By working on your thoughts can be helpful in this situation you can connect with me for more detailed solution I am a psychologist at coto 🌸
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Hello , Starting engaging in Dopamine ( feel good hormone of our body ) giving activities like yoga , exercise or anything which is your hobby .
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Hello , This inner conflict is very distressing. You can find some middle ground to it which wont impact your own feelings and the ethics part as well .
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ممكن اعرف اي مسببات السعاده يا دكتور ؟
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Hello , It is completely normal to have different goals which doesn’t match with societal expectations. Being a part of India society i understand how much impact it creates on individuals what society thinks and what is normal according to societal norms . But being you and confident is the key to success, you can tell your family and explain them that where your real happiness lies , i am sure they will understand. All the best 🌸
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Hey congratulations Try Aloe Vera gel for boosting up your energy. DM me for more information
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Hello , We sometimes have the fear that if we show our real us people might judge us . Many people experience this , best way is practice self acceptance techniques. For kore detailed answer you can connect with me .

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