Questions in this community
How does cultural diversity shape our perceptions, beliefs, and interactions with one another?😀😃
Hi! Very deep question! Yes, it very much does as our experiences and influences are in the way we are brought up. How are parents bring us up and what we learn when we are a child (till we become sn adult) sets our values and beliefs. Infact it is such an irony in life, we come with nothing and go with nothing! In between we gather all the beliefs, values and towards the end we realise we need to shed them away! So, while the values and beliefs get set, let us not get too attached to it! That will help to be free and do what is needed whichever culture you belong to. Tc, Preetha Your coach
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जीवन सरल है हमारे अवचेतन मन की प्रोग्रामिंग इसे completed बना देती है क्या आप भी सीखना चाहते है कैसे अपनी emotional health #emotionalwellbeing#ेहतरीन रख सके #subcounciousmind #emotionalwellbeing# Affirmation
sahi kaha hai mam aapne
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