Community Roles and Descriptions

  1. Admin Roles and Responsibilities
  2. Moderator Roles - Coming Soon!!
  1. Admin Roles and Responsibilities

    Welcome to the Admin team of your community on coto! As an Admin, you hold a key leadership position and are responsible for the overall management, content creation, member engagement, moderation, and community-building aspects of our community. This document outlines your roles, responsibilities, and expectations as an Admin for your community on coto.
    1. Role Overview
      1. As an Admin, you have a central role in guiding the growth and development of the community.
      2. You work closely with other Admins and the Super Admin to shape the community's vision, strategy, and policies.
    2. Responsibilities
      1. Collaborate with other Admins to develop and implement initiatives, events, and community programs that align with the community's goals.
      2. Create engaging content such as articles, posts, and discussions to foster member engagement and drive meaningful conversations.
      3. Respond to member inquiries, answer questions, and provide support to ensure a positive and helpful community experience.
      4. Initiate and participate in various formats such as polls, contests, and Q&A sessions to encourage interaction and active engagement among members.
      5. Assign and manage moderators, ensuring they understand their roles, responsibilities, and community guidelines.
      6. Moderate and enforce community guidelines by reviewing and approving member-generated content, ensuring it aligns with the community's standards.
      7. Help onboard and guide new community members, providing them with relevant information, resources, and support.
      8. Actively participate in building the community by referring new members, promoting community initiatives, and fostering a sense of belonging.
    3. Acceptance
      1. By accepting your role as an Admin, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the roles and responsibilities outlined in this document.

        Thank you for your dedication and contributions to your community on coto!
  2. Moderator Roles - Coming Soon!!

    Welcome to the moderator team of your community on coto! As a moderator, you play a vital role in ensuring the smooth day-to-day operations, content moderation, member engagement, and community-building aspects within our community. This document outlines your roles, responsibilities, and expectations as a moderator for your community on coto.
    1. Role Overview
      1. As a moderator, you are responsible for actively moderating community content, enforcing guidelines, and maintaining a respectful atmosphere.
      2. You contribute to fostering engagement, facilitating meaningful discussions, and building a supportive community environment.
    2. Responsibilities
      1. Review and moderate user-generated content, ensuring it complies with the community guidelines and policies.
      2. Respond promptly and respectfully to member inquiries, concerns, and reports, providing guidance and support as needed.
      3. Participate in various formats such as polls, contests, and Q&A sessions to spark interaction and foster engagement among members.
      4. Address concerns, and provide helpful information to enhance the community experience.
      5. Actively contribute to community-building efforts, such as referring new members, promoting community initiatives, and fostering a sense of belonging.
      6. Collaborate with other moderators to ensure consistent and fair moderation practices across the community.
      7. Help onboard and guide new community members, providing them with relevant information, resources, and support.
    3. Acceptance
      1. By accepting your role as a moderator, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the roles and responsibilities outlined in this document.
      2. Please reply to this message confirming your acceptance and commitment to fulfilling your duties as a moderator for your community on coto.

        Thank you for your dedication and contributions to your community on coto!