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by ifeelthequeen on Jul 2, 2023

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Sharing the best tips and information for weight loss and better health management

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Can you explain the long-term effects of yo-yo dieting on a person's physical and mental health?

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Bakinganswered 62 days ago

Hi there, I hope you are well. - Yo-yo dieting is likely to affect your body is various ways. 1) If you lose weight pretty quickly, then, you are likely to gain that weight back soon as well. This puts pressure on your body and even on your organs. 2) It can slow down your metabolism and make it difficult for you to lose weight later. 3) It can also lead to episodes of eating disorders. 4) It is likely to lead to anxiety, added stress and even depression at a later stage. 5) You can even begin to have body image issues at one point in time. 6) It can also affect, your skin, hair, and nails. 7) Yo-yo dieting is capable of leading to nutrition deficiencies as well. I hope this helps, take care ✨

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دكتور اعرف منين ان هو ده الشخص الصح
اهلا وسهلا عزيزتى جميله كوتو 🥰 اختيار شريك الحياة قرار مصيري ومحتاجة تشوفى هل ف توافق فى جميع النواحى ( الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية والقيم والمبادئ والاحتياجات الخ) ف اسئله لتساعدك انك تحاوبى عليها والطرف الآخر علشان نشوف مدى توافق الزواج منتظراك ف الكومينتى الخاص بيا (لأجل حياه تستحق أن تعاش) واللايف كل يوم من الساعه ١١ص ١ظ ٣ظ ماعدا الاحد والاربعاء ٣ظ ٥م ٨م معاك مها اسماعيل معالج نفسى اكلينيكى
اهلاً يا جميله 🌸 معاكي علياء احمد أخصائي نفسي الشخص الصح بيبان من تصرفاتنا وبتحسي بالأمان والراحه من خلال حبه حاجات زي مثلا تقدري تعبري عن الي مضايقك بدون قلق بتتكلمي وتشاركي كل احتياجاتك والشخص الآخر بردو بيشاركك التواصل بيكون مستمر ومناسب وفي نفس الوقت كل واحد ليه خصوصيات ومساحه خاصة بيه تقدري تتابعيني علي اللايف يوميا من الساعه ٨ للساعه ١٣ وكمان علي mental health talk اتمنالك يوم لطيف ☺️
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I have been gaining weight recently due to my PCOS. But every time I stand in the mirror, I hate the way that i look. I know I shouldn’t feel that way, but how can i stop myself from not liking myself?
Hello there, I completely understand what you must be going through. But instead of comparing yourself to the beauty standards of the society, compare yourself with you. First assess if you are physically healthy. Then Start taking care of yourself, your grooming, your dressing. You can be beautiful and gorgeous at any weight and with any body type as long as you are confident. Do some affirmations to feel beautiful and confident
Hi beautiful, I hope you are doing well. -Weight gain in PCOS is primarily seen due to insulin resistance, high androgen levels and high insulin levels. -However, I have good news for you 🙂 - You can live a healthy lifestyle even with PCOS, and you can lose weight in a healthier manner as well. - All you need to do is focus on your well-being. - Not everyone on Instagram has a perfect body and there are various applications that are used to morph one's appearance. - Hence, start my bringing in small changes in your lifestyle. - Workout for 20-30mins everyday. Begin with home-workouts. - Eat enough fibre, and protein in the diet. - Add salads to both your meals, and have yogurt/buttermilk twice a day. - Avoid packaged, ultra-processed, and refined foods. - Eat your favourite foods once in a while. - Go for a walk, take up a new hobby, focus on your health and on improving your health. - Don't focus on a perfect body, none of us are perfect ✨ you can book a one-one consultation with me.
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Ugh, lately family gatherings have been rough. Backhanded comments about my weight or appearance leave me feeling awful. How do you handle unwanted body talk from people who should be supportive? Feeling self-conscious and need tips for shutting down negativity and building confidence.
1. Shutting down comments is by accepting yourself & making humour out of it. They want a reaction but not if you handle it in a positive-funny way. 2. It's affecting your mental health then make changes in your routine and build healthy habits 2. eating high protien and lower carb diet (vegetarian cheapest option is kali masoor, soya chunks, moong badi, wheat gluten=chakki sag in rajasthan) & peanuts and eating 1 roti less & triple amt of protien) increase seasonal fruits for sweet tooth. 3. just join cheapest gym use 30 min treadmill on highest incline and walk on speed 4, take breaks when tired and atleast complete 8000 steps in step count. Progress will show in gluten, thighs, hamstrings, core in 10 days. Then with "strong core" try new HIIT, cardio & strength training like push up & weights. You'll thank me later for this tip. 4. For permanent shutting down comments by relatives best way is to transform your body for better and good. It hurts but also a reminder to become better.
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This pressure to be perfect is like a constant weight on my shoulders. It's exhausting! How do I let go of this need to be flawless and just, you know, be okay with being normal? Is it weird to want to be, like, a regular person who messes up sometimes?
Hi, It's all about your thought pattern which need to be addressed.Talking to a mental health professional can be help you.
Hello , I wanna share a story with you , i am sure you might have heard about Buddha and how great human he was , but let me tell you even buddha made mistakes and was not perfect. Greatest of humans also make mistakes as it’s a part of human journey. Think it in a way where you wanna reach end goal but for that boarding into that roll coster journey is important.
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انا عندي اكتر من سؤال هل استئصال الرحم ممكن تؤدي للسمنه المفرطه انا وزني ٧٠ طولي ١٥٨ محتاجه اخس بس مش عارفه ازاي
اهلا بيكي اماني ممكن تقوليلي سنك قد ايه و في مشاكل صحية تانية ولا لا و تم أستئصال الرحم فقط ولا المبيضين كمان عامة ممكن يكون سبب لزيادة الوزن لخلل اللي بيحصل في الهرمونات بس ممكن بتعديلات في نظامك الغذائي تتجنبي زيادة الوزن
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My weight is 96kgs and I'm trying to lose weight . If you have any suggestions for me It will be a help. #ketoweightloss #controlweight
please contact my WhatsApp number more information _9289872003
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As a young girl, I often feel pressured by social media to look a certain way. How can I maintain a healthy body image and make food choices that support my well-being?
It's okay to feel pressure, but don't let it affect you. Follow self-care practices and limit your use of social media because, as you know, not everything online is the same
I have gone through it, we often take social media seriously. But dear let me tell you it's all illusion. You are beautiful in your own way. You must try to be better version of yourself instead of trying to compete with others.
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How can I maintain a healthy relationship with food when bombarded by unrealistic body standards on social media?
Listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues and allow flexibility around your food choices. 😌✨
Recognize that social media often presents an idealized version of reality and that everyone has unique bodies and experiences. 💜🥰
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I struggle with emotional eating during stressful times. What strategies can I use to manage this better ?
Identify your emotions and situations which leads you to unhealthy eating pattern and try to incorporate healthy alternative there. That's it! Then you are good to go girl.
Hi there, I hope you are well. If you struggle from emotional eating, during stressful times, then, here's what you can do. - Maintain a journal and jot down which food you are likely to crave during those times, whether it is salty, sugary, spicy, fried, etc. - Write the foods you are most likely to reach out to in case of a stressful situation. - Ask yourself as to whether you are hungry or trying to eat because you are stressed. - Learn to differentiate between physical hunger and emotional hunger. - Try to distract yourself by talking to a friend, listening to music, indulging in a hobby, some exercise, dancing, etc. - Avoid stocking unhealthy foods at home, and if you are likely to order online, then, delete foods apps completely. - Honour your cravings once a while, so that you don't end up Overeating whenever you are emotionally down. - Try to eat healthier alternatives of your favourite foods. - Opt for meditation or yoga as and when you feel emotionally stressed or drained :)
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دايما باكل في نفسي في اي حاجه مبخدش اللحاجه ببساطه عادي لازم اكل في نفسي من اقل حاجه وبخس جدا بسبب ده
اهلا وسهلا بيكي ♥️ معاكي سيلڤيا معالج نفسي واهلا بيكي فال community the healing journey محتاجه اسالك كام سوال ١- هل انا عايزة كل حاجة بالمسطرة؟ ٢- هل انا بحس بعدم القبول والرفض؟ وحابه اقولك حاجة كمان مش شرط انا بستقبل الحاجة زي ما الراسل قدمها خدي بالك من النقطة دي واعلا وسهلا بيكي فاللايف بتاعي نقدر نعمل call سوا لو عايزة ومرتاحة لدا واساعدك انهاردة الساعه ٧ مساء ل ١٠ مساء دمتي بخير وصحة ♥️

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