Her Mental Health

by Careertherapiet on Mar 19, 2023

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Lately, I've been struggling with this overwhelming fear of missing out (FOMO), and it's been really hard to shake off. Seeing everyone's highlights and exciting experiences on social media often leaves me feeling isolated and inadequate. It's tough to admit, but it's affecting my mental well-being. Please help me to manage FOMO and keep a healthy perspective on my own life? @Careertherapiet

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Eating Disordersanswered 101 days ago

To manage FOMO and maintain a healthy perspective on your own life, try limiting your time on social media, focusing on gratitude for what you have, practicing mindfulness to stay present, and setting realistic expectations for yourself. Remember that social media often portrays a curated version of reality, and everyone experiences highs and lows. Focus on your own goals and values, and seek meaningful experiences that bring you joy and fulfillment.

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Eating Disordersanswered 101 days ago

To manage FOMO and maintain a healthy perspective on your own life, try limiting your time on social media, focusing on gratitude for what you have, practicing mindfulness to stay present, and setting realistic expectations for yourself. Remember that social media often portrays a curated version of reality, and everyone experiences highs and lows. Focus on your own goals and values, and seek meaningful experiences that bring you joy and fulfillment.

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Earn passive income and work from home, will give you all the freedom to you. share your qualification in my WhatsApp number +919435110521
Hello , Think it in a way what will happen with you will happen to others as well , so why to worry about it 🌸
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Hey! It’s very normal for past trauma to have a hold on you. You can certainly work on it but trying out some mindfulness meditation and journaling techniques. Let me know if you want to connect to discuss this further! -Sampada, Psychotherapist and Intimacy coach
Hello , Dealing with past trauma is very important if you dont leave it untreated it can impact you mentally, i would suggest you to take therapy and see a psychologist. We have many psychologists on coto app . Try connecting with them , you can connect with me as well , i am a clinical psychologist.
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Hey! Hope you are doing well. Basically it can be forgetting a lot instances from your childhood, people pleasing, extreme emotional reactions, attachment issues, anxiety, depression, etc. Maybe these are a couple of things you can keep a check of! Let me know if you want to connect to discuss this further!
Hello , You could start with thinking about the past trauma , i know it might be difficult but you not alone in this we are here to help later think about the thoughts you have attached to that event and how it has impacted your way of thinking.
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هو العلاج النفسي بياخد وقت
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Hey there, My name is Bhumika Sehra and I’m a Counselling psychologist with a passion for helping individuals overcome their challenges and improve their mental well-being. I have acquired my Masters in Clinical psychology from CMR University, Bangalore and have been trained to bring a compassionate and empathetic approach to my practice. With a focus on evidence-based therapies and a deep understanding of human behavior, I work with clients to address psychological issues, such as stress, anxiety, depression, relationship conflicts, mood disorders, body image issues, burnout and, life transitions amongst other things. With 1000+ sessions undertaken in Psychiatric Hospitals, my approach is tailored to your unique needs, making it a customised and effective treatment. Whether you're seeking support for yourself or a loved one, I am here to offer guidance, support, and cultivate mindfulness and a safe space for healing and growth with a perspective that resonates with the experiences and challenges unique to women. Join our Community "Untangled" for insightful discussions, live sessions, helpful tips, and a supportive community dedicated to mental health. Together, let's untangle life's challenges and grow stronger.more

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