صحة شعرك
نصائح وطرق للعناية الكامله بالشعر بمختلف انواعه
نصائح وطرق للعناية الكامله بالشعر بمختلف انواعه
need advices for Coarse and curly hair
wow I love curly hair . otherwise you can use straightener to straight your hair
هل أنتِ خبيرة في مجالك؟🙋🏻♀️ اربحي الآن مع كوتو وقومي بتقديم الاستشارات عن طريق البث المباشر واربحي بالدقيقة، فقط علي كوتو.💸 سجلي الآن عن طريق الفورم وسنتواصل معكِ في أسرع وقت.🌟 https://zfrmz.in/5jhMNM8cgeNcg8wBG8fr
مشروب الاخضر مهم جدا انكم تشربوه بيقوى المناعة وبيدى نضارة وطاقة كمان #detox #detoxDrnk #detoxyourbodynaturally #energydrink
المكونات خيار ونص حزمة بقدونس ونص حزمة كرفس وسبانخ وعصير ليمون وجنزبيل وتفاح
نصائح تربوية لحياة سليمة وصحية ليكي وللطفلmore
Hello everyone, I am Dr Varsha here with Masters in Ayurveda. I would love to share my knowledge of Ayurveda in this platform. I am very much sure that Ayurveda can contribute a lot in the field of women’s health, mental health and healthy lifestyle guidance. more
hello everyone here we can talk about several topics more
wellness may be physical. mental. emotional. spiritual, environmental. we need all around ❤️❤️ place where you can get wellness vibes , wellness quotes, words ,coto is a place of soul sistersmore
Welcome to a place where healing begins with understanding. Find your calm in the chaos ✨ Connect, share, and grow with others on a journey to mental wellness 🌱 more
We as citizens of India are raised in a diverse and rich culture, with several rituals, festivals and ideologies. But at core still we are Indians before anything else. This thinking transforms to following empathy and kindness towards everyone, every living being big or small. without judgments, without satires. this group is to bring equality and freedom among all members and also treating everyone same. we tend to segregate and discriminate everyone,and also sometimes body shame others. At mindful soul you can just be yourself, speak your heart, share your thoughts. everyone is different n we respect that. also it's a platform for seeking advice on emotional wellness and chalanges we face in our daily life. love n light🥳🤩🌈more
this community is to share the things that we are passionate about and allow ourselves to understand and connect with others through storytelling, sharing our real stories with creativity!more
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Real stories. Real wisdom.more