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New Mothers
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Member since April 14, 2024 with 2 connections, 19 posts, and 7 communities. See all posts and communities by @rainqueen.

Posts by rainqueen

Communities by rainqueen


🍡 Wellness

we are natural healers, our body knows how to heal ourselves. We are the creators of our reality, our point of views create our reality , our reality doesn't create our point of you. What if you know everything? What if you just got to acknowledge that you are the super power required in your own life ? Join this community to learn easy to use basic tools that you can use to change your life and living with ease ! Everyday ! This is a new community space, and I will be going energetically to contribute to your life and living. What I hope to share here in the future , not in any particular order: Switchwords Energy Circles Affirmations Daily Questions to bring change Mantras Body Process for Self healing in issues with body, health, business, Money and relationships All the Universe requires from you is your commitment to your self , your life and living! Are you courageous to embrace change and love yourself unconditionally. About me: Barkha Mahesh Cocreator at Healing Hearts and Souls , a well-being center in Mumbai In this reality I am a mother, business owner, Certified Access Bars Facilitator, Access Energetic Facelift Practitioner, Access Vision Correction Practitioner Reiki Master and Teacher Lama Fera Teacher Switchwords and Energy Circles Teacher Bach Flower Remedies Practitioner Zibu Symbols Teacher +91 91362 35496 more

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I am a mother and an educator in charter schools and ABC Youth Foundation. I host several podcast it's a huge passion of mine and I also produce I strongly feel that empathy is the glue of humanity and without it what do we have for understanding one another and being kind toward one another is what keeps Us human it's what makes it work and without it what can possibly get better you must hold on to that and remember and show it where it's needed so that people can know what it is and be able to show that same to others connecting and growing with others is within the foundations of empathy that's how the world gets better so we can understand we don't have to directly know one another we must be that change and it starts with us, we must be the change we want to see!more


New Mothers


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New Mothers


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Hey there, My name is Bhumika Sehra and I’m a Counselling psychologist with a passion for helping individuals overcome their challenges and improve their mental well-being. I have acquired my Masters in Clinical psychology from CMR University, Bangalore and have been trained to bring a compassionate and empathetic approach to my practice. With a focus on evidence-based therapies and a deep understanding of human behavior, I work with clients to address psychological issues, such as stress, anxiety, depression, relationship conflicts, mood disorders, body image issues, burnout and, life transitions amongst other things. With 1000+ sessions undertaken in Psychiatric Hospitals, my approach is tailored to your unique needs, making it a customised and effective treatment. Whether you're seeking support for yourself or a loved one, I am here to offer guidance, support, and cultivate mindfulness and a safe space for healing and growth with a perspective that resonates with the experiences and challenges unique to women. Join our Community "Untangled" for insightful discussions, live sessions, helpful tips, and a supportive community dedicated to mental health. Together, let's untangle life's challenges and grow stronger. 🌻more

Mona's profile picture
New Mothers

Hello, I am a counselling psychologist, certified parenting coach, and Sub-Conscious Reprogramming Coach with more than 10 years of experience. I have written a book by the title "Raising a Mindful Parent," which has been a best-selling book on amazon. I am a speaker on various platforms and love to speak on topics on Mental Health and Parenting. I believe in the fact that a good mindset and mental health is the difference between a success and a failure, a happy life and a not-so-happy life. So, I work passionately and extensively in changing the limiting beliefs of people, which are stopping them from achieving their highest potential be it in area of personal development, self-confidence, parenting, or financial management. I have written many articles for some of the leading newspapers and websites on topics related to mental health, self-development, and parenting. I have also been invited as a panelist for panel discussions on some leading TV channels. My work in these areas has been widely recognised, and I have received many recognitions for the same.more

Huda's profile picture
New Mothers


Preetha_Balakrishnan's profile picture
New Mothers

I am a Women's Metamorphosis Coach with > 20 years of experience in HR, Consulting, Facilitation and Coaching. Today, I run a company called alingyourbrain and my Visionis to help 100,000 women become self-reliant, that is to be able to voice their opinion irrespective of social norms! This vision is out of my own hard experiences in life, of being low on self-confidence and self-esteem and to have over come it! I want to give you what Ihave overcome! Joinme..more

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Global Feminism


BrandyJ's profile picture

I am a mother and an educator in charter schools and ABC Youth Foundation. I host several podcast it's a huge passion of mine and I also produce I strongly feel that empathy is the glue of humanity and without it what do we have for understanding one another and being kind toward one another is what keeps Us human it's what makes it work and without it what can possibly get better you must hold on to that and remember and show it where it's needed so that people can know what it is and be able to show that same to others connecting and growing with others is within the foundations of empathy that's how the world gets better so we can understand we don't have to directly know one another we must be that change and it starts with us, we must be the change we want to see!more





New Mothers


Jebunisa's profile picture






Mental Health








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I provide Opportunity international digital work business success this is the first step you πŸ‘ˆπŸ€πŸ€™8101667213( rejistaion from free πŸ‘ˆ wonderful income and beautiful lifestyle financiel freedom anytime πŸ†—πŸ‘‰πŸ₯° your interesting inbox πŸ“₯ me contact me πŸ‘ˆπŸ€πŸ€™more

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