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Riddhi Doshi


Single Parenting
Mental Health
Workplace Equality

Member since December 01, 2022 with 0 connections, 0 posts, and 0 communities. See all posts and communities by Riddhi Doshi (@RiddhiDoshiP).


Riddhi Doshi, a dedicated psychologist, has committed herself to destigmatizing mental health and fostering open conversations through Let’s Talk Mental Health. Her community provides a safe and empathetic space for individuals to discuss various aspects of mental well-being, seek guidance, and share their personal experiences. Riddhi's professional insights and empathetic approach within Let’s Talk Mental Health contribute to the creation of a supportive environment where members can openly engage in discussions about mental health challenges, coping strategies, and personal growth. Riddhi Doshi warmly welcomes individuals from all backgrounds and experiences to join the conversation. With adaptable sensitivity, she encourages discussions on various aspects of mental health while maintaining a respectful and empathetic communication style. Her consistent identity as a psychologist and advocate for mental well-being deeply resonates with her community members, making Let’s Talk Mental Health a trusted space for those seeking to understand, share, and navigate the complexities of mental health.

Communities by RiddhiDoshiP

Rubaroo with Riddhi community profile picture
🩺 Health

When you think about your health, what first comes to mind? For many – if not most – of us, it’s probably our physical health. Are we eating healthy? Are we exercising regularly? Are we feeling tired? Or ill? Do our joints ache? Have we scheduled our annual check-up?All these questions are, of course, important ones to answer, but there’s another question we should be asking – another part of our health that deserves attention: how is our mental health?Our mental health has a tremendous impact on our overall health and well-being. Our mental health includes our thoughts, emotions, feelings and moods. It influences our choices, actions and how we relate to others. Good mental health can help us cope with stress, succeed in our professional lives, more effectively recover from difficult situations and add value to our community and be our best self.It’s important to understand that maintaining good mental health can often be a challenge. So, if you are struggling to maintain good mental health, you are definitely not alone. It’s important to know that it is ok to speak up and ask for help if you’re suffering from a mental health condition .In addition to professional care, there are some steps you can take at home and in life to improve mental wellness :Take care of you bodyEat HealthyLearn A New SkillMake time for family and friendsEnsure that you’re getting enough sleepPractice deep breathingMeditatemore

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