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by Pooja Bhandari on Jan 8, 2023

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My name is Divya, and I was born on June 16th, 1994, in Chennai. Talking to people fills me with anxiety, making me feel isolated. How can I overcome this to form meaningful friendships?" @TarotEmpress_PoojaABhandari

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Auspicious daysanswered 96 days ago

This can be solved with Numerology, balancing name number with other numbers can help you cope with such situation, also chant Gayatri Mantra everyday to build a strong aura. Love & Light Shagun K Singh Spiritual Life Coach Satvatma-The Pure Soul

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hii I was in a relationship for 2 years , In two' years I was his friend, his healer his everything and after coming in relationship I have done everything for him but still he said that I m not compatible for him ,by saying that u should move on from me and il tried I literally tried very hard by his on and off condition make me so emotionally exhausted by him him in his ups and downs but what about me if I demanded his time ,hie emotional support, his presence what is my fault because of these things he said u always argue , always have alot of complaints and non supportive person u r so move ahead in yr life u deserve someone better he said his last word's to me but this is not the end he still checked up on me in between one to two months what should I do please help me
main bhuth preshan ho gai hu tensan bhuth Ho gai hai life mein bf se breakup ho gaya or papa bi expre ho gaya hai
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دكتور بحس دايما عشان اعرف اعمل دايت محتاجه فلوس كثيره جدا هو ده حقيقي ؟ لاني خايفه ابدا معرفش اكمل
اهلا بيك جميله كوتو 🥰 معاك مها اسماعيل اختصاصى نفسى وحاله ازود ع كلام د نسمه أن ف أخطاء تفكير بتعطلك انك تبدئى وممكن تجارب غير فعاله بالنسبالك ووصلك من خلالها انى مش هقدر وخايفه اكمل وشهدعور الخوف هنا نابع من شئ تانى اشجعك تتابعينى ع صفحه (لأجل حياه تستحق أن تعاش) وتعرفى من خلالها وقت لايفاتى ونتكلم اكتر ف امور تانيه بتعطلى فيها بلع لايف الساعه ١١ص ١ظ ٣ظ كل يوم ماعدا الاحد والاربعاء الساعه ٣م ٥م ٨م منتظراك عزيزتى 🥰
اهلا بيكي معاكى د نسمة أخصائية تغذية علاجية دا معتقد خاطئ تماما عن الدايت ، اكل الدايت هو الاكل الصحي الطازج المتوفر يعني الفطار مثلا افضل جبنة هي الجبنة القريش و هي اقل سعرا و معاكي الفول كمان البروتين نوعي بين حيواني و نباتي عادي مش لازم مكسرات ممكن نبدلها بسوداني او لب غير محمص الخضار سعره معقول جدا و اختاري اي انواع متوفرة الفاكهة اختاري من فاكهة الموسم اللي سعرها معقول و خدي ثمرة في اليوم اعملي ليست باحتياجاتك كل اسبوع و اشتريها مرة واحدة بعروض مثلا و خلي بالك انك هتوفري كتيير من الأكلات السريعة و المعلبة و الحلويات و السناكس الاي بتجبيها في العادي ابدأي و متقلقيش و او محتاجة اي بدايل اقتصادية لاي اكل ابعتيلي و انا معاكي و هجاوبك على طول
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Hey! This is shruti I was there in a relationship for like 1 month with one boy called soham we were having a good relationship and one day all of the sudden he texted me that I think I'll have to breakup with you so I asked why then he said that my sister read our chats and she said that if you won't breakup right now then I'll tell this to your parents soo that's why we'll have to breakup that time I was like ok fine we'll then breakup but after that we were good friends and he used to talk nicely with me till now but from last month I don't know why he is ignoring me and like it was always me who used first send him hi message and he never used to start the conversation before he said that we'll be bestfriend but then why was he showing me that he is not even interested in talking with me before he used to talk nicely but then now he is not even messaging me and even I'm not texting him hi Hey! Why is my ex-boyfriend suddenly ignoring me after being friends? He used to initiate conversations before, but now he doesn't even message me. What could be the reason behind this change?
Hi Shruti 👋 I can understand this is a difficult phase for you... there may be many reasons on why is he ignoring you. I don't want to jump on to the conclusion that he was faking or possibly some infidelity issues. May be he has some real reasons to avoid you. If you want to know how to cope with the entire situation and how to know what is he upto please reach out to me in live sessions. -- Dr. Samadrita Saha, Consultant Psychologist
maybe he just lost feelings..
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I am going through a separation. my husband is having multiple affairs. I have a 5 years old daughter so I can't leave him. also I really love him and I am not very educated so I am dependent on him what's should I do now I am very confused should I take divorce or live like this only?
first searching your quality aap ko kya aata Hai aur kaiser aap financial independence rah sakti ho tab aap divorce ke bare main socho
Hi dear Start earning your own income and be financially independent. share your qualification and DM for more updates
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لو متقدملك شخص كويس بس عنده كان*سر عشان انا قلقانه اوي ومش عارفه اخد قرار وخايفه بعدين
اهلا جميله 🥰 معاك مها اسماعيل اخصائى نفسى اكلينيكى مقدره حيرتك وقلقك وعدم الامان مريض السرطان باختلاف نوعه ربنا يعافيه ويشفيه بيعانى بشكل كبير وبيكون محتاج متابعه مع معالج هل انت داخله العلاقه بعاطفة ولا بإصلاح ياعنى انت دورك ايه هتقدرى تقدمى ليه احتياجاتهم وهيقدم ليك احتياجاتك او لاء والاحتياجات الخاصة بكل واحد ليه حق فيها لكن بدون إجبار ع الطرف الآخر اشجعك تتواصلى معايا ف اللايف وصفحتى (لأجل حياه تستحق أن تعاش) نتكلم اكتر ف التفاصيل دى علشان نعرف كل واحد ايه احتياجاتهم من العلاقه هقدك اى وهاخد ايه دمتى بخير وود 🥰
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صاحبتي قلعت الحجاب وجوزي عرف وقالي لو عرفت انك كلمتيها او خرجتي معاها او جمعك بيها اي حاجة هاخد منك التلفون وهمنعك من الخروج خالص بس دي صاحبتي وعشرة عمري ومش عارفه اعمل اي انصحوني بالله
اهلا جميله 🥰 كوتو مقدره اللى وصلك من مشاعر ولخبطه من الموقف هنا محتاجه اسالك جوزك عرف ازاى هل منك انت شخصيا وازاى وصلتيله الخبر وايه وجهه نظره ف منعك عنها لما قلعت الحجاب وانك متتكلميش معاها تانى وهل من المتبع معاكم ف اى حوار أنه ينتهى بدون نقاش وعارفه رأيه وطبعه ف النقاش ولا ف مواضيغبيتناقش ومواضيع لاء ف اسئله محتاجه اسالهالك ونتناقش فيها علشان نوصل للاجابه وحلول مساعده المشكله إلى معطلاك بشجعك تتابعى معايا ع صفحتى (لأجل حياه تستحق أن تعاش) ومن خلال اللايف عن طريق الاتصال فون خلال اللايف ونتواصل بشكل أعمق انا حابه ومهامه اساعدك ف مشكلتك بشكل فعال انا مها اسماعيل معالج نفسى ومنتظراك دمتى بخير وود 🥰
مساء الخير ، معاكي د.إيمان حسن أخصاىي الأمراض النفسية والعصبية من تيم كوتو ، السؤال اللي بيطرح نفسه هنا هي إيه طريقتكم عادة في حل خلافاتكم واختلاف وجهات نظركم وهل طريقته دي إنت متعودة عليها ولا أول مرة يعملها معاكي وإيه أخلاق صاحبتك بشكل عام وهل في طريقة تقنعي بيها جوزك ولا لأ وايه سبب تعنته هل اتكلمتي معاه وعنده وجهة نظر محددة مثلا ، جاوبي علي كل الأسئلة دي وبالتأكيد لو علاقتك بصاحبتك مهمة حاولي معاه تاني لحد ما توصلوا لاتفاق
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can spending time apart help in healing a breaking relationship between me and my husband?? as we are having conflicts due to family issues.
Hi! I am a Psychologist and an intimacy coach staying away from your partner for may help to organize your thoughts and emotions however, it's very important to find out the underlying issues of fights. you may seek some professional help to find a balance in your relationship with your partner. join live sessions to find answers of your questions
Hi there... I can understand what you might be going through. Please seek help to learn on how to deal with break-up or such difficult situations. You can reach out to me in my live sessions.
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how can i let go of my ex emotionally?? Though we no longer see each other, there is this kind of dependency i have on him and i want to really get rid of it and move on
Hi! yes you are right! this is a kind of dependency and a habit which we from when we are in a relationship like any other behavior issue. We must also deal with it in the same way as we deal with an addiction. it requires work and a little bit of self discipline. I am here if you have any further questions. If you need any guidance you can connect with me personally.
Hi there... Ican understand what you might be going through. There are ways on how to give closure to any relationship and how to deal with break-up. Please reach out to me in my live sessions for learning about it.
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بابا متعود يسلف خطيبي العربية بتاعته عشان شغل بينهم و اوقات بيبقى فيه سفر فبيديىله العربية وخطيبي طلب من بابا العربية بس برا الشغل هيروح بيها مشوار وبابا وافق بس خطيبي حْبىىط العربية جامد وهىتكلف كتير في تصلحها و بابا قالو هىتصلحها انت وخطيبي مش موافق و عايز يىىفركش الخطوبة و ياخد دهىبه، بابا قاله خلاص مفيش ده الحل اي
مساء الخير معاكي د.إيمان حسن أخصائي الأمراض النفسية والعصبية من فريق كوتو ، طبعا أنا كنت أحب أسمع رأيك إنت أولا يعني شايفة المفروض خطيبك يدفع تمن التصليح ولا لأ وشايفة إنه لما يحط خطوبتكم وعلاقتك بيه قصاد العربية يبقي ده معناه إيه بس عموما أنا عايزاكي تفكري في إجابة علي الأسئلة دي لو أخدتي فستان من واحدة صاحبتك تحضري بيه مناسبة وبوظتي الفستان حتتكفلي بتصليحه ولا حترجعيه بايظ ولو رجعتيه بايظ وهث طلبت منك تصلحيه حتقطعي علاقتك بيها ولا حتلتزمي بإصلاح اللي بوظتيه ومن اجاباتك علي الأسئلة حتقدري تاخدي موقف واضح ولحد ده ما يحصل سيبي باباكي يتصرف باللي هو شايفه صح .
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I've been seeing a man since 5 months . we're in long distance and haven't met yet. he was super sweet and loving but a couple of weeks ago he stopped wishing me good morning and stopped the random cute messages he used to send me . when I confronted him he didn't give me any clarification. he kept on saying I love talking to you and I want to talk to you but it's on you if you don't want to talk to me . we argued a little and stopped talking. he's still making a snap streak with me though. what should I do ? I can't stop thinking about all the cute and loving things he used to say to me initially. I feel pathetic. but I don't want to break the no contact myself. I want him back. I love him . please suggest
Hello there! I am a clinical psychologist and would love to help you with this situation. It's understandable to feel confused and hurt by the sudden change in his behavior. Since you care deeply for him and want to reconnect, consider reaching out calmly and expressing your feelings clearly. Let him know how his sudden withdrawal has affected you and seek clarity on his feelings and intentions. It’s important to understand whether he is truly committed or if his interest has waned. Give him space to respond honestly without pressure. Reflect on whether his actions align with your emotional needs and if the relationship can provide the mutual support and affection you desire. Prioritizing open communication is key to resolving this uncertainty and determining the future of your relationship. Hope this helps. Would love to see you in one of my life sessions
Jo log aise krte h wo aapko bs manipulate kr रहे h... abhi time h Jane do usko... wrna toxic relationship me fns jaogi trust me.... aur b jyada muskie हो jayega niklna....

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