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by silaaevmez on Dec 1, 2023

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🎾 Avustralya Açık'ta tek kadınlarda yarı finalistler belli oldu. 👇 Yarı final maçları 25 Ocak'ta oynanacak. 🎾 📷 : AustralianOpen #avustralyaaçık #tenis #tekkadınlar

🎾 Avustralya Açık'ta tek kadınlarda yarı finalistler belli oldu. 👇
Yarı final maçları 25 Ocak'ta oynanacak. 🎾

📷 : AustralianOpen

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commented 254 days ago

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Milli sporcu Eda Erdem, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Büyükelçiliği tarafından “Uluslararası Cesur Kadınlar Ödülü”ne resmi aday gösterildi.
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Compromise in a relationship is okay, but not at the cost of your own happiness and self-respect. Learn why women should prioritize their rights and self-worth. 💪❤️ #SelfRespect #HealthyRelationships
@relationshipcoach_noya ya guys shez awesome I know her personally........ hope u remember me Noya mam ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
mera boyfriend ki saath jhakra hogaya hai woh mujhse baat bhi nahi kar Rahi hai aur mujhe cll bhi nahi kar Rahi hai aur mera cll bhi received nahi karti hai
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As we celebrate Independence Day, I reflect on the true essence of freedom. While we honor our nation's achievements, I can't help but feel that our independence isn't complete until every woman feels safe and empowered. Imagine a world where every girl can chase her dreams without fear, where safety is a birthright, not a privilege. Let’s unite to create a future where women thrive in every aspect of life, contributing to a stronger, more vibrant society. Together, we can pave the way for a truly independent nation—one where safety and equality reign for all. Happy Independence Day! 🌟 #womenforwomen #womensupportingwomen
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مستقبلك و لا جوازتك ! هتختاري إيه ‼️ #فاطمة_عبدالستار #كوتش_علاقات #رضوى_الشربيني
A very sensible talk👏🏻
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قوانين الحماية من العنف الأسري‼️‼️‼️ #WomenEmpowerment #KnowYourRights #LegalRights #GenderEquality #WorkplaceEquality #WomenInLaw #ReproductiveRights #MaternityRights #EqualPay #EndGenderViolence #Inclusivity #WomenEntrepreneurs #LegalEducation #SurvivorRights #GenderJustice #OnlineSafety
العُرف بيغلب القانون غالباً...ف المنظور دا
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معلومه مهمه اوى للسيدات فقط 👩🏻‍⚕️
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علميهم يدعموا حقوق السيدات دائما و أبدا هم دول المستقبل فلازم نأسسهم صح🤍 #WomenEmpowerment #KnowYourRights #LegalRights #GenderEquality #WorkplaceEquality #WomenInLaw #ReproductiveRights #MaternityRights #EqualPay #EndGenderViolence #Inclusivity #WomenEntrepreneurs #LegalEducation #SurvivorRights #GenderJustice #OnlineSafety
من اكبر المشاكل الي اتعرضت ليها في صغري اني اضطريت أكتم الحق من كلام امي ودا سبب ليا لما كبرت صمت رهيب اخاف اقول رأيي لكن في رحلة تعافي من الأمر
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Do you think what Poonam Pandey did was right?
absolutely wrong!!! using death and then using emotional outcry of PPL on it is so cruel. PPL won't believe it is truth next time when she is actually no more in this world .... they will think it's another drama by her
Seriously I feel she did wrong. There are many ways to create awareness 😐😒
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1 out of 3 women face domestic abuse in India. Are you a victim of domestic violence? Are you confused about what's happening and how you are treated? Are you struggling to speak up and finding the needed help? If this resonates with you or if you know of anyone facing abuse....join this community to know more. I'd really like to know your thoughts, experiences and questions if any!
one of my friend who recently married and moved to banglore. The day she enter the house she doesn't have a room to stay or a chair to sit. all other family members went to sleep and on that day she was fixing the bed that just brought from IKEA. Thats the first sign, latter own the family members don't allow her to go for work. she got a job offer from a bank with a very good package. And her husband draft one mail to the HR that she is not going to work the bank with this package and the distance. Now she is job less and she just spend her time in his family doing all the works and taking care of in laws. Besides that her in-laws always harras by asking dowry and comparing with others. I still can't belive that people are still expecting dowry and consider daughter in laws as a free maid.

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हक की लड़ाई तभी लड़ी जा सकती है जब आप अपने हक जानती हो। इस कंमुनिटी के साथ हम एक दूसरे की मदद कर सकेंगे, इंफोर्मेशन शेयर कर सकेंगे बेटर इंफोर्मेड बन सकेंगे।more

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Women's rights refer to the fundamental rights and freedoms that every woman and girl should have, regardless of their race, age, religion, nationality, or socio-economic status. These rights are based on the principle of gender equality and should apply in all spheres of life, including social, political, and economic domains. Key aspects of women's rights include: 1. **Political Rights:** Women should have the same rights as men to vote, run for political office, and participate in all levels of government. This also includes their right to influence policies and laws that affect their lives. 2. **Economic Rights:** Women should have equal access to employment and fair working conditions. They should receive equal pay for equal work, have the right to own property, and have equal access to economic resources such as education and training. 3. **Social Rights:** Women should have access to all social services, including healthcare and education. This also includes the right to live free from gender-based violence, harassment, and discrimination. 4. **Reproductive Rights:** Women should have the right to control their reproductive health and choices. This includes the right to access contraception, safe and legal abortion, and quality reproductive healthcare. 5. **Legal Rights:** Women should be equal before the law, with the right to sue and be sued, and the right to testify in court. They should also be protected by laws that penalize gender-based violence and discrimination. 6. **Cultural Rights:** Women should have the right to freely participate in the cultural life of their community, and to be free from cultural practices that harm or discriminate against them. Despite significant progress in many parts of the world, women's rights are still violated or neglected in many contexts. Advocacy for women's rights seeks to challenge and change these circumstances, with the aim of achieving equality and justice for all women.more


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