help women

by surbhijain123 on Jan 19, 2024

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toxiculture politics by office, that there are trying to throw me out that's why they are behaving like a very rude last couple of days since I have join it's only been one month and I you don't have a job right now and I have joined in hurry hurry what can I do I really don't understand this is very hard feeling for me my whole family is depending on me and I don't have any choice to change the job I am working and still working

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commented 100 days ago

please pahle khud ko relaxed rakhe and new job search kar kre...bahoot jldi mil jayegi and try Fiverr app hope this app help you

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How do I respond to comments about my appearance or personal life in the workplace without feeling objectified or disrespected? @Preetha_Balakrishnan
This is not an easy one! Please be aware znd cautious of the kind of comments, if it is sexual by nature, you should complain to your POSH committee. I hope you are aware of that? If not if it a compliment, take it positively and do not forget to thank you for the compliment! Hope I have clarified...Regards, Preetha
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I'm Ananya. What can I do if I'm experiencing discrimination or harassment based on my gender, but HR seems ineffective or unsupportive? pls suggest @Preetha_Balakrishnan
POSH committe, pls raise it to them. You should have one. Hr ideally will be a part of it too...if HR themselves are discriminating pls raise it to the higher ups ..if it's important to you, you need to spend that time and energy required for this....
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Hmm..Ypu need to objectively handle this. Your first customer is always your boss! Know this, as she will be tjeone who will give youvthat promotion or hike.! Understand what is she asking for? Try tomake the job simple for her, that's the key! They are not your enemies. Work it out amicably for the two of you.As far as comments on your dressing goes, take it positively and do not forget to thank her for her complements!
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A very sensible talk👏🏻
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