A one-of-a-kind workspace- a space for you to vent, discuss, laugh, jiggle (oh you will jiggle) & find a common ground for all crazy experiences that we women have gone through/ going through/ have witnessed others going through in their corporate workplaces. I have a whole lot of them to share be it screwed up bosses, annoying HR experiences and all things work related which make us go arghhhhhh and I’m sure you have lots too!! 😉I promise you-nothing will be mundane, nothing will be sugarcoated or filtered and nothing will be ‘sanskaari’! Hop on with me on this quirky, thrilling, mad roller coaster of most obnoxious experiences – coming from me sassyhrlady- a HR professional with 15years of HR aka “Humor Raised” experiences!
Questions in this community
hey. I recently joined a new job and I've already got a situation to deal with. A male colleague keeps hitting on me, and wants to hangout during lunch, how do I avoid him??
Make it clear that you are not interested in a romantic or sexual relationship with your colleague. You can say something like, "I value our professional relationship and would like to keep it that way."
I am new to my job and my colleagues are giving me extra works to do just because I am a rookie. How can I set my boundaries and let them know that I will be not doing their share of work??
It happens, it's bullying. You must strictly tell them you can't do it. You must learn to say NO
I think my boss has a crush on me. He has become extremely sweet towards me, more than he is towards anybody else. But my colleagues told me the otherwise that he hates the way In work. Whom should I believe??
Maybe he just likes you because you are a good employee, not because he has a crush on you
There is a male coworker who constantly makes unwanted advances and flirtatious comments towards me. He keeps trying to get me to go to lunch with him, despite me turning him down politely numerous times. I'm starting to feel uncomfortable and want to avoid any one-on-one situations with him. What is the best way for me to firmly shut down his advances without creating an awkward workplace environment?
I Would say whatsoever may happen just go and confront him about it, tell him how you feel uncomfortable. If he still continues then you can report it to your HR or some senior.
My boss is giving me extra work on weekends despite of knowing the fact that I recently got into a relationship. Is he jealous? or is he taking revenge from me for something. What should I do?
Nothing like that. maybe there is an urgent meeting or stuff that is happening as a result he is giving more work. u r just overthinking
I have a coworker who is extremely two-faced towards me. Whenever we interact directly, she's overly nice and friendly to my face. But multiple trusted colleagues have mentioned to me that the moment I'm not around, she routinely talks badly about me and bitches about things I've done or said. This duplicitous behavior is really off-putting. I'm worried about creating unnecessary workplace drama if I call her out directly. What's the best way to approach this situation - should I have an upfront discussion or kill her with kindness in hopes she stops the petty gossiping?
I think try talking to her for sometime. if she is rude or something then ignore her
I got into a relationship with my co-worker recently. But we always wanted to keep it a secret. But now my entire department knows about it. Apparently, a jealous collegue of mine spread the news after she saw us together. Should I ask her to stop messing this up for us??
Honestly even if she disclosed your secret in front of everyone then it doesn't really matter. It's not such a big problem
okay story time: i’ve had the BIGGEST crush on one of my coworkers but it’s not something i can really bring up because they’re seeing someone else (it’s a serious relationship) and i’m pretty sure my coworker sees me more as a bestie than anything else. Valentine’s day is coming up, which means my work crush has now started discussing plans of what they wanna do with their partner on valentines and how they’re gonna approach it. it’s an absolute nightmare to say the least. 😖😱 How do i get away from this without making my own feelings obvious??
There are only 2 options which you have. Either confess to him that you have feelings for him. Ik he is in a serious relationship but just tell him. It will make u feel lighter. Second option is to just forget him and move on. you will find someone else
today a coworker asked me what my plans for valentine’s day were. we’re not friends, we’re not even close coworkers. how did they assume it was okay to ask me a personal questions about my dating life? im not seeing anyone at the moment, but i don’t like the idea that my entire office is in on my business. am i being over sensitive? or was i right to get a little defensive?
Honestly I feel that you are overreacting coz he just asked about your valentine plans. you could have just replied by saying I would not like to share or no plans. he was just trying to ask your plans. nothing else. I don't think that he had an intention of invading your privacy.
I have just completed my masters and the good news is that just few days I had been called for an interview. so I was all excited and stuff until I was asked about coding. Me being me didn't know what to do and lied that I was good at coding. However now I'm really scared as it's my first job and I hope that it doesn't turn out to be my last job. Now the only option is to learn that skill. How do I learn coding in 2 days. Pls help. I'm in a mess.
Focus on basics start with online tutorials, practice simple problems, and grasp fundamental concepts. Use resources like Codecademy or freeCodeCamp. Prioritize understanding over perfection.
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