Member since March 21, 2024 with 5 connections, 18 posts, and 16 communities. See all posts and communities by @Dr_MayWafa.
Member since March 21, 2024 with 5 connections, 18 posts, and 16 communities. See all posts and communities by @Dr_MayWafa.
زيادة رهيبة ف الوزن ١٠ كيلو ف شهر هل تكيسات المبايض ممكن تسبب كدا
صباح الخير يا فندم مع حضرتك د مي وفا أخصائي التغذية العلاجية و السمنة والنحافة...الزيادة في الوزن هي سبب من أسباب حدوث التكيسات في المبايض مش العكس يعني التكيسات مش سبب الزيادة و لكن الزيادة من أسباب التكيسات...ممكن يكون مشكلة في الغدة الدرقية أو مقاومة انسولين فحضرتك محتاجة تعرفي سبب حدوث التكيسات...و ممكن تابعينا في ال لايف انهاردة حنتكلم على الموضوع ده
بتاخد قد ايه وقت عشان اوصل لشكل جسم عاجبنى ؟
صباح الخير مع حضرتك د مي وفا أخصائي التغذية العلاجية و السمنة والنحافة...الحقيقة ده بيختلف على حسب كل جسم و حرقه و لو في أي مشكلة ممكن تأثر على زيادة الوزن أو نقصانه و أسلوب حياة حضرتك ف لنكون محتاجين تفاصيل أكتر ممكن حضرتك تدخلي معيا في مكالمة في اللايف حتلاقي ال icon على ايد حضرتك اليمين في اللايف و تقوليلي تفاصيل أكتر تبعيني حطلع لايف في خلال الساعات الجاية
لو انا مريضه تكيسات مبيض و حجم البويضه عندي صغير جدا في ايام التبويض و بالتالي مش بيحدث حمل... ايه افضل حل ؟
مساء الخير @bold_3920_umbrella مع حضرتك د مي وفا أخصائي التغذية العلاجية و السمنة و النحافة حضرتك محتاجة تتوجهي لدكتور نسا للسونار و الكشف و أخذ الأدوية اللازمة للحالة و متابعة حجم البويضة و متابعة نظام غذائي لتكيس المبايض لأن أسلوب حياتك و أنواع الاكل و وصولك للوزن الصحي بتساعد جدا في تحسن الحالة مع الرياضة أيضا تابعينا في ال lives sessions حنكلم عن التغذية السليمة في حالة التكيس قريب إن شاء الله
بجد انا من اول رمضان و انا مش قادره اقوم من السرير عندي خمول مش طبيعي و دي مش طبيعتي و عايزه اعمل جدول انظم فيه وقتي مش عارفه ابدأ منين
صباح الخير مع حضرتك د مي وفا أخصائي التغذية العلاجية و السمنة والنحافة وارد جدا يكون سبب الخمول أسلوب أكلك خلال وقت الإفطار و السحور زي أن حضرتك بتاكلي حلويات و عصائر على السحور أو مش بتتسحري و بردو ممكن يكون حضرتك متعودة تشربي قهوة صباحا و مجهزتيش نفسك لرمضان و جائز في مشكلة في الغدة الدرقية أو حضرتك مش بتشربي مياه كفاية خلال فترة الإفطار فحيكون أحسن لو حضرتك دخلتي معيا لايف كل يوم من ١٠ ل ٣ و نتناقش أكتر و بردو محتاجة إستشارة life coach يساعد حضرتك على تنظيم وقتك و استعيدي شغفك و نشاطك
Dr_MayWafa posted 262 days ago
أكلات تساعد على زيادة الوزن لحالات النحافة - منتجات اللبان و الأجبان كاملة الدسم -النشويات المعقدة: زي الرز البني و المكرونة البني و شوفان الحبوب الكاملة و العيش البلدي -المكسرات النيه بكل انوعها -الفواكة المجففة: زي الزبيب و التمر و غيرهم -الدهون الصحية : الافوكادو و زيت الزيتون -البطاطس و البطاطا -البروتين الحيواني و للحفاظ على صحة المعدة و تحسين الهضم -زبادي يوناني كامل الدسم -فواكهة : زي الاناناس و الكيوي بلاش مقليات و محليات صناعية و أكل صعب الهضم
د مي وفا أخصائي التغذية العلاجية و السمنةوالنحافة SCOPE certified و هي الشهادة الدولية الوحيدة المعتمدة عالميا في السمنة و النحافة حاصلة على دبلومة التغذية العلاجية من جامعة المنصورة حاصلة على كورس السمنة و النحافة و البورد الامريكي في التغذية العلاجية من نقابة صيادلة الجيزة حاصلة على شهادات تدريبية مختلفة في النحت الغير جراحي بالأجهزة و حقن تفتيت الدهون قدرت أساعد أكتر من 1000+ حالة إنها تغير نظام حياتها لأسلوب حياه صحى و علاجها بالتغذية الصحيحة حسب حالتها و الأمراض التي تعاني منهاmore
I am a mother and an educator in charter schools and ABC Youth Foundation. I host several podcast it's a huge passion of mine and I also produce I strongly feel that empathy is the glue of humanity and without it what do we have for understanding one another and being kind toward one another is what keeps Us human it's what makes it work and without it what can possibly get better you must hold on to that and remember and show it where it's needed so that people can know what it is and be able to show that same to others connecting and growing with others is within the foundations of empathy that's how the world gets better so we can understand we don't have to directly know one another we must be that change and it starts with us, we must be the change we want to see!more
Relationship Coach Mishra is a certified relationship coach on coto. With a Master’s in Psychology and extensive experience in counseling, Hema specializes in helping individuals and couples rebuild trust, improve communication, and resolve conflicts. Her expertise extends to addressing common relationship challenges, including emotional disconnection, infidelity recovery, intimacy issues, and parenting disagreements. Hema’s empathetic and solution-focused approach combines evidence-based techniques like active listening, conflict resolution strategies, and emotional regulation exercises to help couples navigate their struggles and create healthier, more fulfilling relationships. She also provides support for managing stress, anxiety, and anger that often impact relationships. As a Relationship Expert on coto, Hema offers online therapy sessions tailored to each couple’s unique needs. Whether you’re working through trust issues, seeking to strengthen your bond, or navigating the complexities of a separation, Hema is dedicated to helping you achieve clarity and lasting harmony.more
I’m Sonal a Life Coach with 3 years of work experience.I’m dedicated to support my clientsmore
Hey everyone, I am a Psychologist with a specialisation in family and relationship counselling. more
Relation Building Expert Arora, a certified Behavioral Therapist and Relationship Coach on coto, holds a Bachelor's in Psychology from the University of Melbourne and advanced studies in Global Mental Health at the University of Buckingham. With extensive experience in trauma-informed care, she specializes in guiding individuals and couples through challenges like communication breakdowns, emotional trauma, and behavioral concerns. She specializes in helping individuals and couples overcome challenges such as communication breakdowns, emotional disconnect, stress, trauma recovery, and relationship conflicts. Her practice focuses on creating healthier emotional patterns, fostering stronger bonds, and addressing behavioral concerns across all age groups. With a strong foundation in trauma-informed care and global mental health, she tailors her counseling techniques to suit each client’s unique needs. Her expertise spans emotional regulation, stress management, and evidence-based therapies like cognitive behavioral interventions and early developmental strategies. Her compassionate and solution-focused approach helps individuals dealing with anxiety, depression, parenting struggles, and decision-making dilemmas. She has worked extensively across diverse global settings, including India and Australia, providing telehealth mental health support to individuals and couples seeking to rebuild trust, enhance communication, and rediscover emotional connection. As a trusted expert on coto, she is committed to helping clients navigate personal and relationship challenges with clarity and confidence.more
Relationship Coach Roy, a certified Counseling Psychologist and Relationship Coach on coto, holds a Bachelor’s in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery and a Master’s in Psychology from MS University. With a unique combination of holistic wellness and counseling psychology, she specializes in supporting individuals and couples facing relationship struggles, emotional challenges, and stress management. Her expertise spans improving communication, rebuilding trust, addressing emotional disconnect, and managing conflict in relationships. She also specializes in stress management, trauma-informed care, and guiding clients through self-esteem issues that impact their personal and relational well-being. With a background in psychology and holistic wellness, she integrates counseling techniques with a compassionate approach tailored to each client’s unique needs. Her sessions help individuals navigate challenges like anxiety, unresolved trauma, and self-doubt, while also offering couples the tools to enhance intimacy, resolve conflicts, and foster deeper emotional connections. On coto, she offers online therapy sessions, making support accessible to clients across all age groups, including Indians and NRIs seeking clarity and guidance. Whether you’re struggling with personal growth, communication barriers, or managing life’s emotional complexities, she is committed to empowering you with the tools to lead a more fulfilling life and healthier relationships.more
I am a mother and an educator in charter schools and ABC Youth Foundation. I host several podcast it's a huge passion of mine and I also produce I strongly feel that empathy is the glue of humanity and without it what do we have for understanding one another and being kind toward one another is what keeps Us human it's what makes it work and without it what can possibly get better you must hold on to that and remember and show it where it's needed so that people can know what it is and be able to show that same to others connecting and growing with others is within the foundations of empathy that's how the world gets better so we can understand we don't have to directly know one another we must be that change and it starts with us, we must be the change we want to see!more
this community is for podcasters and people with podcast interest that love to come together to collab give advice creative ideas and sharing and discussing podcast experiences or just thoughts on podcast. do you have any podcast solutions concerns or even embarrassments we can talk about it here because this is creative podcasting mindsetsmore
this community is to share the things that we are passionate about and allow ourselves to understand and connect with others through storytelling, sharing our real stories with creativity!more
A space where you will get awareness and support about mental health and self care. I will be sharing certain tips and self help strategies to support you through for your difficult days. This is about making you feel worthy and help you realize that You Matter!more
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