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by manasa etyala on Jan 12, 2023

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it was made for women empowerment.. .. encouraging women.... Women are special for many reasons. They are the most sensitive, caring and maternal people in the world... encouraging women in all aspects like financially.. economically mentally.. etcI'm proud to be a woman because our instincts are strong. The instinctual power that we have within us guides us and protects us. 2. I'm proud to be a woman because the female bond is so strong, when women support women incredible things can happen.I'm proud to be a woman because our instincts are strong. The instinctual power that we have within us guides us and protects us. 2. I'm proud to be a woman because the female bond is so strong, when women support women incredible things can happen.I'm proud to be a woman because our instincts are strong. The instinctual power that we have within us guides us and protects us. 2. I'm proud to be a woman because the female bond is so strong, when women support women incredible things can happen.Some say a complete woman is one who is married, has kids, is a good homemaker, a dedicated wife, and daughter-in-law, a loving and caring mother, daughter, sister, etc... All at once.She is not afraid to share her ideas and thoughts, regardless of what others think.” “She speaks her heart and her mind.” “She respects herself enough to stand up for herself, the causes she believes in, and the welfare of others. encouraging to be a successful women... encouraging her to be innovative.. competitive.. A strong woman is someone who is confident about who she is and is able to love herself. She may have strong convictions, but is able to be flexible, admit her mistakes and be gentle in her dealings with others.” “A strong woman is one who is comfortable in her own skin, she accepts and is content with who she is.... warangal women are daring.. as well as sensitive. . . assertive.. Be yourself - it's the inner beauty that counts. ...................................................... .....

✊ Social Impact
Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment
Workplace Equality
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commented 454 days ago


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commented 454 days ago


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commented 461 days ago

@manasaetyala4753 is this Samakka Sarrakka Jatra?

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