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by AstrologerVaishali on Jan 23, 2023

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Vedic Astrology and Vastu. As a child I wished I would know what future had in store... I always wondered how Astrologers knew what was going to happen to someone, how did they know things that I had not shared with them and I wanted to learn how to look into one's nature and future. It intrigued me and drove me so crazy that I had this burning desire to learn Astrology. I was not in awe of filmstars but in awe of Astrologers. I got the most wonderful opportunity to learn when I took a sabbatical from my corporate job. It all started as a hobby, a passion. I had never dreamt of becoming a professional Astrologer. But as they say when you are destined to do something the Universe leads you there. My Astro journey started in the year 2013. And here I am now to help you all with your questions on Astrology and Vastu. I have always wanted to help to the best of my ability. Women especially, find it very comforting to approach a woman Astrologer as they feel they will be understood better which is true. A big percentage of people approaching me for professional guidance are women and for all sorts of problems ranging from education and career to marriage, pregnancy and abusive relationship or marriage. I don't judge, I just guide. An Astrologer is a trustworthy counsellor. Your innermost feelings and burning issues are safe with me. It's not always about problems faced by one, at times people may just want to know a favourable time period to do a certain task or they may need help in decision making. They may want to know when an auspicious event may occur or remedies with respect to a problem. It could be anything under the sun. I have been trying to simplify Astrology and Vastu for others and here I'll be making an honest attempt to help.So dear ladies, let the conversations begin!🙌

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I've always wondered about the best place to keep a mirror in my home. Considering factors like lighting, room size, and Feng Shui principles, where would be the most optimal location to place a mirror to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of my living space while promoting positive energy and well-being? @AstrologerVaishali

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Auspicious daysanswered 107 days ago

North, East and NE are the ideal position for placing Mirrors in your living room

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Rituals & Practicesanswered 105 days ago

these directions mentioned here are the best placements for a mirror but it should not reflect your bed or you as you are sleeping. so you need to place it accordingly.

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I'm considering relocating to a new city. What does my astrological chart suggest about the compatibility of different locations with my energy? @Jebunisa
though astrology doesnt provide such info,you can start by providing your details first!
Astrology can highlight personality traits, but it doesn't pinpoint ideal cities. Consider practical factors like job opportunities and personal preferences when choosing a location.
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How can I use the energy of the current planetary alignments or astrological transits to manifest career success and fulfillment? @NehaaGoyal_
For this, you have to provide the details of your astro chart.
Using the energy of current planetary alignments and astrological transits to manifest career success and fulfillment involves aligning your actions and intentions with the cosmic energies at play.
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I'm feeling stuck in a creative rut. What astrological influences might be affecting my creativity, and how can I reignite my inspiration? @PurvanjaliTalkaboutNumbers
There are many factors which can influence your creativity,Please provide more details.
Astrology offers insights into various aspects of personality and behavior, including creativity, through the study of planetary placements and astrological aspects. While there are many factors that can influence creativity in an individual's birth chartchart.
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I'm curious about past life influences on my current experiences and relationships. Can astrology provide insights into my past lives? @Aartichawla
You can learn about your past life experiences and their effect on you by doing past life regression with experts.[sort of a meditation it is]
If you're interested in exploring the concept of past lives and their potential influence on your current experiences and relationships, you may want to consider exploring other spiritual or metaphysical practices, such as past life regression therapy, hypnosis, or meditation. These practices are often used to access and explore past life memories or experiences and can provide insights into recurring patterns, unresolved issues, and karmic relationships that may be impacting your current life.
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I've been feeling drained lately and lacking energy. Can the stars/cards offer any insights into potential causes or ways to improve my energy levels? @NehaaGoyal_
Hey, do observe the patterns of your health concerns especially during full moon and no moon days.. Shagun K Singh Spiritual Life Coach Manifesting Miracles
I can offer some general advice. Feeling drained and lacking energy can be caused by various factors, including physical, emotional, and environmental factors. Ensure you're prioritizing your physical health by getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet rich in nutrients, staying hydrated, and engaging in regular exercise. Consider scheduling a check-up with your healthcare provider to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to your fatigue.
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I'd like to attract more abundance and financial security. What steps can I take, and can the stars/cards offer any additional guidance? @tarotqueen
To attract more abundance and financial security, here are some practical steps you can take: Set Clear Goals: Define your financial goals and create a plan to achieve them. Break down your goals into actionable steps and set realistic timelines for achieving them. Budget and Save: Develop a budget to track your income and expenses, and look for areas where you can cut back or save more. Building an emergency fund and setting aside money for long-term goals can provide financial stability and peace of mind. Invest Wisely: Educate yourself about different investment options and consider diversifying your portfolio to minimize risk. Whether it's stocks, real estate, or retirement accounts, investing can help grow your wealth over time. Increase Income: Explore opportunities to increase your income, whether it's through asking for a raise, pursuing freelance work, or starting a side hustle. Increasing your earning potential can help accelerate your path to financial security.
Yes definitely for astrological u can give more details and join my live session so we can discuss more details on it
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What planetary influences or astrological aspects might explain the recurring challenges I encounter, and how can I use this knowledge to manifest positive changes? @nehaa
For this,its imp to get your astro chart checked.
To identify potential planetary influences or astrological aspects contributing to recurring challenges in your life, it's important to analyze your birth chart and look for patterns or configurations that may shed light on these issues.
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I'm Shreya, and financial woes keep me awake at night. Can astrology offer guidance on creating a more stable financial future? @Astroscience_Shagun
Yes definitely, Astrology, Numerology, Vastu etc these are all powerful tools which can help and guide us in our path Shagun K Singh Spiritual Life Coach Satvatma-The Pure Soul
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Can you tell that if the house is wider than the front and less than the back, then it is considered a defect in Vastu Shastra and what is the remedy? @AstrologerVaishali
hi. a house is ideally supposed to be in square or rectangle shape. any direction that's out of this shape, if extended or if cut either ways is a Vastu dosh for which there are different remedies. for which the whole house must be taken into consideration so as to balance all cuts n extensions which someone who is not a vastu expert may not b recognize.
In Vastu Shastra, the width of the house should ideally be the same or larger at the front as compared to the back. If the house is wider at the back and narrower at the front, it is considered a Vastu defect. One remedy for this situation is to use mirrors or lights to create an illusion of increased space at the front of the house. Additionally, using certain colors and shapes in the interior design can also help balance the Vastu energies. It's important to consult with a Vastu expert for personalized advice and remedies tailored to your specific situation.
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I would like to know how I can use specific Vastu principles to align objects and elements in my house to effectively remove negative energy. I have noticed that negative energy lingers at times @AstrologerVaishali
*hanuman ji idol is what I meant. plz ignore the word statue.
for vastu related placement your vastu needs to be studied by a vastu expert. for negativity the above remedies will surely help you. also placing panchmukhi hanuman ji statue will help but after a study of your vastu. there's a likelihood that if the vastu has a negative energy problem then you have a South door.

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I am Shriiya Shukla your friendly Tarot and Numerology guide! For 5+ years, I've been helping people understand life's ups and downs. I am really good at predicting what might happen and giving helpful advice about health, work, money, and relationships. Think of me as that smart friend who's always there for you. Whether you're stuck with a tough choice or a confusing situation, Tarot Cards are like a flashlight in the dark, showing you the way forward. In a world full of unknowns, Tarot Reading is like a strong rock you can lean on. I am here to listen and lend a hand whenever you need it. I will make you feel understood and strong, no matter what challenges you're facing. I am focused and passionate about helping women who feel lost or unsure of themselves. I believe every woman deserves to feel confident and in charge of her life. Through my readings, I help women tap into their inner power and find their path to happiness and success. My goal is simple: to make the world a brighter place, one reading at a time. With tarot card guidance, you can face the future with a smile and hope.more

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I'm Bhavna from Mumbai, India, certified Personal Development Coach, graduated through an ICF accredited school of coach training. I'm often asked — What is Life Coaching? Life Coaching is an ongoing partnership between the client and the coach. It helps the client achieve fulfilling results both in their personal and professional lives. As a personal development coach, my objective is to help you get from where you are to where you want to be in life. And how do I do that? By helping you break the barriers you have imposed on yourself. I'm super grateful that I can share my learnings as a Life Coach to help you get to the heart of your needs and desires, while you identify and achieve your personal and professional goals with increased accountability, commitment and satisfaction. Looking forward to being your ally and building a life of POSSIBILITIES!!! +91more


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Your Guide to Astrology, Numerology, Lal-Kitab, Aura Reading, and More Welcome! I am Meghana Kapoor, a dedicated practitioner of Astrology, Numerology, Lal-Kitab, Aura Reading, and various other occult sciences. Over the past two years, I have had the privilege of helping over 800+ individuals navigate life's challenges and uncover their true potential. Whether you're seeking clarity in your personal life, professional guidance, or spiritual growth, I am here to assist you. My expertise spans: Astrology: Gain insights into your life's path and future through the study of celestial movements. Numerology: Discover the profound significance of numbers in your life and unlock their hidden messages. Lal-Kitab: Benefit from the unique remedies and insights offered by this ancient astrological text. Aura Reading: Understand your energy field and how it affects your well-being and relationships. I look forward to connecting with you and helping you make your life better. Together, we can explore the mysteries of the universe and decode the secret of lifemore

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Rituals & Practices

▪️Astrologer Vaishali is a practicing, certified Vedic Astrologer with rich experience who has helped many people by giving them right guidance and perspective in all areas with remedies. She is a Jyotish Bhushan (2014) and Vastu Pandit (2018). Community Creator of Jyotish Vastu Shastra Astro since over a year. Check out her posts in the community & @rjastrovaisy @rj_vaisy on Instagram. Book a one-on-one consultation on coto. More About Astrologer Vaishali: ▪️RJ Astrologer Vaishali is a Radio Presenter with Akashvani Mumbai's 107.1 FM Rainbow since more than a decade. ▪️She's also an Anchor/ Compere, Voice Actor- Artist, Amateur Writer and a Professional Vedic Astrologer. ▪️Awarded with the Nari Shakti Award by Sainik Bharati Humanity Foundation's Pratima Rao madam in March 2022, in recognition of her 10 years of public service as a RJ of GOI Institution Prasar Bharati's Akashvani and for her contribution on Radio during the pandemic LIVE from the Churchgate Akashvani studios. ▪️Has lent her Voice to various projects and anchored LIVE events. ▪️Interviewed top celebrities and public personalities like Actress Divya Dutta and Archana Puran Singh, Mithoon (Music Composer), Aditya Datt (Film Director of Aashiq Banaya Aapne, Commando 3 etc.), Devdutt Pattanaik (Mythologist, Author and Speaker), Sham Kaushal- Action and Stunts Director, Subhash Ghai (Hindi Film Director) to name some. ▪️She also writes, straight from her heart. And has a strong background in corporate sales and marketing. ▪️She also delivers lectures on Radio as a Guest Lecturer.more


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import static com.kms.katalon.core.checkpoint.CheckpointFactory.findCheckpoint import static com.kms.katalon.core.testcase.TestCaseFactory.findTestCase import static com.kms.katalon.core.testdata.TestDataFactory.findTestData import static com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.ObjectRepository.findTestObject import static com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.ObjectRepository.findWindowsObject import com.kms.katalon.core.checkpoint.Checkpoint as Checkpoint import com.kms.katalon.core.cucumber.keyword.CucumberBuiltinKeywords as CucumberKW import com.kms.katalon.core.mobile.keyword.MobileBuiltInKeywords as Mobile import com.kms.katalon.core.model.FailureHandling as FailureHandling import com.kms.katalon.core.testcase.TestCase as TestCase import com.kms.katalon.core.testdata.TestData as TestData import com.kms.katalon.core.testng.keyword.TestNGBuiltinKeywords as TestNGKW import com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.TestObject import com.kms.katalon.core.util.KeywordUtil import com.kms.katalon.core.webservice.keyword.WSBuiltInKeywords as WS import com.kms.katalon.core.webui.keyword.WebUiBuiltInKeywords as WebUI import com.kms.katalon.core.windows.keyword.WindowsBuiltinKeywords as Windows import internal.GlobalVariable as GlobalVariable import org.openqa.selenium.Keys as Keys import groovy.json.* response = WS.sendRequest(findTestObject('Object Repository/API/iOS/CommunityProfile/AllMembersList')) JsonSlurper slurper = new JsonSlurper() Map parsedJson = slurper.parseText(response.getResponseText()) List<String> MembersName=parsedJson.members.userName List<String> DiffCta=parsedJson.members.connectionStatus for(int i=0;i<MembersName.size();i++) { KeywordUtil.logInfo(MembersName[i]+" is a member of This community with "+DiffCta[i]+" CTA") if(DiffCta[i]=="requested") { String BeforeCTA=Mobile.getText(findTestObject('Object Repository/iOS/CommunityProfile/MemberViewUI/CTAtoGetText'), 0) Mobile.verifyElementVisible(findTestObject('Object Repository/iOS/CommunityProfile/MemberViewUmore


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Build a logical and scientific way of thought process about ancient science of Vaastu, fengshui, astrology, numerology. Removal of fear factor to see world through hope creates abundance which when becomes way of life gifts you prosperous life. more

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it is for exchanging knowledge as a Tarot Card Reader or dowser or Healer or therapist any thing related to occultmore