⚖القانون في صالحك community's profile image

by Nada H on Jul 10, 2023

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Women's rights refer to the fundamental rights and freedoms that every woman and girl should have, regardless of their race, age, religion, nationality, or socio-economic status. These rights are based on the principle of gender equality and should apply in all spheres of life, including social, political, and economic domains. Key aspects of women's rights include: 1. **Political Rights:** Women should have the same rights as men to vote, run for political office, and participate in all levels of government. This also includes their right to influence policies and laws that affect their lives. 2. **Economic Rights:** Women should have equal access to employment and fair working conditions. They should receive equal pay for equal work, have the right to own property, and have equal access to economic resources such as education and training. 3. **Social Rights:** Women should have access to all social services, including healthcare and education. This also includes the right to live free from gender-based violence, harassment, and discrimination. 4. **Reproductive Rights:** Women should have the right to control their reproductive health and choices. This includes the right to access contraception, safe and legal abortion, and quality reproductive healthcare. 5. **Legal Rights:** Women should be equal before the law, with the right to sue and be sued, and the right to testify in court. They should also be protected by laws that penalize gender-based violence and discrimination. 6. **Cultural Rights:** Women should have the right to freely participate in the cultural life of their community, and to be free from cultural practices that harm or discriminate against them. Despite significant progress in many parts of the world, women's rights are still violated or neglected in many contexts. Advocacy for women's rights seeks to challenge and change these circumstances, with the aim of achieving equality and justice for all women.

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Women's Rights

قوانين الحماية من العنف الأسري‼️‼️‼️ #WomenEmpowerment #KnowYourRights #LegalRights #GenderEquality #WorkplaceEquality #WomenInLaw #ReproductiveRights #MaternityRights #EqualPay #EndGenderViolence #Inclusivity #WomenEntrepreneurs #LegalEducation #SurvivorRights #GenderJustice #OnlineSafety

قوانين الحماية من العنف الأسري‼️‼️‼️

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commented 225 days ago

العُرف بيغلب القانون غالباً...ف المنظور دا

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Hi beautiful soul, I understand the turmoil yiu are going through right now. Let us find answer to this. Let us come together at my live session at night from 10 to 11 and 12 to 01.
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Don’t feel bad if someone mis-treats you.
Absoultly right.....stay away from people who spred negativity around u..who so ever is.
This is so true n powerful messsge which we missed learning in our childhood. People try to get you to their standards always. So always associate with the ones who lift you up. Refrain from the ones who try to put you down to their levels.
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و ده لما اصحابك يفطروا معاك في البيت، و طبعا لازم نتسلي😀 و نقع علي صفقه رق كبيره😂
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my husband is a drug addict, he drinks aLot, use to take brown sugar also. due` to this there are a lot of problems. i have a 3 year old child. nowadays we are fighting, he is always drunk. what should I do
hlw everyone, i have talked to my husband and in laws also. my father in law knows everything but he never interfere between us. last week was very disturbing for me. as i asked divorce from my husband. he was heartbroken and asked for a chance. this time he has consulted a psychiatrist and tdke medicine also. now i am just praying everything be good.
Hi Neha... First of all, he's an absolute loser and you are a brave lady to even think about your options. Most would have left someone like that to get his sh*t together. There are 2 ways in most situations.... 1. He'll forever be an addict if he isn't showing any motive to give up.... 2. He's trying his best to sober down and be the dad he's supposed to be. The choice is yours. You can stick around and wait or find a way and leave. If you want to give him time, please prepare yourself for a plan B. And keep your child informed. Sounds strange? yes!! But most experts in this area emphasize on having clear communication when children are involved. This way they won't grow up confused and will have at least one parent to trust completely. The way you talk to your child is important though. Something like, Dad's made a terrible choice of food and now he's feeling sick. Let's wait till he gets better. In the meantime let's play. So it's not too overwhelming.
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و أنتم؟
الاكلة الرسمية بعد العيد
و انا كمان جداً
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my husband cheated on me with my own sister. now he is asking me to sign a divorce mutually and doesn't wanna give me any dues only promising to child care as my son is disable. we are still under the same roof and he is planning to move out.But every day is a new fight as he is constantly talking shit about me verbally abusing me and my son. it's a lot of verbal violence at home whenever he is at home. I am really worried about my son as he is physically disabled and has autism too plus he is getting seizures due to all the stress. no one's family is getting involved as it was a love marriage. I am really lost and no mental strength left.
Try to restart your carrier side by side...don't try to hold him as he is already gone.focus on your self and your child future.Leave him with some decent amount and your mental health is most important then only you can take care of your child....be strong and independent
hi Talk to your husband and make him realise how his behaviour is impacting your son. You need to talk to your family. his family and try to get them involved ..it's important because of your son's special condition. Lawyer you must approach, and let him know the situation. Lawyer will be the best person who can advise you on your entitlement and help you get that. You try not to react to what your husband says or does.. If he is arguing fighting you remain quiet.. two reasons, it will help you mentally and second it will help you Son! This may not be easy but possible if you try.. Good luck
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@relationshipcoach_noya ya guys shez awesome I know her personally........ hope u remember me Noya mam ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
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⚖القانون في صالحك community profile picture
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Women's rights refer to the fundamental rights and freedoms that every woman and girl should have, regardless of their race, age, religion, nationality, or socio-economic status. These rights are based on the principle of gender equality and should apply in all spheres of life, including social, political, and economic domains. Key aspects of women's rights include: 1. **Political Rights:** Women should have the same rights as men to vote, run for political office, and participate in all levels of government. This also includes their right to influence policies and laws that affect their lives. 2. **Economic Rights:** Women should have equal access to employment and fair working conditions. They should receive equal pay for equal work, have the right to own property, and have equal access to economic resources such as education and training. 3. **Social Rights:** Women should have access to all social services, including healthcare and education. This also includes the right to live free from gender-based violence, harassment, and discrimination. 4. **Reproductive Rights:** Women should have the right to control their reproductive health and choices. This includes the right to access contraception, safe and legal abortion, and quality reproductive healthcare. 5. **Legal Rights:** Women should be equal before the law, with the right to sue and be sued, and the right to testify in court. They should also be protected by laws that penalize gender-based violence and discrimination. 6. **Cultural Rights:** Women should have the right to freely participate in the cultural life of their community, and to be free from cultural practices that harm or discriminate against them. Despite significant progress in many parts of the world, women's rights are still violated or neglected in many contexts. Advocacy for women's rights seeks to challenge and change these circumstances, with the aim of achieving equality and justice for all women.more


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