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by Geetika Bhandari on Mar 15, 2023

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Tips, plans and guidance from experts and other home business owners on how you can start and successfully run your own business.

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I've been thinking to start a business but I don't have funding. Starting a business on a tight budget is a challenge. Share your ways to start entrepreneurial path with limited funds.

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Study/Exam issuesanswered 112 days ago

Start small. Take time to grow. Don’t be in a rush. Small steps, big wins

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Rituals & Practicesanswered 115 days ago

hallo dear I have a suggestion to find bright ways to established a successful business woman at ur comfort zone pls send message Hi on my link

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Showsanswered 104 days ago

Hi, honestly every budget has a business. You just need to figure out your business area inline with skills & interests.

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answered 98 days ago

hi I am doing my business, without investment, initially we have to use our expertise, and build our business, in small business passion is important

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Hi Beautiful. Yes! I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. I think it's important to understand each of you is different and that has its own challenges. Like you said, other than communication. It's important to understand why it's important for them to splurge, why it gives joy and the same for you. Understanding each others priorities and then putting across your needs is important. Say, you want to save in Mutual funds or RD every month a certain amount but because of your husband's splurge can get difficult. How about you ask him to open a RD or MF and rest he can use it for himself and family. While you can keep your values and needs, and he can keep his values and needs. It's a very debatable topic but it would be better to get to know you more. Join my live sessions and we will discuss more on call. - Consultant Psychologist
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Think about it, when you grow old and realized you wasted your whole life just working like a machine and not doing what you wanted. The regret would feel like a failure and at that moment no matter how much you want to you wouldn't able to rewind the time. Live your life now! If you can get a job at bank that many dreamt of then you can do anything. You are hardworking so you will make most out of it or maybe earn more than this. That's how most brands started like Mcdonalds.

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