by lakshmi sharath on Sep 15, 2022
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If you were stuck on a deserted island and had to choose a family member to be stuck with, who would you choose?
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Ladies, if yiu needed guidance for making important decisions in your life, what are the chances you will go to a professional life/ career/ leadership coaching? a. Never! not worth it b. Maybe if agter speaking to friends I'm still stuck c. maybe, if it's affordable d. Definitely, I see value in this. pls respond a,b,c or d. Would love to know your reasons as well. :)
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Welcome to "Parenting Today" – a supportive haven for women navigating the beautiful chaos of parenthood! In this vibrant community, we embrace the everyday triumphs and challenges of motherhood, recognizing that every mom is a superhero in her own right. 🤱 Why "Parenting Today"? Because parenting isn't a solo journey – it's a shared adventure! Join us as we dive into the heart of parenting issues, providing a space where your questions find answers and your experiences echo in understanding. From the highs to the hurdles, we're here for it all. ⏰ Time is our most precious resource, and we believe in addressing parenting challenges head-on, right from the start. "Parenting Today" is your go-to resource for timely advice, tried-and-true tips, and a collective wisdom that empowers you to be the nurturing mom you can be. 🌸 This is more than just a community; it's a sanctuary where women uplift women. No judgments, only shared experiences, and a commitment to building each other up. Our diverse group speaks the language of support, kindness, and encouragement – creating a safe space for you to express, learn, and grow. ✨ Join "Parenting Today" – because every mother deserves a tribe that understands, uplifts, and celebrates the magic of motherhood. Together, we're redefining parenting for today and embracing the incredible journey that lies ahead. more
اساعد الاهل في بناء علاقة وثيقة وصحية مع اطفالهم، كما اساعد الامهات في التخلص من العصبية الزائدة والتوتر خلال رحلتهم التربوية عبر برامج تدريبية مكثفة .. اضافة اساعد الامهات في التشافي من صدمات الطفولة لكي لا يفرغوا صدماتهم باطفالهم اساعد الاهل في تربية جيل واعي عاطفيا اساعد الامهات في معرفة نفسهم اكثر عن طريق البرمجة اللغوية العصبية كما اساعدهم في تعديل سلوكيات اطفالهم عن طريق ال CBTmore
I want to discuss challenges moms are facing after going back to Work from long period of Work from Home. I am going to vent my heart out. You are welcome too! more