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Wanita vs Stigma Publik

by rifakrn on Aug 9, 2023

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Let's dive deep about woman stigma ♀️📢

♀️ Feminism

Kira-kira kapan ya waktu yg tepat untuk memberi tau teman2 soal stigma yg melekat di kehidupan sehari2 khususnya sekolah? Masa iya kita ada penyuluhan setiap hari?

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answered 73 days ago

Biasanya kalo gak hari perempuan internasional kemarin, atau hari kartini atau bisa juga hari ibu. Hari ibu kan ada dua tuh, Hari Ibu untuk dunia dan hari Ibu di Indonesia beda tanggal. Penyuluhannya bisa dengan cara yg amat sederhana kalo gak ada hari-hari besar kayak buat panel komik short story di mading

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I agree with you, sometimes I also get this thought. I guess we can't change it as it is in our culture that has been going on for ages now.
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hii dear starting to write a book online is exciting and there are some great platforms to help you. Consider using Wattpad or Medium to share your work and connect with readers, or Reedsy Book Editor for writing and editing tools. Begin by outlining your story, developing your characters, and setting achievable writing goals. Write regularly, find a distraction-free space, and don't hesitate to join online writing communities for support and feedback. Happy writing.😊
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9796079253 whtsapp me
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hello beautiful! thank you for your trust and i salute your ability to identify your problem it sounds to me like you may have some degree of social anxiety which is understandable being in a forgein country and all talking to a mental health professional to navigate this issue may be useful for you, so feel free to contact me and we can discuss your feelings and thoughts more in depth have a good day!
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hi sis, all are are not convenient with others pls guide the child after all he is a small have no idea to adopt others find some because I suffered with same situation then I was send him near institution for few times and give some attractive things in which he engaged then gradually habituated for school where 6 months crossed his education period so have managed it if my words give any destruction pls forgive me thank you
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Mereka lebih fokus ke bentuk tubuh yang lebih slim dan fit, jadi ototnya ga terlalu mencolok. Yang penting kan image-nya tetep feminin dan stylish. Jadi, walaupun ga keliatan berotot, mereka tetep gesit dan sehat!
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hii all i want an answer that taking an High education and sitting at home is accepted? when u want to work be independent woman as it's just a beginning or your life being 24 yrs old unemployed as far I hav seen Many companies dont hire girl's that to who's just a fresher I m so stressed out as now my parents also want me to marry but I'm not ready for it . will society accept me as a not working so much educated girl sitting at home?
Hi. Hope you are well. Firstly breathe🩵 you will get the job you deserve soon. These things tend to take time and the reason isn’t necessarily related to you. There can be multiple factors. Secondly, there is nothing wrong with sitting at home, no matter how much of education a person has received. Point is that it all comes down to personal choice. Education doesn’t necessarily mean a person wants to work or chooses to work after a particular point of time. Thirdly, you will get to work even after marriage! A lot of married women work. In case, you wish to be married and want to work, make sure you choose the right partner too. All the best 🩵
First let me answer your first question.and the answer is 'question is irrelevant '. Secondly First be self aware of your priorities in life and then set your boundaries and let society be aware of your priorities. Don't plan your life and emotions according to society's priorities. All the best

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