"Stereotype Warriors" community refers to individuals who actively challenge and combat stereotypes in various contexts, such as gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or other social categories. These individuals strive to raise awareness, promote inclusivity, and dismantle prejudiced assumptions. They work towards fostering understanding, acceptance, and equal opportunities for all, encouraging others to challenge their own biases and preconceptions. Stereotype Warriors play a vital role in promoting a more tolerant and equitable society.
Questions in this community
Should we be celebrating aunties without kids on Mother's Day if they got nieces and nephews they're close with? Some folks think it's great to recognize their motherly roles, but others feel like it takes away from actual moms on their special day. What y'all think?
It’s completely fine to celebrate our aunts on mother’s day because they as well play a role in raising us. But in the midst of all this let’s not forget that our actual moms also need that recognition and love
What are your personal opinions on the perception that periods are disgusting? How do you navigate this perspective within your own beliefs and values, and how does it influence your attitudes towards menstruation in your daily life and interactions with others?
I don't find periods as disgusting and why should anyone. It's a natural process that women have to deal with everyday.
There are times when I experience a lower sex drive. What are the potential factors causing this, and are there simple lifestyle changes to help improve libido? @Sexologist_DrKalps
Loss of desire in females can be caused by Hormonal changes: Such as during menopause or pregnancy. Psychological factors: Such as stress, anxiety, depression, or relationship issues. Medical conditions: as thyroid disorders, diabetes, etc Medications: Certain medications, like antidepressants or birth control pills, etc Lifestyle factors: Such as poor diet, lack of exercise, or substance abuse. To improve libido, you can do some lifestyle changes : Prioritize self-care: Manage stress through relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation. Communicate with your partner: Address any relationship issues openly and honestly. Exercise regularly: Physical activity can boost mood and improve overall well-being, including libido. Eat a healthy diet: Nutritious foods can support hormonal balance and overall health. Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can negatively impact libido, so aim for 7 hrs per night. Limit alcohol & drug use: Their excessive use can dampen libido. Seek professional help if
Body image affects how I feel in the bedroom. How can I overcome insecurities and fully embrace pleasure regardless of how I perceive my body? @Sexologist_DrKalps
Remember, Confidence is more attractive than your Body! It's understandable to feel self-conscious, but remember that intimacy isn't just about physical appearance. The way you think about yourself and carry yourself in front of others, will decide what others think about you. Focus on what your body can do and how it feels rather than how it looks. Communication with your partner about your insecurities and telling him about what makes you feel good is utmost important. It can also help create a supportive and free environment between you two. Don't hesitate to say no to anything you don't want. But always be ready for experiment in sexlife.
Why do many of us feel a sense of discomfort or disgust during our periods? I'm interested in exploring different perspectives on the perception of menstruation as disgusting. What are people's opinions and beliefs regarding the concept of periods being considered gross or unpleasant? @docmfrank
I don't feel disgusted but I feel uncomfortable because I find periods very irritating, I experience mood swings, cravings, have to constantly change pads, check for stains, can't travel or study,period cramps etc.
I was watching TV the other day and I am that kind of a person who rarely watches TV. And one thing that I realized while doing so was the fact that all the advertisements that were being broadcasted on TV advertised about oads. Different companies are advertising in unique ways about how their pads are better than others and how they can make women feel comfortable. But what came to my mimd was the fact that none advertised about menstural cups which are a much more better, comfortable and hygienic option for women. Same goes for Youtube as well, all the ads we see are of menstural pads and not cups. What could be the reason for it?? @docmfrank Why is the Indian media still behind in advertising about these new products for women?? #periods #mensturalcups #mensturalhygiene #womenentrepreneur #trending #cotocommunity
Hi there, I hope you are well. Menstrual cups are relatively new, and are picking up gradually in the market. However, people are still hesitant to buy one owing to the fact...that it may be difficult to insert, it must be painful.....it'll hurt....it can damage the hymen.... will it be worth it if I bleed more...How can a cup collect blood...so, on and so forth. Hence, more awareness is needed on this topic, and sooner, or later, menstrual cups will be accepted like Sanitary napkins ( no one used sanitary napkins as well in the olden days, and even when it was launched people opted for clothes, rags, leaves, etc.....even today many don't have access to pads). Hence, it may take time but rest assured it 'll be worth the wait.
I really think it's high time we smash those barriers around women's health during their periods. How can we ditch the taboos and get real about supporting women during that time of the month? Let's brainstorm ways to make talking about menstrual health as easy as chatting about something common as fashion or skincare
I think first the ladies should normalize it. I have seen many females who dont feel confortable talking about periods in front of men . Even I didnt talk about periods in front of boys when I was in school coz my mother told me that I shouldnt tell about my periods to anyone
Why do we have this thing that as you are women you have to adjust and suffer for your family. Why does it feel like a burden to be a women ? All the sacrifices, adjustments, judgements, everything comes our way. What are your views ?
It's unfair that society often expects women to sacrifice and suffer for their families. These expectations can feel burdensome and unjust. Women deserve equal opportunities, respect, and support to pursue their own goals and happiness.
Mensturation or periods are still considered as a shameful thing in India and they are barely talked about. Infact, most mothers do not speak up or tell their daughters about it until they get it for the first time. My mother also was one such person who never told me about it and later when I got it in my 7th grade, I got to know that such a thing exists and happens. Even in schools this topic is not taught openly and students are asked to study on their own. And just because of this feeling of shame or stereotype, girls have no idea about it. Nor do they have any idea about how to take care of themselves or do they know anything about menstural health. But isn’t this wrong?? Shouldn’t periods be talked about openly to generate more awareness about menstural health?? Isn’t India still backward when it comes to raising awareness about menstural health?? Thoughts?? @docmfrank #periods #mensturalhealth #PeriodAwareness #womenshealth #trending #coto
I wouldn't call anything right or wrong because that is subjective. It is important to remember that not talking maybe has limited progress in menstrual health, but it was how times were and women did cope with it. We cannot hold any one person or generation responsible. Instead we can be the change we wish to see in this. Talking more, and with kindness and understanding can help spread knowledge, we can also learn about how things were and what needs to change. Going forward we need to consider all this, and make menstrual health a more open and honest conversation for generations that follow.
I am a hindu by religion and when my periods started at the age of 12 the first thing my mom told me was not to touch the mandir in our home,anything used in the puja, salt,the pickle bottle etc.. There were so many instructions for a 12year that I eventually forgot some of them and even got beaten coz of it. Now the question that has always been in my mind is that why arent women allowed ro visit temples on their periods? What is the actual reason behind it?
Women are not allowed in the temple as they are considered impure and people think that it will spoil their culture. I don't think it is correct. we just follow what our parent's taught us and they just tell us what the society instructs us to do
Posts in this community
anyone who started body building after 45....I am planning to do it....need suggestions ??
jab jaago tab good morning..no problem stay fit stay healthy
Hey there! So, I'm on the hunt for the perfect Mother's Day gift for my amazing mother-in-law. She's truly a gem in my life, always there with love and support. I want to make her day extra special this year. Any suggestions for a thoughtful and meaningful gift that would really make her smile?
wow congratulations for getting such gem like mother in law. You can plan a trip with her because as she is old . she spends lots of time in house so you should try this idea
Happy Women's Day! 🌟 Today, we celebrate the incredible achievements of women around the world. But behind every successful woman, there are many women who made it all possible. 💪👩👩👧👧 Whether it's through mentorship, friendship, or sheer sisterhood, we uplift each other to reach new heights. Let's continue to support, encourage, and inspire one another every day. Together, we are unstoppable. 💖 #WomenforWomen #InternationalWomensDay #WomensDay2024 #letscoto #letscometogether #womanforwoman #breakstereotypes #breakstigma #BeThereForOthers #bethechange

Happy women's day to you too!! ❤️👠
Agree! Unveiling the double standards: While boys roam free from scrutiny, girls bear the weight of judgment. Let's dismantle the bias, uplift girls, and pave the way for limitless possibilities. The world needs more supporters, fewer stereotypes
Exactly 💯
Inspired by the indomitable spirit of Nangeli, a beacon of defiance against oppressive systems. She defied societal norms and bravely cut her own breast in protest against unjust taxes imposed on lower-caste women. Her act resonates across time, symbolizing the relentless fight for equality and dignity. In today's world, as women continue to face myriad challenges, Nangeli's legacy reminds us to challenge injustice, champion empowerment, and strive for a future where every woman's strength is honored and her rights are fiercely protected. #Empowerment #GenderEquality #Resilience

Impressive, more power to her
This song resonates on an encore level. Every single time you listen to 'kya shadi ke aage zindagi Nahi??,' it gives the upcoming generation of parents a lot to think about! And for people raising their daughters in Indian society, they should understand that life has much more to offer than a wedding for today's young women. They are capable of being whatever they want to be; just be supportive and entrust the reins of their life into their hands.
Absolutely, empower and support daughters beyond societal expectations. Life is about more than just marriage.
I think such Men are insecure ? what do think ?
Those men are "khud kitno k bhi sath maze karlo but biwi sati Savitri hi chahiye" like that😂😂
Impressive! This inspiring lady showcased such strength in today's world. After watching this reel, I'm contemplating the power she possesses. These women, shattering stereotypes, open the closed doors we need!🌟💫 ❤️
More power to her ❤
I got to know that my father is sexist! As he tried on my own friend. I love my father very much! but after knowing this I'm very confused and scared of talking to him. Should I call him or not? #stereotypes
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