Member since July 05, 2023 with 30 connections, 936 posts, and 41 communities. See all posts and communities by @myth_is_me.
Member since July 05, 2023 with 30 connections, 936 posts, and 41 communities. See all posts and communities by @myth_is_me.
I have fights with my boyfriend a lot on the most simplest thing to the biggest issues..Though we always solve it later but I always get this feeling that I am holding some part of me back just to keep him in my life. Today also we fought a lot in the morning, and he never accepts his mistakes. And at the end I am the one to resolve everything. What do you think about this?
if that is a pattern and if you are not happy being the solver each time, let him know, talk to him. and listen his answer if we wants to work on this. nice. else I would say it looks bad.
Today when I was returning home from college I met a stranger and because of something weboth started talking as we were travelling in a bus. I got a good impression but then he and I both got out of the bus on the same bus stand and we didn't talk after that. But as I walking to home which is a bit far away from the bus stand I realized he was walking behind me. I got scared and I didnt know what to do so I slowed my pace and then as he walking very fast , he walked pass me and he went inside a building which was near my house. I got such a feeling of satisfaction after he entered that building but trust me just the thought that he was following me made me so scared! Has this ever happened to you? What did you do in that situation?
in such times one gets afraid, anxious, nervous, only thing that comes to mind is to just somehow avoid any mishappening. cannot imagine, takecare.
myth_is_me asked 380 days ago
Max always put himself down, thinking he wasn't smart or talented enough. But then he realized that he was being too hard on himself. He started giving himself credit for the things he did well, whether it was acing a test or making someone smile. Instead of focusing on his flaws, he started focusing on his strengths. With time, Max learned to love himself for who he was, flaws and all. Do you think self confidence is the strongest strength you have?
agar na bhi ho paye to khush rahena..... bura tab lagta hai pyar k sucess hone k baad rishta pehle jaisa ni rehta
myth_is_me asked 380 days ago
Sarah used to compare herself to others all the time, feeling like she wasn't good enough. But one day, she decided to start appreciating herself more. She made a list of things she liked about herself, like her kindness and her sense of humor. Whenever she felt down, she would read her list and remind herself of all the reasons she was awesome. Slowly, Sarah started to feel more confident and happy with who she was. Do you think self love is the best solution of all problems?
Absolutely 💯! The idea is to be centered! Your thoughts, emotions and actions should be aligned so that you feel conscientious about what you do! That will help you in taking steps irrespective of what people think/say about you! Your visibility coach- Preetha
myth_is_me asked 387 days ago
Is there a Jedi mind trick for convincing your child that the broccoli on their plate is actually a tiny tree that makes them grow superpowers?
Oh yes, you can try and find an animated video like that on YouTube or somewhere.
myth_is_me asked 380 days ago
Jake always felt bad about how he looked because he compared himself to the people he saw in the media. Even though he was fit and healthy, he still thought he wasn't good-looking enough. This made it hard for him to be happy and made it tough for him to enjoy life. But then, he decided to start loving himself more and focusing on the things he was good at, instead of worrying about his flaws. As he began to accept himself, he felt better about who he was. With his new confidence, Jake became a positive influence on others, showing them that everyone is special in their own way. Don't you think self love is best love in the world.
it is not easy,but if we start doing it, life is beautiful
myth_is_me asked 380 days ago
Hannah and Ryan were deeply in love and thought they could overcome anything. But then, Ryan got very sick with an illness that couldn't be cured. Hannah loved Ryan so much and stayed by his side no matter what. She tried to be strong, but it was really hard for her to see Ryan getting sicker every day. Even though she never stopped loving him, she felt helpless and sad. Eventually, Ryan passed away, and it broke Hannah's heart. Their love showed them how precious life is, but it also taught them that sometimes, things don't turn out the way we hope. It was a sad reminder that life is fragile and that losing someone we love hurts a lot.
Sad to hear this story. It was very brave for Sarah to stay with Ryan even during his last breath. Some stories are left uncompleted and this is one of them.
myth_is_me asked 380 days ago
What's the funniest thing your kid has said that made you burst out laughing at the most inappropriate moment?
yes,all the time
myth_is_me asked 380 days ago
Have you ever been out in public and realized you were talking to your child in that silly baby voice without even noticing? Like, maybe you were chatting with them in line at the grocery store or waiting at the doctor's office? It's funny how being around your little one can make you switch into that mode without even realizing it. So, how many times have you caught yourself doing that funny baby talk in public without meaning to?
I do and don't care
myth_is_me asked 387 days ago
Ever wonder if there's a limit to the number of times you can watch a romantic comedy before your standards for real-life romance become completely unrealistic?
That's a funny thought! Romantic comedies definitely have a way of painting love in a very idealized light. It's all about finding that balance between enjoying the fantasy on screen and keeping realistic expectations for real-life romance. As long as you can separate the two, there's no harm in indulging in a guilty pleasure romantic comedy marathon every now and then!
myth_is_me asked 384 days ago
How do you keep things exciting when you're in a new relationship, but also make sure you're still feeling safe and comfy like you do with someone you've been with for a while? Like, is there a way to have the best of both worlds without getting bored or too comfortable?
Balance and communication are the key. Not forcing things yet taking efforts to keep it exciting. Remember that love is a feeling but a relationship is an alliance which needs consistent effort.
myth_is_me asked 381 days ago
My friend recently divorced her partner. Maya and Ajay had always been deeply in love, but their relationship was tested when Maya's professional ambitions conflicted with Ajay's desire for a traditional family life. As Maya moved up the business ladder, Ajay felt increasingly abandoned and insecure. Despite several attempts to reach an agreement, they were unable to bridge the gap between their different goals, and they ultimately decided to part ways, realising that sometimes love necessitates sacrifices that they were unable to make.
sad to know couples quit like this .
myth_is_me posted 423 days ago
situationship as genZ calls it!
Hahah very true that. We always have that relationship problem ⚠️
How I sleep knowing we are meant to deal with our lonleyness alone and no bf will be of help! difficult life, is not it??
I have this friend who straight away asked me if I want to have sex with him. I denied because I am already dating someone. but once I had crush on this friend in the past. he knows about it, but then he was not interested. now when I denied we still are good, and friends but I at times do fantasize about him. just wanted to share.
myth_is_me posted 428 days ago
no one can make you feel fulfilled but yourself, however we as humans need community but the love you give to yourself is always important.
you are absolutely right
myth_is_me posted 428 days ago
what are your self doubts? let us talk about our vulnerabilities.
i have gaining weight recently, my body feels swollen, I most do sitting work no excercise, what may I do to motivate myself.
अधिक जानकारी के लिए 👇👇👇👇 दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें 🙏🙏🙏🙏
myth_is_me posted 441 days ago
what do you think about having multiple partners?? can one not be in love with more than one person at a time? women I am talking about??
Having feelings for multiple partners is a very normal and okay thing. People can get confused and need their own time to asses all the qualities that they love in their partner. It is indeed a difficult decision.
myth_is_me posted 439 days ago
I am home with my parents, I am doing a wfh job, my bf is in another city. we have diffierent time lines for our work, I miss out on intimacy, I am not a phone talk person, How to endure a long term relationship
Try meeting each other whenever one of you is free. Look for a job in your bf's city
myth_is_me posted 444 days ago
I am away from my living partner. I miss him but I am not a phone person altho I expecting to text me and ask about How my day was. he knows now that I am not text person so he does not text either. how do I tell him what I want without sounding hypocrite??
You can put your point across clearly and trust the other person
यहाँ हम प्यार, परिवार और समाज से जुड़ी बातें करेंगे, समझेंगे। प्यार से जुड़े stereotypes तोड़ेगे और मिलकर एक सतरंगी आसमान देखेंगे:)यह कम्युनिटी lgbtqia समुदाय के लिए एक सेफ जगह है।more
I am a MBA turned Professional Tarot reader and Palmist. Completed 2 years in guiding people. Helping 100+ clients finding their paths!. Dynamic Tarot reader, Master numerologist, crystal healer and vedic astrology more
I am a mental health counselor dedicated to enhancing psychological well-being. I help individuals gain self-awareness, achieve emotional balance, and find mental peace. My mission is to raise awareness about mental health issues and provide the right guidance for those in need. I believe that women deserve a safe, accessible, and judgment-free space to express themselves. I have seen how women's emotional and mental well-being impacts their lives. If this resonates with you, if you feel unheard and need someone to talk to, I am here to help.more
I’m Sonal a Life Coach with 3 years of work experience.I’m dedicated to support my clientsmore
I am a mother and an educator in charter schools and ABC Youth Foundation. I host several podcast it's a huge passion of mine and I also produce I strongly feel that empathy is the glue of humanity and without it what do we have for understanding one another and being kind toward one another is what keeps Us human it's what makes it work and without it what can possibly get better you must hold on to that and remember and show it where it's needed so that people can know what it is and be able to show that same to others connecting and growing with others is within the foundations of empathy that's how the world gets better so we can understand we don't have to directly know one another we must be that change and it starts with us, we must be the change we want to see!more
this community is to share the things that we are passionate about and allow ourselves to understand and connect with others through storytelling, sharing our real stories with creativity!more
A space where you will get awareness and support about mental health and self care. I will be sharing certain tips and self help strategies to support you through for your difficult days. This is about making you feel worthy and help you realize that You Matter!more
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this community is for podcasters and people with podcast interest that love to come together to collab give advice creative ideas and sharing and discussing podcast experiences or just thoughts on podcast. do you have any podcast solutions concerns or even embarrassments we can talk about it here because this is creative podcasting mindsetsmore