Samradnyee Wagh (@Tarot_wagh) Profile Image | coto
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Member since February 26, 2023 with 28 connections, 53 posts, and 29 communities. See all posts and communities by Samradnyee Wagh (@Tarot_wagh).


Tarot Reader, Orcale Card Read, Angle Card reader with 12 years of experience in this field which include lifetime coach and Counsellor. Connect with me to illuminate your path and unravel the mysteries that lie ahead. As a conduit between the earthly and the ethereal ,she delves deep into the symbolism,of the Card to provide clarity, understanding and foresight. Whether you seek answer to life,s pressing questions,guidance though challenging times or simply a glimpse into unknown,my expertise at your services. Trust me ability to navigate the currents of fate &unlock the Secrets that awaits you,connect with me for self -discovery and enlightenment today

Posts by Tarot_wagh