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by IP IP on Aug 23, 2023

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Eco-feminism: A powerful intersectional movement forging a symbiotic relationship between women's empowerment and environmental sustainability, recognizing that both genders and nature suffer under patriarchal domination. New

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Single Parentinganswered 29 days ago

this touches two important aspects of today's time

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Feminism: breaking barriers, shattering stereotypes, and empowering women to redefine their place in a bold and inclusive world hdjns @Queen Bees 🐝 @Ramiya
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Hey, today a colleague brought up female cohabitation, and now I'm curious about what it actually entails. Can you explain what female cohabitation is and what it typically involves?
Two female stay together in a live in relationship.
Hello , Two female partners living in together.
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Feminism is encouraging women to divorce their husbands even if they’re ina a happy marriage. What’s the point of hurting good men? @RC_Mayanka
Feminism is about equal rights and opportunities to both men and women. If a women truly believe in feminism then this happy world is open to you. But women is getting misguided in the name of feminism. They are not hurting a good men by divorcing him, but she is hurting herself in longer run.
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Can we achieve true harmony in both nature and gender through eco-feminism? New
that is actually a really deep question with multiple aspects
@ipsuri what’s your thought on this
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Feminism: breaking barriers, shattering stereotypes, and empowering women to redefine their place in a bold and inclusive world. How is feminism breaking barriers, shattering stereotypes, and empowering women to redefine their place in a bold and inclusive world, particularly in the categories of Fun Videos, Back to Work, Cultural, and Muslim Women Empowerment?
LUCIE THÉSÉE Handsome, like those foam-topped tidal waves breaking high, in little crystal globes. Handsome, like the breeze that lifts a little tuft of tulle. If tulle were life. Handsome, like a frozen face, tear-tracked, when the sun hammers down. Handsome. Like fire. Handsome, like the... @Ramiya
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Why are white women more likely to initiate a divorce than any other ethnicity? @RC_Mayanka
It has nothing to do with ethnicity. Divorce is initiated based on individual's Suffering and tolerance level.
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I think Women and men should try to split things as fairly and equally as possible. Neither party should be attempting to deny the other their fair share, or to view the process as an opportunity to punish the other. So what should a women ask for in a divorce? @Relationshipcoachchitkala
Depending on what you need. if it is financial support get that, if something else then that. agreed everything should be equal, but after the divorce think what you would require the most.
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Feminism: the belief that equality and empowerment for women should be embraced by all, breaking gender stereotypes and shaping a just, inclusive world. @Ramiya
LUCIE THÉSÉE Handsome, like those foam-topped tidal waves breaking high, in little crystal globes. Handsome, like the breeze that lifts a little tuft of tulle. If tulle were life. Handsome, like a frozen face, tear-tracked, when the sun hammers down. Handsome. Like fire. Handsome, like the... @Ramiya
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@Financially Smartheck this out... This is gender bias too .. Be aware and alert. Let's get @Financially Smart What is Pink Tax? #genderequality #genderbias #tax #women
So what’s the solution to it

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