Feminism: breaking barriers, shattering stereotypes, and empowering women to redefine their place in a bold and inclusive world hdjns @Queen Bees 🐝 @Ramiya
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Feminism is encouraging women to divorce their husbands even if they’re ina a happy marriage. What’s the point of hurting good men? @RC_Mayanka
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Feminism: breaking barriers, shattering stereotypes, and empowering women to redefine their place in a bold and inclusive world. How is feminism breaking barriers, shattering stereotypes, and empowering women to redefine their place in a bold and inclusive world, particularly in the categories of Fun Videos, Back to Work, Cultural, and Muslim Women Empowerment?
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Eco-feminism: A powerful intersectional movement forging a symbiotic relationship between women's empowerment and environmental sustainability, recognizing that both genders and nature suffer under patriarchal domination. New
I think Women and men should try to split things as fairly and equally as possible. Neither party should be attempting to deny the other their fair share, or to view the process as an opportunity to punish the other. So what should a women ask for in a divorce? @Relationshipcoachchitkala
Why are white women more likely to initiate a divorce than any other ethnicity? @RC_Mayanka
Feminism: the belief that equality and empowerment for women should be embraced by all, breaking gender stereotypes and shaping a just, inclusive world. @Ramiya
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Psycare by Swati is a leading provider of mental health care services, established since August 2022. With a focus on personalized counseling through both in-person sessions and global tele-counselling, Ms.Swati, a renowned psychologist, offers expert guidance for individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, relationship challenges, overthinking, and corporate mental health concerns. Utilizing evidence-based techniques like Solution-Focused Brief Therapy(SFBT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT), and Neuro-Linguistic Programming(NLP), she empowers adults with clarity, confidence, and emotional stability. Furthermore, professionals can benefit from leadership and resilience programs tailored to their needs. Book a session today.more
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Creating this community with very specific purpose and name itself gives pretty good idea. I believe single hood is not a crime, it is a choice made by woman. For that no one should feel bad or victimised own self for being single. Lot of challenges comes across as a single mom also, no need to face it… needs to channelise it in positive manner. “Be strong” is not just a word. It is a journey which every single mom/single woman cherish. Never feel why this ?? Let world poke you for your social status… You keep moving and be you. I want here every woman to share her thoughts/problems and feelings. We all will overcome it together. Let’s rock it for our mental health.more
प्रपंच माझे तुझे सर्वाचे किंबहुना आपलेच व्यक्त व्हावे सर्वांच्या सोबतीने, एकमेकाचे ऐकून रुसवे फुगवे दूर सारून नकोत नुसत्या भानगडी! बस व्यक्त व्हावे तूम्ही आम्ही सर्वांनीmore
“I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a b*tch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass.” Never stop yourself for any stupid reason. Do whatever you want to do if u stop yourself coz of someone or any other stupid reason u will never find and enjoy yourself . If u think it’s a good idea, go ahead and do it. It’s much easier to apologize than it is to get permission. Don’t let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It’s your place in the world; it’s your life@just enjoy don’t overthink its only harm you . I dream of a world where women and girls have the resources and opportunities they need to reach their full potential, live free from violence, and of course, live their dreams. more
It is not necessary that only boys should always have fun and show their attitude, girls are not less than anyone. That is why we have brought Girly Status to make your work easier, which is the best way to show your attitude. This is such a status collection that will match your status and feel. By reading or sharing them, you will feel positive. Moreover, if you share any of your photos on FaceBook or Instagram, then if you use these Hindi Girl Attitude Status as a caption, then it will be sweet on gold.more
let's spread smile and happiness everywhere ✨ let's be a kind human ♥more