by cotocrew on Oct 30, 2022
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come back online plz madam
pooja ma'am aap kabh aaoge?
ma'am kaha ho aap??????
My cuzn got divorced 3 months back. His wife was emotionally abusive and manipulative. Somehow she isolated him from everybody including family. The internet talks so much about narcissistic men but let me tell you, women too can have narcissistic personality disorder. Now I want to know, How is the life of a divorced man in India?@RC_Mayanka
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pooja ma'am aaj aaoge na????
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pooja ma'am urgent!!!! ye rhi rings please live aajao naaa ek baar mujhe baat Krna hai
Mothers are the backbone of families and societies across the globe. They sacrifice so much for their children. On this Mother's Day, what powerful words of gratitude and love would you share with all the amazing mothers out there? What message could we send that truly honors the unconditional love and dedication they show every single day?
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Let us grow together by helping each other. A platform for women to assimilate and learn from each other to grow .more
यह कम्युनिटी महिलाओं के लिए एक सामुदायिक मंच है, जहां हम महिलाओं के सामाजिक परिवर्तन पर चर्चा, जानकारी और बातचीत करते हैं। हम सभी महिलाओं को संगठित करके उनकी शक्ति और प्रभाव को बढ़ाने का लक्ष्य रखते हैं। यहाँ हम एक-दूसरे को प्रेरणा और समर्थन देते हैं ताकि हम सब मिलकर एक बेहतर और समाजसेवी समाज बना सकें। आइए, साथ चलें और एक आवाज़ बनाएं जो महिलाओं के सामाजिक परिवर्तन में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान को प्रमोट करती है। 💪💖✨"more
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