Jyotish Vastu Shastra Astro💫 community's profile image

by AstrologerVaishali on Jan 23, 2023

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Vedic Astrology and Vastu. As a child I wished I would know what future had in store... I always wondered how Astrologers knew what was going to happen to someone, how did they know things that I had not shared with them and I wanted to learn how to look into one's nature and future. It intrigued me and drove me so crazy that I had this burning desire to learn Astrology. I was not in awe of filmstars but in awe of Astrologers. I got the most wonderful opportunity to learn when I took a sabbatical from my corporate job. It all started as a hobby, a passion. I had never dreamt of becoming a professional Astrologer. But as they say when you are destined to do something the Universe leads you there. My Astro journey started in the year 2013. And here I am now to help you all with your questions on Astrology and Vastu. I have always wanted to help to the best of my ability. Women especially, find it very comforting to approach a woman Astrologer as they feel they will be understood better which is true. A big percentage of people approaching me for professional guidance are women and for all sorts of problems ranging from education and career to marriage, pregnancy and abusive relationship or marriage. I don't judge, I just guide. An Astrologer is a trustworthy counsellor. Your innermost feelings and burning issues are safe with me. It's not always about problems faced by one, at times people may just want to know a favourable time period to do a certain task or they may need help in decision making. They may want to know when an auspicious event may occur or remedies with respect to a problem. It could be anything under the sun. I have been trying to simplify Astrology and Vastu for others and here I'll be making an honest attempt to help.So dear ladies, let the conversations begin!🙌

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What colors and elements should I incorporate in the décor of my home to create a harmonious and balanced environment? Also, tell me which color is more beneficial for my puja room @AstrologerVaishali

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New Mothersanswered 112 days ago

As per Vastu, the ideal colors for a pooja room are light shades such as white, light yellow, or light blue. These colors are believed to create a serene and peaceful environment conducive to meditation and prayer. It's important to note that Vastu recommendations are based on traditional beliefs and may vary among different practitioners.

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I've always wondered about the best place to keep a mirror in my home. Considering factors like lighting, room size, and Feng Shui principles, where would be the most optimal location to place a mirror to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of my living space while promoting positive energy and well-being? @AstrologerVaishali
these directions mentioned here are the best placements for a mirror but it should not reflect your bed or you as you are sleeping. so you need to place it accordingly.
North, East and NE are the ideal position for placing Mirrors in your living room
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What colors and elements should I incorporate in the décor of my home to create a harmonious and balanced environment? @AstrologerVaishali
Your home is your “castle” and yes, everyone should feel entitled to have harmony and balance in their home. Within Feng Shui theory, we have some set principles which are objective and which affect people almost universally the same. However, there is also a subjective component of what works for one person may not be for another. Balance and harmony can be different for individuals, depending also on personality, energy level, gender, occupation, marital status, etc. In the most basic sense, “balance” can be achieved by adhering to common notions of Yin-Yang Theory and not allowing for an environment to be too extreme. It’s not great for a house to be built into a mountain side, but it is also not great for a house to be built teetering off a cliff. Spaces that are too dark or spaces that are too bright can be a problem in unique ways. The list goes on, avoiding extremes in architecture and design and where all the five senses are affected.
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I want to buy a new property this month so what Vastu considerations should I keep in mind when selecting a new property or building a home? @ShagunKSingh_Satvatma
In general we say, that The house should be East Facing, kitchen can be in NW or SE, no washroom should be there in South, SW, East, NE and North.. For accurate vastu griding you can connect me on Love & Light Shagun K Singh Spiritual Life Coach Satvatma-The Pure Soul 9667055664 info@satvatma.in www.satvatma.in https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxQIb4Pvg4G/?igsh=MXBzMHYzZDc0ZXp0bA==
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