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by Geetika Bhandari on Jul 4, 2023

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Healthy, happy relationships are so important for our well-being and happiness. A Community where all of us can talk about relationship issues, how to fix them, and how to nurture rich connections and bonds.

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food for thought 💭 for more such conversations follow us @Wellness warriors

food for thought 💭

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commented 161 days ago

Yes its something i resonate with a lot. We all are on a soul journey and our souls want to grow.. the company we keep reflects our soul path and purpose.

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New Motherscommented 162 days ago

You lose who you are and eventually the grudge will grow and grow until one day you will explode

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Think better > feel better > live better
شهادة وثقة أعتز بيهم جداً ❤️❤️❤️
ربنا يكرمك ده من ذوقك 🥰
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Make the right choice and....REPLACE #replace #avoid morningtea
receipe of all these tea plz
Hi there, I hope you are well. -As a nutritionist, I personally feel that there isn't a need to replace morning tea/coffee. -A person can consume his/her tea/coffee in moderation with less sugar :) - We need to wake up healthy and happy, and if that cup of tea makes one happy, I'd always let it remain :)
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Happy Holi to all the ladies 🥰🥰
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Healthy eating is boring or are we lazy to be creative 😂😂😂!!! Trust me its not so hard if you make up your mind to be fit healthy energetic strong pretty gorgeous younger it’s all in your control, take charge , be the leader of your life and exercise every day , move every day , eat to nourish your body , rest well, love your self , have gratitude for your body and let go your mental blocks of what your body can do , your body is magic , it only keeps getting better every day !!! #eathealthy #stayfit #fitnessmotivation #fitwithchitraa
I know what a lovely way to have sandwichi feeling and add no bread and still nourish the body na ….
I do this so often Chitraa and I absolutely love it ✨✨
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Bu da en organik haliyle sonrası😅😁
Çok güzeeeel
yaa çok tatlı bi before after😍
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Hey Lovelies 👋 Summers r here and how 🤪 , its a crazy weather so just a small reminder, jeep yourself hydrated n show some self love, relax , breath n take care of urself n your body too .
Hydration is the key to get through summers in India.
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Ye Mumbai hai janab, yaha mehnat karne wala kabhi bhuke plate nahi sota. Aur yaha umar kuch bhi ho, koi mehnat se nahi bachta.
sach kaha hai
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Feeding my empty stomach while my eyes on train. Typically Mumbaikar Mulagi 🤤
hahaa, I can relate to this
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Kışın tezgahlarda daha sık görmeye başladığımız sebzelerden kırmızı lahananın (mor lahana da diyebiliriz:)) bağışıklık sisteminden kalp sağlığına kadar birçok faydası bulunuyor. Sağlığımız için gereken vitamin, mineral desteğini veriyor. Çünkü bu mucizevi besin içeriğinde yüksek oranda lif, antioksidan; A, B1, B2, B6, C, K vitaminleri; potasyum, demir, sodyum, demir, kalsiyum, fosfor, bakır, magnezyum, çinko mineralleri içeriyor. Bol mineral ve vitamin içeren lif desteğiyle sağlığımızı korumaya yardımcı olan kırmızı lahanayı bol bol tüketmeliyiz canlar💜💜💜 #yemek #sağlıklıbesinler #sebze #kırmızılahana #salata
turşusunu da çok severim 😋

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