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Mind Your Mind ❤️

by amiraeltaggy on Dec 18, 2023

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Mind Your Mind: A community dedicated to women's mental health and how to be fully aware of your spirituality and peace of mind, body and soul. We'll talk here about anything and everything that is related to our mental health— starting from depression, personality disorders, toxic/healthy relationships, to triggers, traumas, inner child issues, and spiritual recognition of our souls and subconscious. Mental Health Matters!❤️‍🩹 Always remember .. You're NOT alone, and your story is not over yet. We're all in this together and we're here to support one another. There is so much more to your life than just stress and anxiety... and together we can reach Mental Wellness, because it's our greatest WEALTH ‼️ Stay safe, Amira El Taggy Certified Psychologist (AUC)

🧠 Mental Health

حل للتراست إيشوز على طول حاسة إن الشخص اللي قدامي ممكن يكون بيضحك عليا فا الموضوع بجد متعب أوي و مخليني مش عارفة أحدد هل الشخص اللي قدامي ده كويس فعلا ولا لأ

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New Motherscommented 70 days ago

انتي عندك مشكلة عدم الثقه في اللي قدامك نتيجه موقف او مواقف سابقة مريتي بيها أستنيني في لايف كل اتنين وخميس الساعه ١٠ علي الكومينيتي بتاعتي رحلة تطوير المهارات ،هرد علي كل الأسئلة المتعلقة بالثقة في الأخرين 😊😊

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موضوع مهم جدا 👏🏻❤️
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من الشخصيات الجميلة و الشاطرة جدا ربنا يوفقك👏🏻❤️
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One more of mine , Use of colours makes it real! Tell me in your comments all experts here how do you like it
Love it♥️
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