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by muskaanbanatwalla on Mar 8, 2024

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a space where we come and let our hearts out. a place where we reflect and connect, support and encourage. let’s be strong togehter.

🧠 Mental Health

Hey, as a 20 something living on her own, i have realised that often times, in the whole rigmarole of trying to build a life and future for myself, I forget to take care of myself. With the excuse of being self sufficient, I isolate. I lean to vices more than people at times. doomscrolling, some music and a green friend is sometimes all i need to pass my evening. It’s easier to stay in my own comfort space then go out and live upto social obligations. the internet does a wonderful job at ensuring that. It’s easier to focus on work and ignore emotional connections that might come my because “i just don’t have the time for that in my life rn”. The purpose of the community is to provide a space, while still digital (ironically), that allows girlies like me to be open about the bad decisions they’re making. the red flags that they might call themselves. 🚩 A network where we recognise our flaws and simply sit with them. we acknowlege, we support, we empower. The first step to making change is understanding that change needs to be made. Let’s take that first step here ✨ What’re some bad decisions you’ve been making lately??

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Surrogacyanswered 78 days ago

Same burnout and compassion fatigue

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answered 71 days ago

Compassion fatigue… that’s a very clear way to describe it! Would love to know more about compassion fatigue and maybe some steps to actively work around it?

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answered 70 days ago

Currently it would be the course that I have chosen

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