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by Richa Anirudh on Dec 17, 2022

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My brother gets very curious as to what time can he remove rakhi, because his hand tends to get irritated by them. But everytime me and my mom make him wear it for around a week. When can be a good time to remove it??

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Rituals & Practicesanswered 14 days ago

As per the Hindu tradition, the rakhi thread should be removed eight days after Raksha Bandhan, on the day of Krishna Janmashtami.

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Hormonal Imbalanceanswered 1 day ago

As per Hindu tradition you can removed thread after Raksha Bandhan.

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Right hand dear … always. It’s not connected to being married or unmarried. For more such questions and answers join my live sessions 😊
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which color hijab should i wear with black dress? is their any specific color which would bring good luck??
Use red or maybe white
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can i tie rakhi to my brother??
Yes you can for more such answers visit my live sessions 😊

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