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by rifakrn on Sep 13, 2023

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Penyakit apa ajasih biasanya yg jadi pengidap pola makan yg buruk?

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answered 79 days ago

Menurut berita yg diterbitkan oleh mayoclinic, orang yg mempunyai pola makan yg buruk biasanya mengidap penyakit jantung, stroke, dan diabetes tipe 2

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‏أهلا بيكي معاكي دكتور Nesma Yasser أخصائي تغذية علاجية وعلاج السمنة والنحافة ‏مهم جدا تعرفي سبب الهبوط اللي عندك ايه لأن ممكن يكون أنيميا أو اضطراب في الدورة الدموية ‏اهتم جدا بشرب المية وال سوائل والعصائر بدون سكر ‏وكلي واجبات صحية متوازنة على مدار اليوم بمعدل وجبة أو سناك كل ثلاث ساعات و سناكس خضار أو فاكهة أو عصائر فريش أو مكسرات ني
مساء الخير مع حضرتك د مي وفا أخصائي التغذية العلاجية و السمنة السوائل أهم حاجة في ضغط الواطي زي المياه و السوائل الشفافة المن غير سكر و كمان ممكن مياه الفوترة أو مياه و فيها نص معلقة ملح هيمالايا و تفضلي تشربي منها طول اليوم كمان الزيتون الاسود ممكن ٧ حبات منه يوميا و لو الموضوع بيتكرر محتاجة تتوجهي لدكتور باطني يحدد السبب لأن وارد يكون انيميا أو مشكلة في الغدة أو لغبطة معادن الدم و حولي تبعدي عن الحاجات البتوطي الضغط زي الكركاديه الساقع و الدوم
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I've been diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure. Can you explain how these conditions might be interrelated through nutrition?
Diabetes and high BP are lifestyle diseases, their precursor is usually insulin resistance. It’s when our diet has a very high glucose load leading to elevated levels of insulin that our bodies eventually become resistant to and as a result, blood glucose levels begin to stay high. Blood sugar leads to a lot of stress on our organs and system. But as with every lifestyle disease, it’s reversible. You can enroll in our three-month functional medicine program to reverse it or at least begin by making these changes As soon as possible: 1. Reduce glucose load by removing sugar, and added sugar, and since you’re already diabetic stop fruits too in all forms for three months. 2. Increase protein intake significantly, aim for 1gm per kg of body weight. And dal, legumes are not protein, they are carbs. 3. Start steady-state cardio and aim to get 200 min a week 4. Make sure you’re having enough healthy fats. 5. Start omega 3 supplements 6. Ensure to get 7-7.5 hours of sleep each night.
Hi there, I hope you are well. Diabetes and Hypertension can occur together in some individuals. Ideally, hypertension can happen in diabetic individuals if the blood sugar levels remain high, and affect the kidneys. An effect on the kidneys can lead to water retention, and may ultimately impact your blood pressure levels. Diabetes and hypertension can happen in people who have - A sedentary lifestyle -obesity -inflammation -unhealthy gut -insulin resistance -oxidative stress. How can you deal with it ? - Add more fresh fruits, and vegetables. - Include anti-inflammatory foods such as fatty fish, berries, nuts, seeds, millets, to the diet. - Reduce your salt, sugar, and oil consumption. - Maintain a healthy weight. - Avoid ultra processed, refined, and packaged foods. - Exercise for at least 15-20mins, 4 times a week ( talk to the doc once). - Include high fibre foods, such as wholegrains, beans,lentils. - Avoid excessive caffeine intake. - Avoid alcohol, and smoking :) Take care.
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Kalau anggota keluarga kita ada yang didiagnosa kanker, tapi belum tahu, apakah kita sebaiknya memberitahukannya? Gimana caranya?
Kita dapat memulai percakapan dengan lembut dan empati, memberikan dukungan, dan menawarkan bantuan untuk mencari informasi atau sumber daya yang mungkin mereka perlukan selama perjalanan pengobatan mereka.
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I currently take medications for hypertension and diabetes. Are there any foods or supplements that might interact with these medications? @Dr sanjana
Foods like grapefruit and licorice can interfere with certain medications used for heart conditions and high blood pressure. Similarly, supplements like St. John's wort and ginseng may weaken the effects of various medications. It's crucial to discuss these interactions with healthcare professionals to ensure safe use of medications and supplements.
Certain supplements like fish oil, probiotics, melatonin, green tea, ginger, potassium, and Coenzyme Q10 may help lower blood pressure. Hope this helps girl!!! ❤️✨
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Hi, I'm Tanuja, 34, with a family history of diabetes. How can I tweak my diet to prevent it? @DrSonalika
Hi there, I hope you are well. In order to reduce the chances of having diabetes, here's what you can do. - Bring a change in your lifestyle as it is the topmost priority. - Add enough fibre to the diet as it can balance blood sugar levels. Fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, millets, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, etc. - Ensure to take protein because it can help with normalizing sugar levels, and keeping your lipid levels in check. Beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, dairy and dairy products, lean meat , eggs are a great choice. - Good fats such as nuts, seeds, avocado, fatty fish, olive oil can provide satiety and keep a tab on your blood sugar levels. It can prevent sugar spikes. - Reduce your caffeine intake, and alcohol intake. - Avoid ultra processed, packaged, and refined foods. - Move more :) workout for at least 4-5 times in a week. - Manage stress with yoga and meditation. - Sleep well, it is important to keep diabetes at bay :) Take care ✨
very good dear you need a plan from Dietitian discipline lifestyle physical activity sleep all these factors
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How can I manage diabetes through my diet? @dr.sonali
Hi there, I hope you are well. To manage diabetes through diet, here's what you can do. - Include enough fibre to the diet with the help of vegetables, wholegrains, pulses, sprouts, nuts, seeds, and fruits. Reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrates such as honey, sugar, sugar syrups, corn syrups, jaggery, etc. - Make sure that you consume enough protein in the form as beans, lentils dairy and dairy products ( avoid excessive cheese consumption, keep the intake minimal), lean meat ( no red meat or meat), nuts, and seeds. - Eat in every 3-4 hours, and avoid keeping long gaps as this can lead to drop in sugar levels. - Add good fats to reduce inflammation, such as flaxseeds, walnuts, almonds, chia seeds, avocado, and fish ( keep the consumption to twice a week, avoid fried ones). - Keep yourself hydrated, and reduce your caffeine intake, avoid drinking more than 2 cups of tea/coffee per day. - Add salads or sauteed veggies with lunch, and dinner. I hope this helps. Take care ✨
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What are some healthy meal planning strategies for someone with diabetes? @Dr.Sonali
Hi there, I hope you are well. Here are some good meal planning strategies for diabetics. 1) Include a portion of non-starchy vegetables, protein, and good fats in your meals. Ideally, fill half your plate with vegetables such cucumber, tomato, broccoli, bell-peppers, etc. 2) Limit the consumption of refined of processed foods in your diet. Keep packaged foods at bay. 3) Keep a tab on how much carbohydrate you've been consuming in a day. Your calories should come from complex carbohydrates (oats, barley, broken wheat, millets) rather than simple carbs ( sugar, honey, jaggery, syrups). 4) Maintain portion control and avoid over-indulging at a given time. 5) Avoid long gaps in between meals. 6) Have small and frequent meals. 7) Have healthy snacks such as roasted chana, makhana, etc 8) Include two fruits in a day ( check your blood sugar levels regularly to know which fruits you can consume). 9)Have enough protein to balance blood sugar levels ( beans, lean meat, dairy, etc) Take care✨

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