by Aishwarya Sandeep on Nov 11, 2022

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A place for women to discuss the challenges faced by them, when they want to restart their career.

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This is the typical situation where women work very hard and expect the organization to notice, recognize and reward that commitment and effort with career growth. Well it does not happen like that and there are two serious reasons why it does not happen. First, when one works hard without asking for more, it signals that they are satisfied and happy with the current situation. As women, we don’t ask enough for ourselves. Is that correct?

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Bakinganswered 168 days ago

Yes, often women tend to work hard without explicitly advocating for their own advancement.

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Divorceanswered 167 days ago

You will get the success for the hard work you do. No matter you are a women or a men, whoever works hard gets paid well in the long run.

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answered 167 days ago

I guess we've been used to accepting certain standards and ofcourse are the more empathetic specie..we settle for a lot in comparison to men...maybe we need to be more voiceferous instead of being a symbol of empathy as people want us to be

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