Bugün teknik gezimizi Ankara’daki bir biyogaz tesisini gezerek sonlandırdık. Bu fotoğraftaki de tesisteki bir reaktörün iç yapısı,bu kısımda organik atıklar (gübre vb.) yakılıyor ve bazı bileşenler eklenerek hidrojen sülfür gazı çıkartılıyor. Bu gaz zararlı bir gaz olduğu için reaktörün en üstündeki membran filtreler ile ayrıştırılıp en son haline getiriliyor. Orada anlattıklarına göre 1 günlük çalışma sonucu 6.000 adet haneye elektrik sağlayabiliyorlarmış. E tabi işin maddi boyutu çok farklı, maalesef genel olarak biyogaz tesisleri inanılmaz maliyetli projeler oluyor 🥲🥲


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We have the power to build ourselves and we also have the power to destroy ourselves. Sometimes, our environment is not very favourable but in that case, we may go in search of a favourable environment. As a child, it is difficult to attain that but as an adult we definitely can. But, first it's important to recognise the problem that is happening with us and how our own doing, is enhancing the problem even further #SelfHelp #SelfHealing #TakeTheMattersInYourOwnHand
Join me in my live everyday from 11 am- 1 pm in the morning and 11 pm- 1 am in the night. 🌱 #mentalhealthmatters #therapy #mentalwellbeing #wellbeing #WellbeingMatters #wellness
Ground yourself self Be closer to Mother Nature
What will happen if this is our future ? green planet, or grey planet ?
Keep striving, for every challenge is an opportunity for growth 🌱💪🏼💛 #growthmindset #beginagain #keepmovingforward #aprilvibes
Dünya genelinde her hafta bir kredi kartina eşdeğer büyüklükte, ortalama 5 gram plastik tüketiyoruz. Plastikler nehirlerimize ve denizlerimize giriyor ve balklar ile diger deniz canlıları tarafından yenilerek besin zincirinin bir parças oluyorlar. Su, bira, kabuklu deniz ürünleri ve tuz gibi birçok günlük yiyecek ve iceceklerde olmasinin yaninda insan metabolizmasina giren mikroplastiklerin, sentetik kiyafetler, araba lastikleri ve hatta kontakt lenslerden bile yayildigi tespit edildi. Araştırma, yetişkin bir insanin her yil ortalama 50 bin plastik partikül yuttuğunu ortaya koydu. Amerikalıları’ın yeme içme alışkanlıkları incelendiğinde ortaya çıkan tablo, havadan solunan mikroplastik miktar da dikkate alınınca 121 bin partikülün insan vücuduna girdiğini gösteriyor. Çevresel Bilim ve Teknolojisi dergisinde yayımlanan araştırmada ayrıca, sadece plastik şişeden su içiyorsak bu miktara 90 bin partikül eklenmesi gerektiğini ilave etti. Arastırmacılar, insan tarafından tüketilen mikroplastiklerin miktarını azaltmanın en iyi yolunun, plastik üretimini ve kullanımını azaltmak olduğu görüşünde.
Okuldaki kulübümün biricik projesi ve bizzat sponsorluk direktörlüğünü yaptığım Sürdürülebilir Ekosistem Günleri 14.sünü tamamladı… Bu iki gün hem delicesine yorucu (bir de sınavlarla birleşince 😭) hem de bir o kadar keyifliydi. Her yanı emek kokan bu güzel projede yer almak beni o kadar gururlandırıyorki 🥹. Belki de üniversite hayatımın en önemli anılarından birisi olacak. 💚
We have the power to build ourselves and we also have the power to destroy ourselves. Sometimes, our environment is not very favourable but in that case, we may go in search of a favourable environment. As a child, it is difficult to attain that but as an adult we definitely can. But, first it's important to recognise the problem that is happening with us and how our own doing, is enhancing the problem even further #SelfHelp #SelfHealing #TakeTheMattersInYourOwnHand
Keep striving, for every challenge is an opportunity for growth 🌱💪🏼💛 #growthmindset #beginagain #keepmovingforward #aprilvibes
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I'm Bhavna from Mumbai, India, certified Personal Development Coach, graduated through an ICF accredited school of coach training. I'm often asked — What is Life Coaching? Life Coaching is an ongoing partnership between the client and the coach. It helps the client achieve fulfilling results both in their personal and professional lives. As a personal development coach, my objective is to help you get from where you are to where you want to be in life. And how do I do that? By helping you break the barriers you have imposed on yourself. I'm super grateful that I can share my learnings as a Life Coach to help you get to the heart of your needs and desires, while you identify and achieve your personal and professional goals with increased accountability, commitment and satisfaction. Looking forward to being your ally and building a life of POSSIBILITIES!!! +91more

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I'm a freelance journalist based in Kashmir reporting on environmental issues, human rights , health and child rights. I have received several awards and fellowships and have my work published at national and international level. I have been part of several documentaries , radio broadcasts . I am a recepient of Save the Children fellowship in 2016 and International Commission for Dalit Rights fellow as well in the year 2021. I have been a representative of Women journalist from south Asia at the United' Nations. more
Our NGO "Natraj Niketan Sanstha" is a Social, Educational, Cultural and Charitable organization. Our is working in Urban, Rural and Tribal areas with the aim of Continuous progress. Under the "Healthy Water - Healthy Life - Healthy Future" Mission, special programs are conducted for water purification by scientifically testing water with water experts to ensure that clean, pure and healthy drinking water is available to all. We are working with more than 100 organizations in several regions like Vidarbha, Western Maharashtra,Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Odisha, Uttarakhand, Uttranchal, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir,Leh and Ladakh.more
It is famous across the world and people use roses to make garlands. They are used to offer as gifts to someone you love and respect. They are used to make different beauty products. The products like rose water rose fresher and rose perfume are made out of a rose. More than that, Rose perfume is actually made of the rose oil. The items like rose fallooda, and rose sharbat are also produced using rose. Because of its importance in people’s lives and its engagement with their emotions, every year, on 7th of February, Rose Day is celebrated. someone you love and respect. They are used to make different beauty products. The products like rose water rose fresher and rose perfume are made out of a rose. someone you love and respect. They are used to make different beauty products. The products like rose water rose fresher and rose perfume are made out of a rose. someone you love and respect. They are used to make different beauty products. The products like rose water rose fresher and rose perfume are made out of a rose. someone you love and respect. They are used to make different beauty products. The products like rose water rose fresher and rose perfume are made out of arosee someone you love and respect. They are used to make different beauty products. The products like rose water rose fresher and rose perfume are made out of a rose. someone you love and respect. They are used to make different beauty products. The products like rose water rose fresher and rose perfume are made out of a rose. someone you love and respect. They are used to make different beauty products. The products like rose water rose fresher and rose perfume are made out of a rose. someone you love and respect. They are used to make different beauty products. The products like rose water rose fresher and rose perfume are made out of a rose.rose fresher and rose perfume are made out of a rose. .more
It's like our Constitution Preamble BY WOMEN FOR WOMEN TO WOMEN Welcome to all Women who are smart, innovative, caring, emotional, creative, fun loving......more
I'm Haritha I am a student of intermidated standard. i love so much nature 🎄🌴 nature always wears colors of spirit more