Questions in this community
Why am I bleeding a little bit after sex?
Hey! Hope you are doing well. Some bleeding common after sex. It might mean that your hymen has ruptured, there’s rough sex, no lube, etc. However, if there is regular bleeding, do show it to a medical professional at the earliest! It’s important to rule out any infection. Take care 🌼
What should I do if my periods are 10 days late? I'm sure I'm not pregnant
If this is the first time then you could wait it out for a few more days. Sometimes stress, changes in your lifestyle, sleeping patterns can all contribute to delays. Recent illness, taking some meds can also be a reason. However, if you are consistently having delayed periods, and other signs such as fluctuations in weight, changes in period flow, cramps, mood changes, consider checking in with your gynecologist.
Why my periods are late if I didn't had sex
Hi there, -I hope you are well. -Your periods can get delayed due to various reasons. -It can be due to stress, change in your diet or workout routine, hormonal imbalance, etc. - When did you get your last period ? and are you facing symptoms like bloating, digestive discomfort, acne, etc ? Do let us know. - You can also join my live at 12pm and 8pm tomorrow to get answers to your health, diet, and nutrition related queries. See you there 😀 Huda Shaikh, Clinical nutritionist and Dietitian at Coto
hi there actually I am having some internal issue I had an ipill after intercourse in two days and after that I am getting discharged which is brown in colour and it's dry or thick there is no clotting no bleeding but the discharge is in brown colour and now it's my period time is near and from last 3 days I am not having discharge let me know should I concen doctors or it's a harmonal change or any side effect of ipill
At which time during your cycle did you take the ipill? It is possible to notice bleeding or spotting after taking the ipill. Many women also notice their periods within a week of taking the ipill. This can further delay your next period. If it's been over a month since you have taken the ipill and not noticed regular periods consider checking in with your gynecologist
Posts in this community
'Health is Wealth' - The World Health organisation has defined health as physical, mental & social well being! We can also add 2 more components to this definition- sexual health and spiritual health! All of us should look after these 5 aspects of health throughout our lives! Specially women need to give special attention from Menarche to Menopause to protect their well being. Balanced diet, exercises, good habits & timely medical intervention are four pillars for good health. It is commonly seen that women neglect their diet. Most Indian women are prone to develop deficiencies of iron, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B and proteins. Some women are obese while some are very thin and/or malnourished. Women look after their family members very well. But they neglect their own health. They require balanced diet including millets, legumes, sprouts, green leafy vegetables, fruits, milk etc. This ensures good health, glowing skin and hair. Amino acids, iron, vit C and zinc are important to strengthen immune system which in turn is vital for fighting various infections. To be continued - Dr Ashwini Bhalerao Gandhi Consultant Gynecologist, P D Hinduja Hospital #healthylife #women #dietplan #deficiency
Yes. absolutely I agree with you. If you are healthy then only you can work efficiently. Taking care of one's health is very important.
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