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Menopause Support Network

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Created since Jun 16, 2023


By aparnaa's avatar
🗓 Menstrual Health
Dealing with PMS

Join our Menopause Support Network - a caring community empowering women through menopause. Find understanding, comfort, and resources to thrive together!

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Communities by aparnaa

Cute Baby Videos and Jokes 👶 community profile picture
👶 Parenting

Babies,🐥👶🚼🐣are a bundle of joy. Here's a community dedicated to the cutest species on 🌎more

Just मराठी  👭 community profile picture
🍿 Entertainment

मातृभाषे मध्ये मज्जा करा. वाचा आणि लिहा, खुप खुप हसा. 😎more

UAE's Future Shapers community profile picture
✊ Social Impact

A community for impactful women leaders from the UAE who are defining the future of the region.more

Fun Videos, Full Timepass community profile picture
🍿 Entertainment

Entertaining Fun Videos.more

Not Your Family WA Group community profile picture
❤️ Relationship

This is a community to rant about the pain of being in Family What's App groups. We can't stay in them but we can't even exit them. Share about those aunts, uncles and cousins who you hate being in a group with 🤣more


🔸 Others


coto Circle of Strength community profile picture
✊ Social Impact

The coto Cirlce of Strength is an online support group designed to Speak Out about trauma, anxiety, and the aftermath of abuse. You can come and share your fears openly yet anonymously, talk to psychologists, cousellors, trauma experts, and encourage each other to seek the support we need. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positivity, helping women everywhere feel seen, heard, and empowered.more

Communities by Shruti_M

Health and Fitness community profile picture
⏲️ Fitness


Bol Daal community profile picture
🎭 Art

As a kid, i was always hesitant to express myself, I used to believe that my opinions don't matter and I should stay silent. I used to obey and never question, until I found the best form of expression for myself. I remember the time I wrote my first rap 'Dear Char Log' and everything that I ever felt and believed about it was on paper. My kalam became my voice and I never looked back since then. Do you also feel that you can express yourself through your writing? Do you want to give shape to your thoughts and believes? Join the community and bus bol daal!more

fit with TC community profile picture
⏲️ Fitness

Helping grow and work towards your body goals! everyone is queen ! so let's help keep each other's crown up, high and shining.more

Healthy Cooking Healthy Life community profile picture
🥣 Food

Let's share healthy food options and recipes with each other. Let's live a healthy life together :)more

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Ayurveda with Dr.SimiNayani community profile picture
🗓 Menstrual Health

Hello all, This is Dr.SimiNayani Bams, MD Ayurveda. I have been practicing Ayurveda since 5 years and the principle of healing from the root cause inspjred me to learn our very own ancient Ayurvedic science. Lets begin our healing journey with ancient wisdom! more


🗓 Menstrual Health

Your health is important. Want to get rid of your problems PCOs PCOd Anxiety Stree Diabetes Any health issue. We will make self help easier. "Holistic healing with Flower Essences" 🌼 🌸 ✨️ For more details and appointments please reach out on the +7799828588 7799828588more

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A community by a nutritionist to help you lead a healthy lifestyle which is free of diseases.more

Period Parade community profile picture
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🗓 Menstrual Health

I am Doctor. I am a independent women as well as social activist person. Specifically deals in bone , gut , cardiovascular as well neurological problems.more


🗓 Menstrual Health



🗓 Menstrual Health


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🗓 Menstrual Health

dr dheepa here.siddha physician. basil is aush hub providing siddha,ayurveda and yoga based solutions for needy people.feel free to ask your queried.glad to share my suggestions.more

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The pospose of this community is to self aware all the women's that the power is within her. To know the self power. more

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I provide Opportunity international digital work business success this is the first step you 👈🤝🤙8101667213( rejistaion from free 👈 wonderful income and beautiful lifestyle financiel freedom anytime 🆗👉🥰 your interesting inbox 📥 me contact me 👈🤝🤙more

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