Ideal VS Reallity of SEX Life
here all the Community Member can share if they have any problem related to their SEX life. we can solve together by sharing the Problem.
here all the Community Member can share if they have any problem related to their SEX life. we can solve together by sharing the Problem.
is it normal for me to have a higher sex drive than my male partner? i am married and i often find myself begging for sex to my husband who seems to have very little sex drive. we are in our 30s with no children but have been in a relationship since we were 17. he wasn't like this initially but in the last 5 years, his sex drive has declined significantly. we have a long distance relationship but even when we meet, we have sex less than once a week and it is mostly i who initiates. because of this, i have started feeling inadequate and embarassed. i feel like a begger everytime i initiate sex and feel like my husband is doing it reluctantly. what do i do? do i have a higher sex drive? or is it normal in relationships?
Actually for males, girlfriend cum wife is like a trophy. Once they achieve it, they don't feel to do anything extra for that. So you have to make him thrive for that. Till that time, explore yourself for self love. Find how you can get pleasure with clitoral stimulation and other things like sex toys. When your partner feels that he is no more important to you and you are happy yourself, then he will try to do anything for you. So just go away from him for sometime. Sometime silence speak louder. Also when he starts initiating, you can try teasing him. This will add special tadka to your bore sex life. Though you try all these and still If this is happening every time, it's quite possible that your partner need some counseling and treatment as he is low on desire. Then take him to any reputed Sexologist. Don't worry, It's completely treatable.
@Sexologist_DrKalps Hey!! I'm in a relationship with my boyfriend and I've not have sex till now. We've had my first sex and it was not long enough the first time. I don't how to tell my man about this problem of mine. I'm a bit awkward about it. Can I myself do anything to increase his sex drive and timing ???
Time of sex actually can get affected by intensity of desire, surroundings, other factors like stress, etc. So just by doing once, you can't judge anyone. Also remember penetrative sex lasts for 5-15 minutes on average & still can satisfy Only 35% of woman. Females take time to set on fire, so males need to take extra efforts to fulfill her desire. He can try different forms of sex during foreplay like oral sex, mutual masturbation etc. You can have open discussion with your partner about your expectations and you can tell him to try other forms of sex also to fill in the gaps. He loves you so he will understand you. To increase his time, actually you can tell your partner to do Kegals to control pelvic floor muscles. This will help to do start - stop method to increase Be creative & a bit consistent while doing sex. Sex with big gaps can also make him ejaculate early. Try different positions also. If still his time is less, then you can consult with Sexologist for his treatment.
My partner and I used to have a crazy hot sex life, but lately, initiating feels like a chore. Frustrated and worried I'm broken. Is the spark fading or is there something else going on? @Sexologist_DrKalps
After some years in an intimate relationship, both partners start feeling low on desire. Because We start taking each other for granted. Our stress, kids responsibility and other family matters become our priority. We stop doing anything romantic for our partner. Remember each relationship require special efforts to keep the spark alive. Still you can try to take your sex life on track: Start taking some time for you both to interact daily. Start trying other forms of intimacy like curdling, holding hands,etc. Reduce screentime and take a walk while chatting. Sex should not be limited to your bedroom only. You can still tell your partner that you love him by teasing/touching erogenically. Start enjoying achievements and shearing burden of stress. Always have open discussion about what you want in sex. Try new positions, oral sex, mutual masturbation etc to remove the boredom of your sex life. Start dating each other again. Go on vacation regularly.
I have noticed that I'm slowly loosing interest in my partner. Our chemistry has just fizzled out and I don't know what are the possible reasons. We were going good and everything was so beautiful. I'm not able to understand then why im loosing interest? @Sexologist_DrKalps
Causes of low Libido can be psychological or relationship issues, some medical conditions like diabetes, hypothyroidism, chronic illness or if you are under certain medications like anti- depressant. Even if you are taking oc pills/ birth control pills for long-term, it can also reduce your desire. First find your reason. Work on self exploration and self pleasure. Tell your partner to do it for you. In return you can do certain things for him. Go on dating again. Don't underestimate importance of cuddling, hand holding etc. Sped some quality time with him daily and/weekly, reducing screen time. If medical reasons are there, consult your Sexologist for counseling and treatment. Remember, प्यार करने का तरिका पसंद ना आये तो तरीका बदलो| जिससे प्यार करते हो उसे मत बदलो!
Now a days relationships are disturbed so much due to Sexual problems. Myself Dr Kalpana Erande working as a Sexologist for Females and Infertility specialist. We at Dr Erande's Clinic in Mumbai and Pune help couples to resolve there sexual problems, to be happy and more Fertile. Doing sex is not a work, its one of our daily needs. It not only fulfill your desire, but also keep your hormones active so that you don't need to face fertility issues. So do enjoy sex regularly......for good fertility.Also Remember almost Half of population of world is having Vagina and Clitoris, but how many of them know about orgasm?I will try to introduce you all to this untouched part of your sexual self. Be part of this journey and become Rambha -Urvashi of your own life.more
We are the sex positive doctors and experts in a safe non judgmental zone – spilling the tea on female pleasure, sexual wellness, and all things hush-hush. Whether you're just curious or a pro wanting to school others, our community is the safe spot for learning, sharing, and embracing your Sassiest self with SASSIEST- India's first doctor backed sexual wellness & pleasure brand for Women & LGBTQIA+ www.sassiesthealthcare.inmore
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Sometimes conversations get awkward if we talk about sex,but it wont happen here!💗 Lets talk openly and discuss all matters related to sex in a safe and comfortable environment, free from any awkwardness or judgment,in this community!🎀more
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