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by Rashmi Putcha on Nov 16, 2022

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#DidYouKnow Stress alone can result in sugar spikes equivalent to a state of diabetes? Share some ways you feel stressed and how you go about managing it.

# Stress alone can result in sugar spikes equivalent to a state of diabetes? Share some ways you feel stressed and how you go about managing it.
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Networkingcommented 162 days ago

I think I feel most stressed when there is less time and more to do and your work will be judged like there will be a social display of it …. And I wasn’t aware of it untill recently however I organise , prioritise and just do it and once done , it relief however within the process I am a lil cranky and do feel like there can be more support from family….. however I guess in a normal circumstance I end up doing everything for them & me to save time hence I have not made that a consistent Habit…. Hence I suffer during crisis….

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commented 166 days ago

Taking care of my body. Take deep breaths, stretch, or meditate. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals. That's enough I feel

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Hii! Look at this!! The brain doesn't feel pain, it only interprets the pain signals sent to it! Realise this!!🙂🧠✌🏼 Tc, Preetha #VisibilityMatters #Coaching #affirmations
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Thanks for sharing
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Recently got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I feel like I don't have time to work,do things I like and life in general other than diabetes. Anxiety has taken over me.
Hello, type 2 diabetes these days is very normal, and easily managed. and if you take control over yourself, it can be reversed too. so let go of the anxiety, talk to a doctor, who would explain you what it is, and get in touch with a nitritionist who can help you with diet. it is just a change in lifestyle and you will be fit as ever

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