Member since February 27, 2023 with 89 connections, 430 posts, and 232 communities. See all posts and communities by Chitra Kannal (@fitwithchitraa).
Member since February 27, 2023 with 89 connections, 430 posts, and 232 communities. See all posts and communities by Chitra Kannal (@fitwithchitraa).
"🌟 Ready to transform your fitness journey? Meet Chittrah Kanal, your expert guide in Yoga, Zumba, and functional training with 15 years of empowering experience across all ages and genders. Join Fitwithchitraa community today for endless inspiration and lifelong wellness! 💪 #FitForLife"
What is the biggest reason people don’t start their own dream business? Reply in one word. Let’s see what holds people back
#AskDocM What does #consent mean to you? Does it only apply for physical intimacy or in other aspects of your relationship as well? A 22-year-old woman asked her partner to wear a condom before penetrative sex, and he refused, saying he didn't like how it felt. At that moment put off she refused to continue. A second time this happened her partner threatened to leave her if this continues. She is concerned, wanting to please her boyfriend but also doesn't want to have unprotected sex. What should she do?
Leave the boyfriend or explain the boyfriend if he can understand… the best part is she has the courage to stand for what she believes and communicate I feel she needs to stand her ground and so strong cz the consequences will be hers that boy may escape …. Besides what kind of relationship is this where her opinion is not respected any way that boy is not worth it
@Financially Smartheck this out... This is gender bias too .. Be aware and alert. Let's get @Financially Smart What is Pink Tax? #genderequality #genderbias #tax #women
So what’s the solution to it
how can loose weight
Weight loss is a combination of 6 pillars ( holistic approach) Fitness - strength , mobility, cardio combined Food - eat to energise your body & eat when hungry, eat intuitively , slow down eat consciously, enjoy every mouthful, stop eating when you think you are full Sleep- crucial step and underrated Self love - exercise and eat healthy cz you love your body and not cz you want to punish it Gratitude for your body and functions and systems Let go of negative self talk and limiting beliefs
Did you know there various components of fitness and do you try and include them in your daily workout routine and how , do you manage it like twice week each or a combination class of 2 components or 20 minutes to each ??? What works the best for you women ??? For me a combination mostly and 4 to 5 times a week is the way to go keeps me consistent and motivated 😊 #holisticfitness #fitnessgoals #fitnessmotivation #fitnessinspiration #fitnessinfluencer #fitnessinspiration
@NutritionistHudaShaikh awesome so good to know, I am not the only one 😅!!!! 👋💪 more power to us !!!
Just some quick poll here , it’s Monday start of the week and I would like to know what’s favourite work out , exercise or movement format…. What do absolutely love and enjoy???? Let me know in the comments below 😊!!!! #Mondaymotivation #fitnessmotivation #fitwithchitraa #lovefitnesslife #loveyourself
I am so glad to know that so many of us are now also enjoying functional training and strength training or even gyming as against there were so many myths about women lifting weights and strength training , it’s so recent to our culture, I am absolutely delighted to understand that are understanding, knowledge ,preference and practices are now more inclusive …. It’s great to dance fitness and Yoga I love it too but strength training is non negotiable too like cardio and flexibility…. 🥳🥳🥳
Share your favorite feel good songs that you listen to lighten up your mood. #talktoangeltalktosomeone #letstalk #letstalkaboutmentalhealth #mentalhealth #womenempoweringwomen #womenmentalhealth
Arijit live mtv tour on YT
Looking for a workout that gets results? Share your top tips for a killer routine! @Reema1
Hey some of my top tips would be I plan , my workouts and stick to it so that otherwise my not stressing or thinking about it , I eat home cooked and freshly made food and I exercise regularly, sleep well and make healthier food choices like veggies fruits nuts maxed out carbohydrates for the first half of the day and handful protein for every meal …. And I love working out it’s my super power
Is rice ok for weight loss ?
Hey for me yes it’s ok for weight loss consumed in moderation and the fibrous version of it not the polished ones , I find gluten bloats me more so wheat roti is not good for me @hudashaikh will know more details according to your body
I've been heading to the gym for the last 15 days and I workout rigorously for 2.5 hours and I have lost only one kg. I don't know what to eat to follow a strict diet. What can I do so that I can lose 4-5 kg per month? #fitnesstrainernearme
Hey @hina balance is the key , overdoing anything won’t help , cz over the body can go in stress mode causing cramps and injuries best is to balance your work out with a professional and also consider a nutritionist…. It can be a good investment as you may wanna consider losing weight in a healthy way and not by punishing yourself….
fitwithchitraa asked 379 days ago
Is it really possible to have good relationship with a husband who and the family has superiority complex, who disrespects wife , who makes himself look good , he just treats me badly…. It’s 15 years and we have 2 kids …. I restarted working thinking I l be able to take my mind off this and ofcourse to gain some self respect & identity but then at the end of it I feel so empty now of love , friendship and respect which is needed at the end of the day after your work ends …. what on weekends…. It’s me or it’s true …. It’s becoming so hard mentally to deal with these disrespectful issues
Its good that you started working now. As you are already giving so much to your family feel proud about yourself. Once you start working it will change the existing mindset of your husband and family. Think positive, you have given 15 important years of your life to this family. If you will think of leaving them, it will be difficult for you also to live without them and what impact will you leave on the kids mentality? I just hope that ur kids are behaving well with you.
fitwithchitraa asked 379 days ago
My dob 7-2-80 and birth time 16.50 my relationship with husband is Pretty strained, I find zero respect from him in terms of money, he fights about money and hence m getting disinterested and feeling nd myself attracted to other friendships... Is there a solution to this
fitwithchitraa asked 380 days ago
My dob 7-2-80 and birth time 16.50 my relationship with husband is Pretty strained , I find zero respect from him in terms of money, he fights about money and hence m getting disinterested and feeling nd myself attracted to other friendships…. Is there a solution to this
Yes, I see less compatibility between the two of you Name Numerology and planet remedies can help you get rid of your current situation Shagun K Singh Spiritual Life Coach Satvatma-The Pure Soul
fitwithchitraa asked 399 days ago
Did you know there various components of fitness and do you try and include them in your daily workout routine and how , do you manage it like twice week each or a combination class of 2 components or 20 minutes to each ??? What works the best for you women ??? For me a combination mostly and 4 to 5 times a week is the way to go keeps me consistent and motivated 😊 #holisticfitness #fitnessgoals #fitnessmotivation #fitnessinspiration #fitnessinfluencer #fitnessinspiration
fitwithchitraa asked 399 days ago
Just some quick poll here , it’s Monday start of the week and I would like to know what’s favourite work out , exercise or movement format…. What do absolutely love and enjoy???? Let me know in the comments below 😊!!!! #Mondaymotivation #fitnessmotivation #fitwithchitraa #lovefitnesslife #loveyourself
Love functional training!
fitwithchitraa asked 398 days ago
Had sex a few days ago , husband came into me , took I pill next day , but still not got my period it’s delayed by 10 days and I can showing no line yet no negative not positive…. It’s invalid according to Ican dunno what to do
Hey ipills are not 100 % safe. If your periods are delayed kindly visit a Gynaecologist because there is always a chance of Pregnancy here!!
fitwithchitraa asked 423 days ago
Did you know dance class and a dance fitness class are completely different from each other ?
wow so 🙂,
fitwithchitraa asked 423 days ago
What’s perimenopause …. Does it have any effect on women’s body ?? How can we manage it …. Just heard someone say about it on Instagram
I am writing my masters thesis on this, if anyone seems to be experiencing “perimenopause” I would love to talk to you’
fitwithchitraa asked 429 days ago
NeetiRaman and so many content creators create content where it’s like woman is the dominator and husband is the bichara ….. I really want to ask which houses are these Jahan pe itni auraton ki dehshat hai …. Itni baat mani jaa rahi hai aur ankh dikhaate hi …. Bina ladai Jhagde ke …. 😅!!!! It’s so far from the truth…. 😂, u agree ?
Hahaha, Chitra I feel you :) Kahin kahin dekha hua hai maine ke biwi ki dehshat hoti hai, magar aksar husband's apni wife ko dominate kar rahe hai hote hai. In my case, touchwood both of us listen to each other, and make sure to have a discussion in private, if at all we didn't like something. Whatever we see on social media may not be necessarily true, kabhi kabhi it's far from the truth 😂 unrealistic expectations and goals.
fitwithchitraa asked 442 days ago
How to manage fitness when there is too much travel with like someone passed away sudden travel and then come back and there is wedding commitment so wedding prep work for self and family and then travel for the wedding…. There is no time for a mom to move then …. What do u do
hi.. I am a fitness Freak.. into hard core gymming from 23 plus years. I used to travel work wise .. most of the hotels had a decent gym, else i would go fir a walk, Do squats, floor exercise. wedding and functions yes i enjoy to the fullest... can be selective vin what to eat to a certain extent.. the next few days can be careful on the diet at home...
fitwithchitraa posted 376 days ago
Loved this mobility drill , it’s a killer core strength builder, it’s a power packed leg and glute work , totally in love with these @TanyaMalik2598 keep em coming I am enjoying seeing them , practising , mastering and recreating em !!! Love the Fitness Community on Coto it’s so encouraging to push your limits up and stretch your boundaries!!! #fitnessmotivation #hybridfunctionaltraining #functionalmovement #funtionaltraining #bodyweightworkout #compoundmovements
Awesome @Mindset by Meenal go for it and hopefully we get to see a video of you
fitwithchitraa posted 360 days ago
Many of my clients train and train so well and regularly but then go back to eating to non supportive and non nourishing the body ways of eating , I urge you all to exercise and eat to energise your bodies , sleep well rest and recovery is super important to let your muscles recover and get stronger, try to aware of stress and learn means and ways to manage it!!!! Its not a lot it all can be prioritised hence planned and worked out !!!! Here’s a recipe to help you stay on track 😊!!! #fitnessmotivation #healthyeatingideas
Such an important point! The healthy body we want is actually made at home, through our diet, number of hours we sleep and how we manage stress. Thanks for sharing this!
fitwithchitraa posted 378 days ago
Inspired by @TanyaMalik2598 :) …. Loved it and hence recreated!!! Hope it inspires all !!!! #fitnessmotivation #fitnessinspiration #functionalworkout #functionalmovement
fitwithchitraa posted 373 days ago
Sweet craving option and alternative for summers and super energising and fibrous !!!! You agree ?
True that Huda, I love it too !!!
fitwithchitraa posted 379 days ago
This was a lot of fun and best part is I could hold so well for 60 seconds , I ddnt know I could when my 6 year old was planking on me …. New discoveries 💪😊!!! It’s my fun way to bond with my kids !!! what’s your way ??? #fitnessmotivation
Absolutely... any activity other than studies done with kids makes the bond stronger... My girl is a young woman now... so we watch movies togather...
fitwithchitraa posted 356 days ago
Healthy eating is boring or are we lazy to be creative 😂😂😂!!! Trust me its not so hard if you make up your mind to be fit healthy energetic strong pretty gorgeous younger it’s all in your control, take charge , be the leader of your life and exercise every day , move every day , eat to nourish your body , rest well, love your self , have gratitude for your body and let go your mental blocks of what your body can do , your body is magic , it only keeps getting better every day !!! #eathealthy #stayfit #fitnessmotivation #fitwithchitraa
I know what a lovely way to have sandwichi feeling and add no bread and still nourish the body na ….
fitwithchitraa posted 361 days ago
How many Sushi s are too many Sushi s 😁!!!! Love this homemade Sushi using Nori sheet , ukda chawal or khichdi chawal vinegard (sticky rice) !!!! Cucumber, carrots, zucchini and tofu (available veggies at home) !!!! #healthyeating #healthyeatingideas #fitnessmotivation
I have encountered many disadvantages of sushi. That's why I never considered making it.😐
fitwithchitraa posted 298 days ago
Hello my Coto women , Real fitness isn’t about choosing between walking, yoga, or hitting the gym—it’s about combining all three and having a balanced approach rather than over doing only one format !!! Cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises are essential for an effective workout plan!!! #holisticapproach #CardioStrengthMobility #TotalBodyWorkout #FunctionalFitness #CardioStrengthBlend #StrengthAndMobility #HolisticFitness #BalancedTraining #FitAndFlexible #WorkoutVariety #AllInOneWorkout #FitnessCombo #MoveBetter #StrongAndFlexible #CardioStrengthRoutine #cardio #strength #flexibility
fitwithchitraa posted 364 days ago
Healthy dinner ideas 😊
It certainly was HUDA and healthy is nourishing and can be tasty too
fitwithchitraa posted 263 days ago
Balanced approach or a combined approach is the key to success in fitness and I feel pretty much in every aspect of life !!!! Fitness has many components of which Strength, Mobility and Cardio are the basics to focus on in your exercise regime for sure !!!! Do make sure your exercise routine consists of these to get you the best results…. #holistichealth #holisticfitness #health #healthcoach #fitnesscoach #fitnessinspiration
fitwithchitraa posted 376 days ago
Loved this mobility drill , it’s a killer core strength builder, it’s a power packed leg and glute work , totally in love with these @TanyaMalik2598 keep em coming I am enjoying seeing them , practising , mastering and recreating em !!! Love the Fitness Community on Coto it’s so encouraging to push your limits up and stretch your boundaries!!! #fitnessmotivation #hybridfunctionaltraining #functionalmovement #funtionaltraining #bodyweightworkout #compoundmovements
Awesome @Mindset by Meenal go for it and hopefully we get to see a video of you
fitwithchitraa posted 378 days ago
Inspired by @TanyaMalik2598 :) …. Loved it and hence recreated!!! Hope it inspires all !!!! #fitnessmotivation #fitnessinspiration #functionalworkout #functionalmovement
Thank you 😊
MindsetbyMeenal posted 378 days ago
Hard work and self belief can help you achieve anything in Life ✨✨✨ #selfbelief #hardwork #mindsetcoaching #mindsetmatters @123_angeappy
Awesome 👏 congratulations to her and great work Meenal …
Coachmennaelmoshneb posted 297 days ago
You can always add your cardio within your strength exercise
True that thanks for sharing this
fitwithchitraa posted 373 days ago
Sweet craving option and alternative for summers and super energising and fibrous !!!! You agree ?
True that Huda, I love it too !!!
tam_tam_lifts posted 368 days ago
Find serenity in the stillness of your breath, as your body gracefully flows through the rhythms of existence. In the silence of your practice, discover the echoes of your soul's journey - Yoga. #yogaaddicted #fitnessgoals #protocolinstrutorinyoga
Super @tam_tam_lifts …. Looking forward to seeing more
fitwithchitraa posted 356 days ago
Healthy eating is boring or are we lazy to be creative 😂😂😂!!! Trust me its not so hard if you make up your mind to be fit healthy energetic strong pretty gorgeous younger it’s all in your control, take charge , be the leader of your life and exercise every day , move every day , eat to nourish your body , rest well, love your self , have gratitude for your body and let go your mental blocks of what your body can do , your body is magic , it only keeps getting better every day !!! #eathealthy #stayfit #fitnessmotivation #fitwithchitraa
I know what a lovely way to have sandwichi feeling and add no bread and still nourish the body na ….
fitwithchitraa posted 298 days ago
Hello my Coto women , Real fitness isn’t about choosing between walking, yoga, or hitting the gym—it’s about combining all three and having a balanced approach rather than over doing only one format !!! Cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises are essential for an effective workout plan!!! #holisticapproach #CardioStrengthMobility #TotalBodyWorkout #FunctionalFitness #CardioStrengthBlend #StrengthAndMobility #HolisticFitness #BalancedTraining #FitAndFlexible #WorkoutVariety #AllInOneWorkout #FitnessCombo #MoveBetter #StrongAndFlexible #CardioStrengthRoutine #cardio #strength #flexibility
fitwithchitraa posted 364 days ago
Healthy dinner ideas 😊
It certainly was HUDA and healthy is nourishing and can be tasty too
roastingrosette554 posted 275 days ago
unable to get back into shape even after cardio and also always feel lethargic
And if you could help with more like your occupation, medical history, age , how many times a week cardio , lifestyle I would be able to guide even better
My name is Chittrah Kanal , one husband 😅, 2 kids & 15 years of expertise in Zumba, yoga, and functional training ( mostly body weight work) . Bharat Natyam Dancer turned wedding choreographer turned fitness trainer & now a holistic fitness Content creator . Through engaging and dynamic content, I aim to inspire healthier lifestyles , wellness practices & movement mentality. Whether it's through energetic Zumba routines, serene yoga sessions, or effective functional training home workouts or fitness tips , I love to help & reach out to men , women & kids across age groups achieve their fitness goals. And remember fitness is mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual and hence physical and then social 😊!!!more
I am intuitive and certified tarot and numerology reader and I am in to this journey since 2017 and every modality has transformed me into a new me everyday. Tarot came into my life as a blessing and it bought a lot of positive changes. when I spread my cards I feel the divine energies around me. I feel I am just a mediator between my clients and divine the energies. I am always ready and willing to help everyone with positivity. I want to share my knowledge and guidance with each and everyone who really needs a help to make their lives more beautiful, positive and happy. more
this community is to share the things that we are passionate about and allow ourselves to understand and connect with others through storytelling, sharing our real stories with creativity!more
A space where you will get awareness and support about mental health and self care. I will be sharing certain tips and self help strategies to support you through for your difficult days. This is about making you feel worthy and help you realize that You Matter!more
I provide Opportunity international digital work business success this is the first step you 👈🤝🤙8101667213( rejistaion from free 👈 wonderful income and beautiful lifestyle financiel freedom anytime 🆗👉🥰 your interesting inbox 📥 me contact me 👈🤝🤙more
this community is for podcasters and people with podcast interest that love to come together to collab give advice creative ideas and sharing and discussing podcast experiences or just thoughts on podcast. do you have any podcast solutions concerns or even embarrassments we can talk about it here because this is creative podcasting mindsetsmore