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by Coach Maha on May 8, 2024

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Clinical psychologist And Psychotherapist and addiction therapist Obsessive-compulsive disorder ، Anxiety ,depression , ايضا بقدم خدماتى مع اضطرابات الشخصيه و الجنسيه والميول المثليه باكثر من مدرسةعلاجيه مثل العلاج المعرفى السلوكى والجدلى السلوكى و التقبل والالتزام والعلاج الزواجى

🧠 Mental Health
Grief Counselling

تعديل .. هو رياضى جدا وكان بيدخل بطولات كمال اجسام مش باين عليه السن يعني ومهتم بنفسه جدا أنا متخرجه من سنه وعندى 25 سنه صحبتى اخوها عنده 45 سنه عايش ف امريكا من زمان شغال مدرب رياضي وكان متجوز امريكيه ومراته ماتىت ومخلفش عشان مراته كانت تعبىانىه وهى قالتله عليا قالها ف الاول صغير قالته هي مش مقتنعه ب اى حد بيتقدملها من سنها وبتعجب بناس كبيره عشان ناضجين. وقالها قوليها تصلى استخاره وتكلم اهلها واكلمها. افکر واقعد معا نتعرف❤️ .. ارفض من بره بره .😢

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New Mothersanswered 109 days ago

اهلا وسهلا عزيزتى 🥰 جميله كوتو خلينى اخد من اخر الرساله وايموجى الفرح والحب لو قعدت معاه وايموجى الحزن لو رفضتى من بره بره زى مقولتى السؤال هنا انت عايزه ايه ؟ ايه اللى شيفاه لو حصل هيريحك وهتكونى مبسوطه بيه وايه سبب إعجابك بأشخاص كبيره وشعورك بنصجهم عن الأصغر سنا؟ فى تساؤلات محتاجه اسالهالك وتجاوبى عليها علشان ااقدر اساعدك بشكل أعمق لان كل سؤال وصحته ليك ليه اسباب وهى اللى يتخلى اختيارتى نابعه منها اشجعك تحضرى اللايف وتدخلى تسالى تحت امرك حتى لو عنوان اللايف مختلف عن تساؤلك انت اولويه حابه اساعدك لان قرار الجواز قرار مصيري وف فروق كتير حابه افهمها منك واساعدك ع الأساس ده لايفاتى الساعه ١١ص ١ظ ٣ظ كل الايام ما عدا الاحد والاربع من الساعه ٣ م ٥م ٨م دمتى بخير وود 🥰

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Workoutsanswered 109 days ago

نفس مشكلتى وانتهت بالطلاق بسبب انه رياضى وكان ليه علاقات نسائيه كتيره هناك لان ده كان سهل وببلاش وفرق السن كان عامل مشاكل فى التفكير بينا وانفصلنا انصحك تفكرى كويس فرق السن هيحسسك انك مكتئبه دايما ومش فى مكانك الصح واتأكدى انه مش بيزنى وبتاع ستات لان لو فيه الصفه دى هتتعذبى واحتمال ينقلك مرض جنسيى يبهدلك العمر الى جاى كله فخلى بالك الرياضى مبيعرفش يعد من غير سكس الا من رحم ربى وربنا يوفقك يارب

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How long do two people need to live together before it's considered cohabitation?
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Cohabitation, or living together, is generally considered when two individuals share a residence and maintain a domestic life, often resembling that of a married couple. The specific time frame that qualifies as cohabitation can vary depending on local laws, cultural norms, or legal systems. In many jurisdictions, cohabitation is recognized after a certain period, typically ranging from six months to a year, though this can differ.
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My partner and I have been together for seven months, and we’ve been talking about moving in together. I’m excited about the idea, but I can’t shake the feeling that it might be too soon. Is seven months considered too early to take this step, and what factors should we consider before making a decision?
During this time, have you built a solid foundation of trust, communication, and understanding? It's important to discuss your expectations regarding finances, household responsibilities, and personal space. If you both feel comfortable addressing potential challenges and have a clear vision for your future together, seven months could be a reasonable timeframe. However, if you have lingering doubts or haven’t fully explored how you handle conflicts, it might be worth taking a bit more time to ensure you’re both truly ready for this commitment.
During this time, have you built a solid foundation of trust, communication, and understanding? It's important to discuss your expectations regarding finances, household responsibilities, and personal space. If you both feel comfortable addressing potential challenges and have a clear vision for your future together, seven months could be a reasonable timeframe. However, if you have lingering doubts or haven’t fully explored how you handle conflicts, it might be worth taking a bit more time to ensure you’re both truly ready for this commitment.
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There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how long you should date before moving in together, as it largely depends on the individual couple and their unique circumstances. Generally, many experts suggest dating for at least six months to a year before making the decision, as this allows time to build a solid foundation and understand each other’s habits and values. It’s important to consider factors like communication, conflict resolution, and long-term compatibility. Ultimately, the timing should feel right for both partners; discussing expectations, goals, and concerns openly can help ensure that you're both ready to take this significant step together.
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"Is it true that couples who live together before marriage have a higher chance of divorce? My partner and I are thinking of moving in, but we've heard mixed things about how it might affect our future.
The idea that living together before marriage leads to a higher divorce rate is a common belief, but it's not that straightforward. Research on the topic has shown mixed results. In the past, some studies suggested a higher risk of divorce for couples who cohabited first, but more recent research indicates that this may not be the case anymore. What matters more are factors like the quality of the relationship, communication, and the reasons for moving in together. Couples who live together with clear intentions, strong commitment, and shared goals tend to have similar outcomes to those who don't cohabit before marriage. It's less about the act of living together and more about how you approach your relationship and the decisions you make together.
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Yes, having separate lives in a relationship can be quite healthy and beneficial. Maintaining individual interests, friendships, and hobbies allows partners to grow personally and prevents dependence on each other for happiness. This independence fosters a sense of identity and self-esteem, which can ultimately enhance the relationship. It also provides opportunities for partners to bring new experiences and perspectives into the relationship, enriching their connection. Open communication about personal boundaries and time spent apart is crucial, as it helps ensure that both partners feel valued and supported. In this way, a balance between togetherness and individuality can strengthen the bond and lead to a more fulfilling partnership.
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"Since moving in together, it feels like my partner and I are fighting more often. Is this a normal part of the transition?
Yes, it’s quite normal for couples to experience more conflicts after moving in together. This transition often brings new challenges, such as adjusting to each other's habits, managing shared responsibilities, and navigating finances. As couples spend more time together, underlying issues may surface that were previously overlooked, leading to disagreements. However, these conflicts can also be opportunities for growth if addressed constructively. Open communication about expectations, boundaries, and concerns is essential in resolving these issues and fostering a healthier relationship. With time and effort, many couples find that they can navigate these challenges and emerge stronger together.
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"My partner and I are thinking about moving in together, but I've heard there can be risks involved with cohabitation. What are some potential risks we should be aware of?"
Cohabitation can offer many benefits, but it also comes with potential risks that couples should consider. One significant risk is the possibility of differing expectations; partners may have varying views on commitment, financial responsibilities, or future plans, which can lead to conflicts. Additionally, cohabiting couples may experience a phenomenon known as "sliding," where they move in together without fully discussing their relationship goals, leading to a lack of clarity about their future.
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"My partner and I are considering moving in together, and I'm curious—what are the benefits of cohabitation that we should keep in mind?
heyy dear. spending time with each other is most important part in living relationship.it will make you to understand about your partner more better.sharing everything with your partner makes you feel happy in every moment 😊
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"My partner and I have been discussing the possibility of moving in together, but we're unsure if it's too soon. For those who’ve been through this, how did you know it was the right time to take that step? Did the length of time you dated matter, or was it more about how well you knew each other?"
There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer for when to move in together, as every relationship is different. For some couples, a few months might feel right, while for others, it could take a year or more. The key is to focus less on the amount of time you’ve been dating and more on how well you communicate, trust each other, and handle conflict. It’s important to make sure you both share similar goals for the future and are comfortable with the idea of sharing personal space and responsibilities.
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My partner and I have been considering moving in together before getting married, but I’m curious—do couples who live together beforehand tend to stay together longer? For those of you who have been through this, did living together help strengthen your relationship before marriage?
Living together before marriage can offer couples valuable insights into their compatibility and daily habits, potentially leading to stronger relationships. Many couples find that sharing a space helps them communicate better and navigate challenges together, which can strengthen their bond. However, the outcome varies; some couples thrive in this arrangement, while others may discover incompatibilities that lead to breakups. Ultimately, the success of a relationship depends more on effective communication, mutual respect, and shared goals than on the decision to live together before marriage.

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