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Cheating Hookups and Flings

by Kavya_r on Nov 10, 2023

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I am 24 (F) Dating a Muslim man, but I'm Hindu. Our families wouldn't approve. Is this relationship worth fighting for?

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Trendinganswered 30 days ago

Do you both see a future together. If you are sure how you can navigate things and plan a future together, it's worth putting the efforts. If you are unsure, reconsider your decision.

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New Mothersanswered 30 days ago

Yes why not. If you both love each other then how does it matter if you are from different religion. Convincing family is difficult but keep trying until they get convinced. Explain to them about how u love each other.

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New Mothersanswered 23 days ago

I know it's a difficult situation. Try communicating with your parents, try to make them understand the situation. Remember, in the end, it's your life, so choose what makes you happy.

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Networkinganswered 19 days ago

Hi. I can understand what you are going through. As a therapist, I feel you should try to communicate with your family members about this situation! See how they respond and take their concerns into perspectives too! It’s totally worth fighting for!

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Surrogacyanswered 19 days ago

In my opinion the person who is in love with someone, can't see her partner's other side. You should confirm first that the guy you are dating is genuine or not. You can take help from family (means from brother) or close friends. Please inquire properly and then take decision with calm mind. I am not blaming any community, but always be careful while taking decision about your life partner. Your family is not your enemy. They appose because they care for you. If everything is clear, you can convince your family for it.

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Embrace love in all its colors and empower acceptance - because nobody should be judged for their sexual orientation, rather celebrated for flourishing as their true authentic selves.uvhvhchxgcccy
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دكتور هي اي صفات الشخصيه النرجسيه
لما بتدخلي علاقة مع شخص نرجسي اول فترة بتبقى ولا حكايات ديزني وحب ودبيب اوڤر وكأنه مفيهوش غلطة وبيبقى في مشاعر كتير اوي وحب مدلدق في كل حتة وتزييف لمدى عمق العلاقة والحميمة اللي فيها لما يلاقي الشخص اللي معاه اتعلق بيه يبتدي يقلل منه وينتقده ويدمر ثقته في نفسه بالتدريج وواحدة واحدة عشان ماتحسيش باللي بيحصل ويشكك في نفسك انك بيتهيقلك انه بينتقدك ويرميلك شوية حب يصبرك وبعدين يعزلك عن كل الناس اللي كانت قريبة منك وبتحبك ويحسسك ان محدش بيحبك غيره ولما خلاص طاقتك تخلص وتقرري تقفيله بيقلب الترابيزة انك كنتي بتخدعيه وعمرك ما حبيتيه وعشان كدة لازم يسيبك ويدور على حد تاني يلعب عليه اللعبة دي تاني
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I have been together with my bf for more than 5 years now. We started dating when we were in our college. Now we both are settled in our career. I think this is the right time to propose him. Do you think it is too soon to propose? Pls advice
i think from my experience, you should clear on your thoughts regarding needs and requirement from marriage and weather he accept it also, then it will easier for you later on to maintain happy relationship
I think it will be better to first ask him his future goals and how he see relationship in near future, try to understand his and your vision together, and then maybe asking a mutual friend take this step, all the best
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دكتور انا مامتي بجد لتوجعتي كل يوم باسلوبها معايا نفسيتي تعبت كل يوم بتكسرني وتحسسني اني ولا وحاجه اعمل اي
كنتي معايا في اللايف حاولت ارد عليكي غالباً مكنتيش سمعاني ،مبسوطه انك تواصلتي معايا هنا وان شاء الله اساعدك . من اصعب المواقف في المواجهة والتواصل هي المواقف مع الوالدين وده نتيجة اسباب كتير اهمها الابتزاز العاطفي والنقد . في مهارات التواصل بنتعامل مع المواقف دي بالتدريج وبمجموعه من الخطوات عشان تقدري تعبري عن الحقايق اللي تعباكي،مشاعرك واحتياجاتك منهم بالتحديد ،وكمان تستعدي للرد علي اي انتقاد بمنتهي الثقه والإيجابية. تتقدري تدخلي معايا call في اللايف الجاي نتكلم بتفاصيل اكتر ونطبق مع بعض الخطوات علي المواقف اللي بتحصل معاكي ونتابع النتايج . مواعيدي كل يوم من السبت للخميس من الساعة٩.٣٠ ص:٢.٠٠ ظ ومن٠٠ .١١ م:١.٠٠
اهلاً بيكي معاكي علياء احمد اخصائي نفسي أنا متفهمه شعورك انت محتاجه مساحه امنه للتعبير عن مشاعرك وكمان تعرفي تحطي حدود في التعامل بشكل مناسب علشان متحسيش بالذنب . حاولي انك كمان تحطي تركيزك كله في حاجات تانيه بتحبيها عشان تشتت انتباهك مع الشاعر السلبيه تجاه والدتك وتحولي طاقه التركيز الي ناتج إيجابي في تحقيق حاجات تضيفلك مشاعر ايجابيه وكمان هستناكي يوم السبت في اللايف الساعه ٨ هتكلم عن الحدود وإزاي نحميها. ولو محتاجه تسالي تقدري تبعتيلي علي الكومينتي mental health talk هرد عليكي
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For the past three months, my relationship with my best friend has been changing inexplicably. He's been avoiding me, and on May 11th, I caught him with another girl. Shockingly, I learned they've been together for over eight months. This revelation shattered my heart, and yesterday, he officially ended things between us. Is it advisable to move on swiftly from such a painful situation, or is it better to wait before attempting to move forward?
Its advisable that you first accept how hurt and betrayed you are right now, first you lost a meaningful bond, then you faced betrayed and trust issue and also such seperation of him without knowing and understanding how you feel can be a difficult situation to be in, I suggest first you understand you are hurt and you also need social support, try connecting with more people, slowly try to move on, be honest with how you feel and don’t rush,i hope you get some good friends ships in near future
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Hey girls. !! I'm not the dating type. like I don't understand the concept of dating but not for marriage. so. yeah I'm in a relationship after a while and now I don't wanna scare this man off. We both like each other but. I don't how to convey my feelings to him. Do you guys know what is the time or what's some indication that a couple should say I love you!!!
I feel minimum wait for 2 months before you confess in words but do reflect your love through actions and care, also when you start to see that you guys are independently growing in your careers and also spending a good time together and mutually compatible and the trust is their then i feel confess and embrace your love
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I have started dating someone just few months back and for the first time I feel that everything would be good. His intentions towards me are clear from his actions. But my family is pressuring me to get married or ATLEAST get engaged. But I am not too sure of taking this big step,though i do like him. What do you think how long should couples wait to get engaged?
You are right, its never right to rush for these things, you should discuss with your partner and honestly how you feel and how much time you need, theres no one right time and its more about when you feel financially and mentally ready for it

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I am a mother and an educator in charter schools and ABC Youth Foundation. I host several podcast it's a huge passion of mine and I also produce I strongly feel that empathy is the glue of humanity and without it what do we have for understanding one another and being kind toward one another is what keeps Us human it's what makes it work and without it what can possibly get better you must hold on to that and remember and show it where it's needed so that people can know what it is and be able to show that same to others connecting and growing with others is within the foundations of empathy that's how the world gets better so we can understand we don't have to directly know one another we must be that change and it starts with us, we must be the change we want to see!more







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