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by Richa Anirudh on Dec 17, 2022

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Zindagi With Richa is an effort to bring forth stories of people who can motivate us and inspire us become better humans, thus creating a better society. It is a celebration of the never say die spirit through real life stories.

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There is uncertainty as to when Rakhi actually is or should actually be celebrated this year. Is it on 11th or 12th of August?? Which out of the two dates is correct for it??

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Trendinganswered 4 days ago

Hi , this not correct dates Raksha Bandhan comes 19th of August.

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can i tie rakhi to my cousin brother as I do not have aby sould brother whom i can tie rakhi to?
yes! you can tie Rakhi to your cousin brother. many people follow this ritual.
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can rakhi be tied after sunset?? What is a good time to tie rakhi?
every year, there is specific moohrata (auspicious time) for tieing rakhi, you can check that and tie accordingly. For getting clarity about any other doubt in your mind you can join my live sessions and get clarity. Shriiya Shukla Tarot Expert at CoTo
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hi, dear you can worn white color on Monday for good luck
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I don’t have a sister, and I want to celebrate Raksha Bandhan. How do you celebrate Raksha Bandhan without a sister? Are there alternative ways to honor the tradition, maybe with close friends or other family members? I want to keep the spirit of the festival alive.
Yes, of course! Rakshabandhan is celebrated with all those who we want to protect or with whom we are safe or have an emotional bond, if you do not have any siblings then you celebrate it with a girl who you consider as your sister or any girl you want to protect, make them feel safe or have an emotional bond with. For a girl's POV it's all about the blessings and love she feels for her brother. She prays for the success of her brother. you can celebrate this festival with your friends and your family members too, and you can come to my live session for more information. Thank You So Much God Bless You & I wish that you Celebrate this beautiful festival With Your Friends And Family happily. Shriiya Shukla, Tarot Expert at CoTo .
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Is it common for sisters to visit their brothers' houses for Raksha Bandhan? Do sisters go to their brothers' houses to celebrate, or do brothers come to their sisters? I want to make sure we’re following the right tradition and making the most of this special day.
Hi, Both Sister and Brother can go to each other's house and can tie Rakhi. It is just to see who is comfortable traveling. you can celebrate this festival by going to each other's house. For more information like this You can join my live sessions and get clarity for all your questions. Shriiya Shukla Tarot Expert at CoTo
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my brother is always in haste to remove rakhi after i tie it on raksha bandhan. When is a good time to remove it??
Hi dear this Raksha Bandhan you tie the Rakhi to your brother's choice then definitely he will wear Rakhi for someday.
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who is the God who commanded to celebrate Rakhi??
Hi, dear lord Krishna commanded to celebrate rakhi
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is raksha bandhan only for brothers??
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عيد جوازي كان امبارح وعملت تجهيزات ولبست وحضرت اكل وكنت مبسوطه اوي لانه اول سنه وجوزي جه قالي انا مش فايقلك ودخل نام وصحي تاني يوم لقاني بعىيط قالي انا مش عاوز. تفىاهه وقىرف
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اهلاً يا جميله 🌸 متفهمه جدا شعورك وواصلي من كلامك انك حاسه بخذلان من التصرف الي جوزك عملوا، عايزاكي قبل ما تتصرفي تعملي حاجه مهمه اوي انك تقعدي مع نفسك وتكتبي كل المشاعر السلبيه الي انتي حاسه بيها وبعدها اكتبي انهي حاجه من المشاعر دي خاصه بيكي وانهي خاصه بزوجك أو الموقف الي حصل علشان تقدري تحددي اي هي المشاعر الي هتتناقشي فيها مع زوجك من خلال النقاط الي هتختاريها. بعدها حاولي تختاري وقت مناسب علشان تتكلمي فيه معاه وخليكي صريحه ومحدده وواضحه والأفضل نتكلم مع بعض اكتر علشان نفهم تفاصيل مع بعض عن المشكله هستناكي في لايف النهارده الساعه ١٠ أو كل يوم ماعدا يوم الجمعه الساعه ٨، ١٠، ١١ ، وممكن تتابعيني علي mental health talk ودا ال community بتاعي اتمنالك يوم لطيف ☺️
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i am in love with one boy gopi nayak is date of birth is feb 19 1997 will he marry me my date of birth is april 4 2003
yes but it will take time

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