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by Subhi_cotocreator on Jun 27, 2023

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What is it called when you live together before marriage?

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Rituals & Practicesanswered 25 days ago


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Supportanswered 24 days ago

Cohabitation/live -in relationships

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answered 22 days ago

live in relationships

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Special Childrenanswered 21 days ago

live in

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Bakinganswered 21 days ago

When you live with your partner before marriage, that's called "cohabiting" or being a couple who shares a living space. It's a way for some couples to test the waters of living together before making a bigger commitment.

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Hi Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Reproductive Health Expert. I understand how much you are feeling low and dejected. But I believe this isn't healthy for you. It seems like a trauma response and I would want to know why you believe you can't live without him. Do join my live sessions and connect with me.
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My husband keeps asking for space in our relationship but I am not sure how can I give it time him cause everything we do in our daily lives, its together. Whether its eating, going out, etc. Wouldn’t giving him space mean that we live apart or do not communicate as much?? Wouldn’t it feel like a divorce🥹
Hello , You can spend time with your husband but maybe give him 1 hr in a day alone where he can get own personal time . There is a rule called 7:30 rule where you spend 70 percent time together but give 30 percent not coz in a relationship it is very important to have your own space for ones growth and development.
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How can I tell if he regrets rejecting me??
Hello Dear. If you mean, he is still talking to you, you might sense through his actions. He might either feel guilty and not face you. In this case, we can't tell for sure if he regrets. But if he wants to, he would approach. If he doesn't, then mostly he isn't ready. Regrets wouldn't be easy to read unless we actually know how he felt when you asked him out. Hope that answers. Do join my live to have more conversations.
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What is a backburner relationship?? Is it related to being tired emotionally in a relationship??
Hi Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. Backburner relationship is something where the person currently in a relationship but keeps another one as a backup. This isn't a healthy relationship. Hope that answers. Do join my live sessions to learn more.
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I have recently realized that my boyfriend is quite toxic in many ways. He doesn’t understand me, is not there for me emotionally and only is worried abt bills when we go out. We have been in a relationship for quite some time now, but I don’t know how i was blinded by all of these signs. I really want to let him go and break up with him but i cannot seem to. I love him and I don’t know how to break out of this viscous cycle.
hi there, I'm a clinical psychologist and I will just like to say that realizing that your boyfriend is toxic can be painful and really confusing, especially when you have invested so much time and emotions into the relationship. It is normal to feel trapped but you have to prioritize your well-being and that is crucial. keeping that in mind while you acknowledge your feelings and reflect on what your needs are and if they're being met, talk to your friend or someone else from support and create a plan. Be firm about your decision and focus on your needs. Remember, ending a toxic relationship is an act of self-love.
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What is stonewalling in a relationship??
Hello Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. Stonewalling is basically silent treatment we call it. They would start to create distance and stop communicating with you. Hope that answers. Do join my live sessions and ask any more questions you have.
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Does falling out of love for your partner mean you have changed as a person?? I feel I am going through this transition where I no longer feel the same kind of passion i used to feel towards my partner. I feel that our thoughts do not align anymore and that is one of the biggest reason for this.
Thoughts can change and so can a person. I believe a person evolves with time. But falling out of love due to change in thoughts or evolving as a person can’t be the standalone reason. Dig deeper.

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