by drrababpedo on Feb 20, 2024

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All informations to be known for mother for a healthy dental childhood healthy teeth equal happy and healthy child abouth oral health care since birth all kinds of treatment needed and how to prevent caries how to choose my child dentist and how to make the visit easier online consultations

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سلام عليكم معاكم د رباب اول فكرة حابة اتكلم عنها وهي متي نبدأ بغسيل اسنان الاطفال؟

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New Mothersanswered 57 days ago

لما يبدأوا ياكلوا اعتقد

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New Mothersanswered 57 days ago

بعد سنتين تقريبا

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I'm (happily!) sexually active with my boyfriend, and let's just say oral sex is a pretty regular part of our routine. Recently, I came across something about dental dams and... honestly, I wasn't sure if they were just for specific situations or if it's something we should be using every single time. I know they can help prevent the spread of STIs, which is obviously important. But is it overkill to use one every time? Do they, like, decrease the pleasure for him? Please help thanks
Are you also doing penetrative sex also? Because then you have to use condom also. If you and your partner are involved physically with each other only and don't have multiple partners, then get both of you tested once and make it clear that no one from you are having any STI. Then you can enjoy this as it is without dental dam. But if any one of you are with more than one partner, then it's better to use it every time. Also yearly testing can be done if you want to be sure always. It's always better to take precautions to avoid consequences. Though it's not liked by you, it's better for you.
I understand your concern but protection is also important.
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My aunt is paralysed on the right side and lives under care. she cannot move, eat or do anything by herself. I often visit her to take care and I find myself wondering what is the purpose of life in care?
wow it's super
Hey there Firstly, it's very kind of you to support your aunt during her tough time. Purpose of life differs for everyone. We might be working to contribute to ourselves and our families, that gives us a sense of purpose. People who are under care may not have the same universal purpose but their focus might shift from working to being a part of the human experience. She might get to spend that time with you and loved ones and that alone is a huge comfort to harbour. Try helping her participate in something that makes her feel involved and a part of. This can boost her self esteem and self worth also reducing isolation and loneliness. This will also enable you to make wonderful memories with her.
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أخليه يهتم بريحته إزاي ؟ هو مهتم بشكله عادي ومنظم ونضيف بيستحمى على طول بس عايزة أقوله يحط ديودرينت أجيبهاله إزاي
اهلا وسهلا بيكي ♥️ معاكي سلڤيا نبيل معالج نفسي ممكن تجبيله هدية ديوديرانت وتقوليله بحب ريحته اوي وانه بيفرق معاكي اوي بطريقة لطيفة😍 واهلا وسهلا بيكي وبكل اسئلتك وتقدري ت join فال community the healing journey وتساليني اي سوال محتجاه♥️
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تستطيع ان تطمئن#mentalhealth #netflix #ps
مش عارفة بجد
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My less than straight and genetically discolored teeth have usually held me back from speaking up and letting my voice be heard. This is why I began to love writing so much from my late teens until now. It let me use my voice without ever needing to open my mouth. I still have never been able to afford braces so I struggle with this one on a daily basis. I really want to come out of this struggle now but don't know how? @DrANJALYRAHAR
Consider exploring options like clear aligners or other affordable orthodontic solutions. Additionally, confidence-building exercises and therapy can help you embrace your unique voice and appearance while expressing yourself more confidently in various situations.
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صباح الخير انا طبيبة تغذية عايزة انضم لفريق العمل
unable to understand your language
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My son had a bad cough and throat and his not making it to school what should I do?
Ideally it is best to check in with your pediatrician. Give him warm fluids and some steam to loosen up any thick mucus. Depending on his age, for older children you can show how to do a saline gargle. As for medications it is best to get a prescription as it is difficult to know what is causing the sore throat without an examination. Do not give antibiotics without a prescription.
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Looking for the best tips on maintaining a healthy and vibrant smile?
floss... it's underated but helps a lot
Brush ur teeth daily. you can take personality development classes.
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سلام عليكم معاكم د رباب اخصائية طب اسنان الاطفال تكون معاكم في كل ما يخص اسنان الاطفال وكيفية العناية بها والتغذية المناسبة لصحة الأسنان ودائما لازم نكون عارفين ان صحة الطفل بتبدا من صحة الفم. هبدا اول بوست ليا بسؤال وشاركوني بالإجابة في كومنت، ما السن الذي يبدأ فيه التبديل للأسنان الدائمة ؟ Hope you join my community 🤩
من بعد اول سنه تقريبا
hello doctor❤️❤️

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